Browse Items (17 total)

Mrs. Yee Hay with Emily Yee and Baby William Yee
Studio portrait of woman with two children. On left is Emily Yee as young girl, seated with arm resting on table. On right is Mrs. Yee Hay (also called Chan Shee) holding baby William Yee. All three wear traditional Chinese clothing.

General and Mrs. Vandever with Family and Friends
Group photo showing General William Vandever and his wife with a large group of friends and family. Group includes seven women, four men, and four children. Individuals are numbered in ink, but no identifications given.

Museum records includes…

Zaidee Soule on Horseback
Outdoor scene showing Zaidee Soule sitting horseback. The horse is standing in a small pool or river. Dirt road is intersected by water. Trees and foliage surround the edges of the image. Zaidee is wearing a white shirtwaist, dark skirt, and a…

Camarillo Family Photo
Group studio portrait of members of the Camarillo family. From left to right: Adolfo Camarillo and his sisters, Aldegunda, Adelaide, and Arcadia. Aldegunda and Adelaide are seated. The three women wear embroidered shawls. Adolfo wears a suit.

Staunton Family near Tahoe A
Four photos depicting DeLee and the Staunton family, most taken near Fallen Leaf Lake near Tahoe.

Photo A: DeLee wearing swimwear and standing in a shallow river.

Photo B: Closeup view of DeLee smiling towards the viewer.

Photo C: DeLee…

Woman with Flowered Hat
Outdoor scene showing a woman outside of a two-story wood building. The woman is wearing a formal dress and a hat decorated with flowers. She is smiling and looking towards the right side of the image. On ecru cardboard backing.

Outdoor scene showing a young woman posing in front of a window of a wooden building. The woman is wearing a light colored skirt and blouse. She is smiling and looking towards the viewer. She has one hand on her hip. On ecru cardboard backing.

Group of Young Men and Women
Scene showing a group seated on steps outside of a building. Three young men wearing hats and suits are sitting on the bottom step. They are smiling and looking towards the viewer. Behind the men are three young women wearing hats. They are partially…

Young Men Chatting
Outdoor scene showing two young men standing together. Man on left is wearing a jacket and has his arms crossed with one hand on his chin. He appears to be smiling or laughing. Man on right is wearing a dark turtleneck sweater and holds a tennis…

Women Doing Laundry
Outdoor scene showing Marietta Hughes and Blanche Hughes Coultas doing laundry. They are using a wringer on wet clothes, with a washboard and laundry plunger used to agitate laundry in the nearby washtub. Tree and buildings in background.

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Daisy and Charlie Sem as Young Adults
From left to right, Daisy and Charlie Sem standing outdoors, possibly on a beach. Daisy wears dark culottes tucked into tall boots or stockings, and a white shirt. Her hair is bobbed. Charlie wears pants tucked into leg wrappings, a shirt, and…

Laundry Scene on Meta Street, Oxnard
A view of laundry drying on clotheslines outside of houses on Meta Street, Oxnard. Wash basins are visible against a building. On right side of scene are a woman and man seated on the ground by a building. The woman is wearing a polka dot dress and…

Picnic Party at Grimes Canyon
A group three men, three women, and a child pose while on a picnic in Grimes Canyon. The group is seated on a hillside with foliage around them. One man is seated on a blanket.

Frank Sheridan
This is a cabinet card photo of Frank Sheridan at age 12. He is standing, resting his right arm on the back of a chair. There is a hat in his left hand. He is wearing a suit and tie.

Handwritten caption at bottom of photo: "Frank Sheridan, Aged…

Casper Borchard Family Portrait
This photograph depicts Mr. and Mrs. Casper Borchard, a baby and five other children of varying ages. Mr. Borchard and sons are shown in suits, Mrs. Borchard and daughters wear dark dresses. The daughters wear lace collars and necklaces. The baby is…

Untitled, (Parade Floats) postcard
A parade scene. A woman riding in a cart is holding the reins of four small horses. An automobile decorated in flowers is partially visible behind the horses. The parade appears to be passing a park. Several people, standing and seated, watch the…

Obtossaway, an Ojibwa Chief postcard
A hand-colored real photo postcard. Shows a bust portrait of Obtossaway, an Ojibwa Chief, looking to his left. There is a bend in the upper left corner of postcard.

[Detroit Publishing Co. ("Phostint" card), 6878]
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