Browse Items (105 total)
- Tags: Crowds
Dedication of Montalvo Bridge
Tags: Bridges, Ceremonies, Crowds, Groups of People
Dedication of Montalvo Bridge
Tags: Bridges, Celebrations, Crowds
Dedication of Pioneer Monument
Tags: Celebrations, Crowds, Group Photos
Dedication of Ventura County Court House, 1913
Tags: Celebrations, Ceremonies, Crowds, Downtown Ventura, Landmarks
Early Bardsdale School
Note: Museum records indicate that the school was torn down in 1918.
Tags: Crowds, Fields, Schools, Trees, Wooden Buildings
Filming of "The Sheik"
Tags: Beaches, Crowds, Horses, Palm Trees, Tents
First Century Families, Nineteenth Annual Luncheon, 1957
Tags: Celebrations, Crowds, Formal Dress
Fourth of July Parade, 1890
Tags: 4th of July, Children, Crowds, Dogs, Flags, Horse and Buggy, Horse Drawn Carriages, Horses, Parades, Wagons
Funeral Procession for Dr. Cephas L. Bard
Tags: Crowds, Downtown Ventura, Electrical Lines, Funerals, Horses
Gathering at Southern Pacific Railroad Depot
Tags: Celebrations, Crowds, Trains
Gathering to Greet Senator Bard at Southern Pacific Railroad Depot
Tags: Celebrations, Crowds, Horse and Carriages
Group Gathering in Front of Automobile
Tags: Automobiles, Barns, Cars, Crowds, Groups of People, Trees
H. P. Flint Jr. in Military Uniform
"Ventura Southern Pacific Depot 1898."
"Spanish-American War."
"H. P. Flint in foreground (in uniform)."
"Died at San Francisco."
Tags: Crowds, Military, Train Stations, Uniforms
Hueneme Wharf and Beach Scene
Tags: Bird's Eye Views, Coastline, Crowds
Joe E. Brown Cutting Cake at Ventura County Fair
Tags: Actors, Cakes, Celebrations, Crowds, Fairs
Joe Mendoza Leading March Protesting "English Only" Ordinance
Keene Reel 10, Boats, Zoo, Parades, and Glacier Footage
People gather on deck of a large boat; Smaller boats in the water;…
Keene Reel 16, Oxnard-Santa Paula Football Game, Parades
Tags: Cars, Crowds, High Schools, Musicians, Parking Lots, Sports
Labor Day Celebration
Tags: Awnings, Crowds, Downtown Oxnard, US Flags
Main Street, Ventura Parade
Tags: Buildings, Crowds, Downtown Ventura, Photographers, Storefronts