Browse Items (36 total)

Ramona's Home Camulos Ranch. California postcard
Colorized exterior view of the adobe at Rancho Camulos. Adobe house is white colored with a red roof. House has porch with steps. Window closest to viewer has open wooden shutters. Plants, including a yucca in bloom, are growing in front of house.…

"The Peppers", Pierpont Cottages, Ojai Valley, California postcard
Colorized exterior view of Pierpont Cottages in Ojai Valley, California. Shows a multistory cottage made of wood with red roof and half-timbered details. Chimney is visible. Cottage features a covered porch, stairs, and a balcony. Shrubs and trees…

Yucca at Wheeler Hot Springs
View of a flowering yucca plant at Wheeler Hot Springs. Mountain side in background.


Two Women in Garden
Outdoor scene showing two women standing in a garden. Woman on left appears younger. She is standing in a raised garden bed and wears a dark skirt, and light leg-of-mutton sleeve blouse. Woman on right wears a light skirt and blouse. She has her hand…


Couple Sitting in Garden
Outdoor scene showing a young woman and man sitting on chairs, or wooden supports, in a garden. The woman wears a leg-of-mutton sleeve blouse and dark skirt. She is looking towards the man. The man faces the viewer and is wearing a light hat, dark…

Woman Lounging in Garden
Outdoor scene showing a young woman lounging on a blanket in a garden. Trees and flowers surround the woman. She wears a patterned blouse, light-colored skirt, and appears to read a newspaper of magazine. On ecru cardboard backing.

Morning Glories
Outdoor view of a field of flowers, likely morning glories. The flowers are trumpet shaped and have cordate, heart-shaped leaves. The plants completely fill the view.

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Portrait studio view of a flower identified as a peony. Shows a single flower with several branches of small elliptic leaves. The flower appears to be sprouting from a small pile of soil.

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Flowers in Vase
Oval image of flowers in a vase. There are several bunches of light-colored blooms spreading up and outwards from the vase. The vase is tall and opaque.

Verso: Note reading, "Peony flowered double seed producing petunias, produced by Myrtle…

Herman Owens with Garden Produce
Shows Herman Owens holding a large root vegetable, possibly a sugar beet. Herman is wearing a light colored, button-up shirt. He is looking at the viewer. Other plants in background.

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Nixon Family's Cacti Garden
Shows a cacti garden growing along the side of the Nixon family house. House is made of wooden slates. Garden includes several varieties of cacti. There is a window above the garden.

Museum records indicate that the Nixon home was located in…

Martina Martinez Palomino and Beatrice Hinostro in Petunia Garden
Shows Mrs. Martina Martinez Palomino and her daughter Beatrice Hinostro in Theodosia Shepherd's petunia garden. Both women are dressed in overalls, light button-up shirts, and gardening gloves. Martina is kneeling with her hands on her knees. She is…

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Eliza Savage Rose Bushes
Shows an Elizabeth Savage rose bush, possibly in Theodosia Burr Shepherd's garden. Other plants are visible behind bush. Footpaths circle around the plants. A wood building is to the right of the garden.

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Farmhouse and Garden
Shows a small farmhouse and garden. Photo taken from the tilled garden space. Three small saplings appear to be growing in the tilled earth. The farmhouse is a single-story, wood structure. Large trees grow behind it. An unidentified man and two…

San Buenaventura Mission Garden, 1902
View of the garden at San Buenaventura Mission. Garden appears to be within a courtyard, with the bell tower visible in the background. The garden contains small trees, palms, and shrubs. There is a bench against the brick wall opposite of the…

Friends Hiding Among Sand Dunes
Group of eight people, laying on sand dunes at the beach. Only their heads and shoulders are visible above dunes. Each person is wearing a hat.

Loading Truck at Daily and Sons Nursery
Exterior view of the rear of C. J. Daily and Sons Nursery in Camarillo. Shows two trucks backed into an unpaved driveway. Four unidentified men load saplings from one truck bed to the other. To left of viewer is a garden covered by a pergola where…

C. J. Daily and Sons Nursery, Camarillo
Exterior view of C. J. Daily and Sons Nursery in Camarillo, taken from field across the street. Several unidentified men stand outside the building. Two trucks are parked to the left of the building, one loaded with plants. There is an automobile…

Daily and Sons Nursery
Interior view of a greenhouse or covered garden. View is looking down a walkway between rows of plants. An unidentified person is standing at a work table at the end of the walkway.

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The Ebell Club, Santa Paula postcard
Three quarter view of Ebell Club building in Santa Paula from left side of the building. The building is two stories with a wooden roof and is surrounded by plants and trees. Foreground has a small stream accompanied by grass and plants with a bridge…

Road to Santa Paula Mineral Springs, Mustard in Bloom postcard
Fields of mustard plants in bloom are depicted on either side of a dirt road leading to "Santa Paula Mineral Springs." Mountains are visible in the background.

Caption: Road to Santa Paula Mineral Springs, Mustard in Bloom, Santa Paula Canyon,…

The Largest Rubber Tree In California, Ventura postcard
View of a rubber tree growing near a street. There is a wood frame structure to the left of the tree and other buildings are visible in the background. Tree's branches spread wide, past the two buildings on either side of it. Uppermost branches not…

Marijuana Bust in Oxnard, 1924
Marijuana found in Oxnard Aug. 7, 1924. Four men stand in front of confiscated marijuana plants. Men are (l-r): Harvey Waterman; H. M. Walker, Jr.; J. E. Chrisman; A. J. Murray "Police Chief" (Marshal).

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Lath House at Nusbickel-Warren Nursery
Inside view of lattice covered plant nursery showing some irrigation piping. Caption reads "Lath House at Nusbickle-Warren Nursery Tr. 89."

Gordon Nidever Ruiz and Maria Louise Ruiz
Family photograph of siblings Gordon Nidever Ruiz, age 7, and Maria Louisa Ruiz, age 9, smiling sitting cross-legged on grass in a yard with plants and a fence in the background. Maria Louisa has her right arm around Gordon Nidever's right shoulder…
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