Browse Items (7113 total)

Preparing for a Pack Train Ride
Four men and two donkeys preparing for a pack train ride. One man sits on top of the donkey on the right. It also carries saddlebags. The donkey on the left carries other supplies. The man to the far right is wearing glasses and looking at the…

Pack Train Ride
Picture shows four men hiking along a trail in a line. The man leading the group is riding on a donkey. Three men on foot and a second donkey follow behind. Two men and second donkey are directly behind the leading man, the last man is on the left…

Two Couples Sitting on Porch
Picture of two couples sitting on the stairs of the E. W. Daily house. Two men are sitting on the outside of the group on the left and right sides. The men are wearing formal clothing with the man on the right wearing a full suit and the man on the…

Two Children Standing in Front of House
Image of two unidentified children standing on the walkway to a house. The child on the right is older than the child on the left, who appears to be a toddler. The front of the house and a portion of the patio is visible although somewhat shrouded by…

W.P. Daily's First Camarillo Home
Exterior view of W.P. Daily's first home in Camarillo. The picture was taken from dirt field leading up to the house. Shows front and side of the house. The porch, columns, and multiple windows are visible. In front front of the house, on the right…

E. W. Daily Home
Exterior view of the E. W. Daily home. Two women and two men stand on and outside the porch area. The women are standing on the steps of the home while the men stand in the lawn in front of a hedge. The porch, entrance, columns and a portion of the…

"Room for One More!" Daily Children on Pony
Image of the six Daily children riding the same pony. There are five girls and one boy in the picture, with one of the girls holding a baby. Likely taken in the avocado orchard at the Daily Ranch in Camarillo. All of the children are facing the…

Sunday School Picnic 1910
Group portrait of a Sunday school class picnic. The children pose in a group by a eucalyptus grove. The children are dressed in formal attire. The smallest children are in the front and the taller children in the back of the group. To the right of…

Harvesting the Bean Crop
Picture of a man seated on harvesting equipment pulled by three horses. The man is wearing a hat and holding a pitchfork; behind him and the horses there is an automobile and a telephone pole. The foreground is made up entirely of the lima bean…

Estimating the Bean Crop
Picture of three men estimating a farm's lima bean crop. From left to right: C. J. Daily, William Q. Markham, and C. W. Daily. Markham and C. W. Daily are holding a stalk of the lima bean crop and examining it. C. J. stares towards the camera with…

Busch Gardens, Pasadena
Lawn at Busch Gardens in Pasadena. In the middle of the lawn is a small bird standing on the grass. To the left of the bird there is a small shrub and a walking path. Trees of many different varieties in background, including a large palm tree.

E.W. Daily Family Sitting on Porch
E. W. Daily family sitting on the steps of the E. W. Daily home. There are seven people in the image, six women and one man, as well as a dog. Tear in image fully obscures the face of the woman on the far left. Porch columns frame the group. Porch,…

Palm Tree in Front of E.W. Daily Home
Exterior view of the E.W. Daily home. There is a large palm tree planted in front of the home, partially obscuring the house. The fencing to to outside of the home is also visible. View taken from the street outside of the house. The house has a dome…

Group Photo in Front of Michigan Home
Group photo of the Crowley and Daily families. House and tree in the background. Grouping in front are left to right: Will Crowley, Mrs. Daily, Mrs. Burdick, and Mrs. Crowley (The mother of Mrs. Daily).

Library records include caption reading,…

Daily Family Photo Outside of Michigan Home
Daily family outside a home in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Four adults standing with a child kneeling in front. The boy, identified as Kenneth, is holding a small dog. The wooden walls and stone foundation of house are on the right of the image, wooden…

E.W. Daily in an Automobile
Image portrays E. W. Daily behind the wheel of an early Ford coupe automobile. Behind him is A .J. Dingeman's Ford dealership in Oxnard. The outside walls of the dealership are made of brick. The interior of the dealership is partially visible…

Young Woman Sitting on Porch Railing
Picture of an unidentified young woman sitting on the concrete railing of the E. W. Daily home. The woman is sitting with her legs crossed and her hands holding her knees. She is wearing a patterned dress with a collar. She has her hair up and…

Woman Standing in Front of Fence
Unidentified woman standing in front of a lattice fence. The woman is looking at the camera and smiling. She is wearing a hat and coat. One of her arms is holding a purse close to her chest while the other arm hangs by her side. Behind the fence…

Outdoor Family Photo
Family portrait of seven people outside what appears to be a train station. There are two men, three women, and two children in the photo. A portion of an automobile is to the right of the picture, behind the family.

C. J. Daily Yard
Image portrays a front lawn with trees and a flagpole, possibly the property of C. J. Daily. On right, the walkway is lined with small trees. The flagpole is in the middle of the lawn. There are trees of different varieties in the background and…

Two Women Outside of Home
Picture of two women, likely Mrs. E. W. Daily and her mother Mrs. Crowley, standing in front of a house. The women appear to be conversing with one another. The woman on the left is wearing a fur coat. The woman on the right is wearing a dress coat.…

Two Women in a Natural Pool
Picture of two unidentified women sitting in a natural pool. Both in swimwear with the woman on the left wearing a swimming cap. They are crouching in the water so that the water reaches to their upper arms. Behind the women is a large cliff face…

Swimming in Natural Pool
Image depicts four unidentified women, but likely related to the Daily family playing in a natural swimming pool. All four of the women are smiling and wearing swimsuits. Woman in center is holding hands with the women on her right and left. She is…

Mrs. Daily Tending to Her Roses
Picture of a woman, likely Mrs. E. W. Daily, tending to her climbing roses outside of the E. W. Daily family home. The woman is on the right side of the image and slightly bends over her roses.

E.W. Daily Family Photo
Picture of a large family photo, likely the E. W. Daily family, taken in front of pine trees. Children kneel in front, adults standing. Everyone in the picture is dressed in semi-formal attire. Pine trees behind the group. In the far background to…
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