Studio portrait of John McElrea. McElrea is standing, leaning with his arm on a plush chair. He wears his hair slicked to the side and has a groomed mustache. He wears a dark suit and shoes.
Group photo showing General William Vandever and his wife with a large group of friends and family. Group includes seven women, four men, and four children. Individuals are numbered in ink, but no identifications given.
A group portrait of four women and two men sitting on the steps of a build. Man on right is seated with a black dog. Woman in front, left has a tabby cat on her lap. The people are dressed nicely with the men wearing suits and the women in ornate or…
Group studio portrait of members of the Camarillo family. From left to right: Adolfo Camarillo and his sisters, Aldegunda, Adelaide, and Arcadia. Aldegunda and Adelaide are seated. The three women wear embroidered shawls. Adolfo wears a suit.
View of Adolfo Camarillo riding one of the Camarillo white horses. He is dressed in a dark suit and hat. The horse is outfitted with decorated harness, reins, and saddle. A parked car and hedge are behind them.
Portrait of the Duval family. Older children stand in back, parents and younger children sit in front. All look towards the viewer.
Back row, L-R: Caroline Duval Kimball, Anna Duval Willis, Eugene Winton Duval, Gertrude Duval Wright.
Front row:…
Photo of two men and woman standing in front of automobile and residential buildings. Woman is wearing furs. Man on left is E.W. Daily. Man in middle holding two round items, one in each hand.
Outdoor photo of Daily family grouping under trees. Some family members in hammock. Three couples standing in front of barn. Scene is on E.W. Daily property with family members in photo.
Outdoor photo of three men and one woman standing in front of trees. Low wooden fence visible behind them. Two men of far left and right are possibly sons of couple in middle of photo. Identities undetermined.
Photo of people gathered around picnic table surrounded by trees. Three women sitting on front-facing side of table, one man sitting on back-facing side of table. One man standing in background behind table in shade.
Photo of wedding party of Thomas C. Daily and Aileen Donovan Daily. Second from left is Milton Daily, then Thomas Daily (groom), Aileen Donovan Daily (bride). In front Margret Daily and Edna Daily next to bride. Other Daily family members present in…
Photo of wedding party on steps of the C.J. Daily home. Top left is Milton Daily, Thomas Daily (groom), Aileen Donovan Daily (bride). Bottom left is Margret Daily, Edna Daily.