Browse Items (347 total)

Mrs. Yee Hay with Emily Yee and Baby William Yee
Studio portrait of woman with two children. On left is Emily Yee as young girl, seated with arm resting on table. On right is Mrs. Yee Hay (also called Chan Shee) holding baby William Yee. All three wear traditional Chinese clothing.

Studio portrait of a pelican in profile. Pelican has dark feathers. It stands facing the left of the image. It has its neck tucked close to its body.

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Steam Powered Ship in Ventura
Image shows the steamboat from the side angle. There smoke stack in the middle of the boat emitting black smoke. The boat also has two masts, for supplemental sails, one to the front and one to the rear of the boat. Passengers on the vessel are…

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Small Adobe Building
Exterior view of a small adobe building with clay shingles. Succulents and other plants are growing around the building.

Museum records indicate that this building may have belonged to Dr. Cephas L. Bard or to Dr. Stephen Bowers and was used to…

Eliza Savage Rose Bushes
Shows an Elizabeth Savage rose bush, possibly in Theodosia Burr Shepherd's garden. Other plants are visible behind bush. Footpaths circle around the plants. A wood building is to the right of the garden.

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Group Photo on Bridge Over Water
Outdoor group photo of six young women and men, possibly including Pansy Brewster, posing on a wooden bridge over running water, possibly Matilija Creek. Woman second from the right is seated on handrail and holding an umbrella over her head. Man…

Friends Hiding Among Sand Dunes
Group of eight people, laying on sand dunes at the beach. Only their heads and shoulders are visible above dunes. Each person is wearing a hat.

Shaw's Soda Works
A man dressed in a suit, tie and hat is sitting in the driver's seat of the Shaw's Soda Works delivery wagon. Two horses pull the wagon. "Acme Soda Works" is painted on the side of the driver's seat and "Mineral Waters" is painted on the side of the…

Myrtle Shepherd
Portrait of Myrtle Shepherd wearing a light colored dress with a small arrangement of flowers attached at the bodice. She is looking to her right. "Brewster" and "Ventura and Santa Paula, Cal." are printed on the lower border of the cardstock to…

Myrtle Shepherd and Son
Portrait of Mrs. Myrtle Shepherd holding her baby son in her arms. The baby is facing the viewer, and Myrtle's side is towards the viewer.

Casper Borchard Family Portrait
This photograph depicts Mr. and Mrs. Casper Borchard, a baby and five other children of varying ages. Mr. Borchard and sons are shown in suits, Mrs. Borchard and daughters wear dark dresses. The daughters wear lace collars and necklaces. The baby is…

"Doc" Cody, Wells Fargo Agent on Oak Street
A horse-drawn Wells Fargo and Company wagon is pictured parked at the side of a dirt street in front of a wooden house on Oak Street. A tree and palm are shown growing in the home's yard. "Doc" Cody, an agent of Wells Fargo is shown driving the…

Old Time Hunting Party
A group of young men who are posed by a campsite for the photo. An animal is visible on the ground in front of the men. Three of the men are wearing ammunition belts around their waists. The campsite is surrounded by trees. A wagon and several horses…

Ventura Mission - Altar
A view of the Ventura Mission altar. "Brewster Ventura Cal" is embossed on the lower left corner of the gray cardstock to which the photo is mounted.

Original Indian Wall Fresco - Ventura Mission
View of a wall fresco at Mission San Buenaventura. "Brewster Ventura Cal." is embossed in the lower left corner of the dark gray card on which the photo is mounted.

Scene of Pacific Ocean
View of the Pacific Ocean. It depicts surf at the edge of the beach with waves rolling. "Brewster Ventura, Cal." is embossed on the brown cardstock to which the photo is mounted. There is a handwritten caption in white ink below the photo: "Old…

Boulder Cave - Matilija
This photograph depicts a cave opening surrounded by jagged hillside rocks. Two people are visible at a distance, seated at the opening of the cave. One of the people appears to be a child. "Brewster Ventura, Cal." is embossed on the brown cardstock…

Amateur Theatrical Group Photo
A group portrait of an Amateur Theatrical group, some of them in costume and posed as characters.

Library records indicate:
Hattie Boquist, Alice Day, Geo. S. Gilbert, Celia Perkins, Unknown, Prof. Meredith, Ed Sheridan, Belle Curry, Anna…

Monumental Hose Co. Parade with New Pump
Bird's eye view of a parade on Main Street, looking west from Palm Street. A float shaped like a ship, marching band, flags, and other miscellaneous floats are visible. The San Buenaventura Mission and Ayer's Hotel are visible in the background. Main…

Ed. M. Hirschfelder
Bust portrait of Ed. M. Hirschfelder, wearing a three piece suit and bowtie. He is looking at the viewer. This is a cabinet card reading "J.C. Brewster; G. Max Lebo, Operator; Paris Panel; Ventura and Santa Paula, California."

Hill School in Late 1870s
Mounted stereoscope image of Hill School students. Shows an exterior side view of Hill School with students lined up next to the school. Several students are also crowded onto the balcony/veranda of the school (on left of image), and shows students…

Small Boy Sitting on Squash at Street Fair
Image shows a boy sitting on of two huge squash. Squash are on Oak Street during the Ventura Street Fair of 1900. In the background are tall bleachers and a two story building.

Ventura High School Class Play, 1907
Group portrait of the actors appearing in the 1907 class play at Ventura High School. The actors are seated, with two standing and all appear to be in costume.

Pictured are, from left: Rena Willoughby, Alma Gilbert, Mamie Douglas, Clarence…

Benjamin Dudley House
Exterior view of the Benjamin Dudley house exterior, with children standing on the porch and children and/or adults standing at the top left window. It is a two story farmhouse with an attic.

Ventura County Officials, 1885-1886
Mounted sepia print of several oval portraits of Ventura County officials, 1885-1886, on one sheet.

Officials pictured are as follows:
1. F. Hartman
2. Robert Ayers
3. D. T. Perkins, Supervisor
4. Thomas A. Rice
5. J. S. Barkla
6. I.…
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