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Portrait of Zaidee Soule, circa 1900
Bust portrait of Zaidee Soule as a young woman. She looks straight towards the viewer. Her hair is styled in a twisted updo with curled bangs. She wears a light-colored dress.
Tags: Girls, Hair Styles, Teenagers
Harry, Annie, and Patricia Bock as Young People
Full group portrait of Harry Bock, Annie Bock, and Patricia Bock, adults and child. The woman holds the child. They stand on a step of a porch, between two bushes.
Tags: Babies, Family Photographs, Girls, Porches, Portraits
Toy Ah Tim and Jue Children
Full group portrait of Toy Ah Tim and Jue children. The children stand around Toy Ah Tim, who sits in a chair with two babies on her lap. The girls all wear a bobbed hairstyle. They are in front of a house. Top right corner of photograph is damaged.
Toy Ah Tim and Jue Family Children
Full group portrait of Toy Ah Tim and the Jue family children. The children stand around the Toy Ah Tim, who sits in a chair with two babies on her lap. The girls all wear a bobbed hairstyles. They are in front of a house.
Tags: Babies, Boys, Girls, Group Photos, Portraits
Luana, Ronald, and Barbara Jue as Children
Full group portrait of Luana, Ronald, and Barbara Jue as children. Luana and Barbara stand in grass on either side of a Ronald who sits in a chair. Trees and bushes are visible in the background. Written on photograph: "LUANA RONALD BARBARA."
Daisy Sem Jue as a Baby
Full portrait of Daisy Sem Jue as a baby. She sits in an elevated chair and wears an ornate headdress.
Tags: Babies, Chairs, Full Portraits, Girls, Portraits
Karen Jue as a Baby
Cutout of bust portrait of Karen Jue as a baby. She sits on a small scooter. A street, sidewalk, palm trees, and telephone poles are visible in the background. Written on photograph: "JIN-JIN." Written on paper affixed to photograph: "KAREN JIN-JIN."
Tags: Babies, Busts, Girls, Palm Trees, Portraits
Barbara and Daisy Jue
Cutout of group portrait of Barbara and Daisy Jue. Daisy kneels behind Barbara, who sits on a small scooter. Written on photograph: "BABS." Written on paper affixed to photograph: "BARBARA + MOM."
Tags: Girls, Group Photos, Portraits, Women
Loretta Ung as a Child
Full portrait of Loretta Ung as a child. She is turned slightly toward the viewer's left and sits on a wooden box in front of an automobile. Foliage is visible in the background.
Tags: Automobiles, Girls, Portraits
Barbara Jue, James Jue, James Jue, Jr.
Group portrait of Barbara Jue, James Jue, and James Jue, Jr. James Jue, Sr holds Barbara in his left arm and holds James Jr.'s hand his right hand. They stand in front of a wooden structure. A child is visible in the right background.
Tags: Boys, Girls, Men, Shacks, Wood Buildings
Kim Ung, Loretta Ung, Sue Sem
Group portrait of Kim Ung, Loretta Ung, and Sue Sem. They stand on grass in front of a hedge, window, and door.
Tags: Doors, Family Photographs, Girls, Group Photos, Hedges, Portraits, Windows
James Jue, Jr. and Barbara Jue
Group portrait of James Jue, Jr. and Barbara Jue. They are turned slightly toward the viewer's left and stand in front of a brick wall.
Tags: Boys, Brick Walls, Girls, Group Photos, Portraits
Annie Sem Bock and Patricia
Full portrait of Annie Sem Bock and Patricia Sem Bock. They are turned slightly toward the viewer's right. The adult is bent over the child, who sits in a stroller. They stand in front of a porch.
Tags: Baby Buggies, Girls, Porch, Porches, Women