Browse Items (106 total)
- Tags: Crowds
Children at San Buenaventura Mission Bicentennial
Tags: Celebrations, Crowds, Events, Native Americans
Vincent Tumamait at San Buenaventura Mission Bicentennial
Tags: Crowds, Events, Hats, Native Americans
Memorial Day Group Photo
Museum records include a list of names and chart.
Tags: Celebrations, Crowds, Groups of People, Holidays
Untitled, (Raising the Cross in Ventura) 1912
Tags: Construction, Crosses, Crowds
Outdoor Image of a Single-engine Biplane
Tags: Airplanes, Automobiles, Bi-Planes, Crowds, Men, Telephone Poles
A.B.P.G. Picnic, Camp Comfort
Tags: Celebrations, Crowds, Groups of People, Parks
A.B.P.G. Picnic, Camp Comfort
Tags: Cars, Celebrations, Crowds, Groups of People
Group Gathering in Front of Automobile
Tags: Automobiles, Barns, Cars, Crowds, Groups of People, Trees
Ventura County Fair Grandstand
Tags: Cars, Crowds, Fairgrounds, Horses
Ventura Street Fair Parade, 1900
Tags: Animals, Celebrations, Costumes, Crowds, Horses
Ventura Street Fair Parade, 1900
Tags: Animals, Celebrations, Costumes, Crowds, Horses
Bathers at Pierpont Beach
Tags: Crowds, Groups of People
Joe Mendoza Leading March Protesting "English Only" Ordinance
Opening of Maricopa Highway
Tags: Celebrations, Crowds, Highways, Motorcycles
Joe E. Brown Cutting Cake at Ventura County Fair
Tags: Actors, Cakes, Celebrations, Crowds, Fairs
Crowd Looking Over Saint Francis Dam Debris, Santa Paula
Tags: Crowds, Debris, Disasters, St. Francis Dam
Early Bardsdale School
Note: Museum records indicate that the school was torn down in 1918.
Tags: Crowds, Fields, Schools, Trees, Wooden Buildings
Bird's Eye View of the Ventura Street Fair, 1901
Tags: Bird's Eye Views, Celebrations, Crowds, Stages
President McKinley Arriving in Ventura by Train
Tags: Crowds, Presidents, Train Stations, Trains
Dedication of Montalvo Bridge
Tags: Bridges, Celebrations, Crowds
Ventura Beach Scene
Parade along C Street, Oxnard Chamber of Commerce Float
Tags: Crowds, Hotels, Spectators