Browse Items (25 total)

Kim Ung, Loretta Ung, Sue Sem
Group portrait of Kim Ung, Loretta Ung, and Sue Sem. They stand on grass in front of a hedge, window, and door.

DeLee Staunton Childhood Scenes A
Four photos depicting DeLee Staunton as a child.

Photo A: Group photo. Left to right, Mary Hanrahan - grandmother, J. C. Hanrahan - grandfather, Ann Hanrahan - aunt, Margarite "Peggy" Staunton - mother, and DeLee Staunton.

Photo B: Outdoor…

DeLee Playing with Toys A
Three outdoor photos showing DeLee Staunton playing with several toys.

Photo A: DeLee stands in front of a hedge. She holds a teddy bear wearing a dress in her arms. She looks towards the right of the view.

Photo B: DeLee crouches over a doll…

Ventura Beach and Moore's Cottage Tide Pools A
Three photos showing DeLee Staunton and her parents at the beach.

Photo A: Peggy and DeLee build a sandcastle with moat surrounding it.

Photo B: DeLee lies on the beach next to a sandcastle. She lies on her stomach and is propped up on her…

Staunton Family in Sierra Nevada A
Three photos depicting the Staunton family's visit to the Sierra Nevada mountains.

Photo A: Peggy and C. C. Staunton stand together in front of a lake. Both wear Jodhpur pants and boots. Peggy wears a tank top and has a sweater or scarf tied over…

DeLee with Frosty the Dog A
Two outdoor photos of DeLee and her dog Frosty.

Photo A: DeLee and her father C. C. Staunton stand on the Ventura Beach. DeLee holds Frosty, a white terrier-type dog in her arms. Pier in background.

Photo B: DeLee and Frosty stand in a garden…

Life at Fallbrook A
Four outdoor photos depicting the Staunton family at Fallbrook.

Photo A: DeLee Staunton standing in a dirt yard. She wears a dark coat over her dress and holds a baby doll in her arms. House in background.

Photo B: C. C. and DeLee Staunton…

Life at Fallbrook A
Four photos depicting life of the Staunton family at Fallbrook.

Photo A: Peggy and DeLee Staunton sit together on a striped seat. Peggy wears a checked, flapper-style dress and necklace. She looks towards DeLee. DeLee lounges against the side of…

Life at Fallbrook A
Five outdoor scenes showing the Staunton family during their time at Fallbrook.

Photo A: C. C. and DeLee Staunton at the steps outside of the Fallbrook house. C. C. sits cross-legged on the wall beside the steps. DeLee stands beside her father…

Staunton Family at the Fallbrook Home A
Three photos of the Staunton family at the Fallbrook house.

Library records include note, "Father worked two years to change orchard from figs and olives to new crop Avocado."

Photo A: Outdoor scene showing the Staunton family sitting on the…

Staunton Family Photos A
Three photos showing members of the Staunton family.

Photo A: DeLee Staunton and her mother Peggy standing by a four-limbed tree in Plaza Park, Ventura. DeLee stands in front, and holds two of the main branches. She wears a white dress and brimmed…

Staunton Family in Plaza Park A
Three views of the Staunton family at Plaza Park in Ventura, Calif.

Photo A: DeLee Staunton as a child standing on a unpaved path beside a hedge. She has a sprig of leaves in her hand and is looking at it. She wears a white dress and bobbed hair. …

DeLee Staunton Marshall and Family A
Four outdoor photos showing DeLee Staunton Marshall and her family.

Photo A: DeLee as a child standing with three of her relatives. Annie Hanrahan (aunt) and Marguerite "Peggy" Staunton (mother) stand in back. DeLee and Mary Longmaid Hanrahan…

Four Staunton Family Group Photos A
Four images showing various group photos taken outdoors.

Photo A: Three children sitting on a boulder, trees in background. Each child holding a stick. DeLee Staunton Marshall on right.

Photo B: Three women and three children. Top row L-R:…

E.W. Daily Family Photo
Image shows the Daily family. Six people in total are visible in the picture, three men and three women. The family is posed standing in a line in front of an automobile. In the far background of the image, behind the family and the car, there are…

Family Gathering on Steps
Picture of a family sitting on the steps of the E. W. Daily home. There are five people sitting on the steps, three women and two men. On both sides of the group there are porch columns. Behind the group, is the front door to the house.

Daily Family Photo Outside of Michigan Home
Daily family outside a home in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Four adults standing with a child kneeling in front. The boy, identified as Kenneth, is holding a small dog. The wooden walls and stone foundation of house are on the right of the image, wooden…

E.W. Daily Family Photo
Picture of a large family photo, likely the E. W. Daily family, taken in front of pine trees. Children kneel in front, adults standing. Everyone in the picture is dressed in semi-formal attire. Pine trees behind the group. In the far background to…

Henry Arellanes Family Portrait
Family portrait of Henry Arellanes (right), wife, and their nine children. Mrs. Arellanes holds the youngest daughter on her lap. Three older children stand between their parents. Younger children sit or kneel between their parents. There are six…

Group Photo at Lopez Adobe
A large group of men, women, and children gather for a group portrait outside of the old Lopez Adobe. Exterior view of the home built at the mouth of Matilija Canyon. Some of the people are on horseback, one man holds a rifle, and one man sits on a…

Abundio Sanchez and Grandson Adrian Sanchez
Abundio Sanchez stands alongside his grandson Adrian, a boy of about 4, holding Adrian's hand in one of his. They stand on a sidewalk in front of a brick building with an arched window just behind them. Abundio wears a three piece suit, tie, and hat.…

Rivas Family Portrait
Full portrait of the family of Manuel Rivas and Nicanor Sanchez Rivas. Their children are daughter Martina, age 1, standing on a chair, and baby Antonio, sitting in Nicanor's lap. Manuel wears a suit, tie, and hat; Nicanor wears a broad-brimmed hat…

J. C. Brewster Family Portrait
Group bust portrait of (l-r) John Calvin Brewster, Pansy Brewster, and Mary Brewster. J.C. Brewster wears a suit and tie, while Pansy and Mary wear high collared dresses. All are gazing in different directions away from the viewer.

Rodriguez Family Portrait
Family portrait of the Rodriguez (J. Y.) family, all children. They are identified as:
(back row, l-r): J.Y. Jr. and Jose
(front row l-r): Eva, Francisca, Adam

The Sheridan family at the beach
The Sheridan family having a picnic at the beach by the pier. Several women and girls sit on the sand, and three men and a boy stand in the background.
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