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Basket Making Demonstration at San Buenaventura Mission Bicentennial
Polaroid showing an outdoor scene at Plaza Park in downtown Ventura. Closeup view of Native American baskets at a basketmaking demonstration table. People are handling the weaving materials and looking at completed baskets.

Museum records…

Basket Making Demonstration at San Buenaventura Mission Bicentennial
Polaroid showing an outdoor scene at Plaza Park in downtown Ventura. In the center of the image woman wearing a "cowboy" hat and spotted skirt is weaving a basket. Beside her is a table of baskets and weaving supplies, including what appears to be a…

Chumash Dancer at San Buenaventura Mission Bicentennial
Polaroid showing an outdoor scene at Plaza Park in downtown Ventura. A Chumash man wearing regalia dances in the center view. He is partially obscured by shadow. Crowd visible in background.

Museum records indicate that the event shown is the…

Seated Group at San Buenaventura Mission Bicentennial
Polaroid showing an outdoor scene at Plaza Park in downtown Ventura. Group of several young people kneel on the grass, some dressed in Native American regalia. A small drum is in front of the group. A decorated staff is standing in the ground beside…

Estevan Wypooke Poster
Polaroid showing a poster with a black and white picture of Estevan Wypooke of Injaja processing seeds with a basket. Text under the image reads, "Estevan Wypooke of Inaja separating the seed from the chaff by the skillful manipulation of the bateo…

Petroglyph Display at San Buenaventura Mission Bicentennial
Polaroid of an outdoor scene at Plaza Park in downtown Ventura, showing a display of Native American petroglyph designs on a large canvas or sheet. Canvas is affixed to a black metal fence.

Museum records indicate that the event shown is the…

Poster of Cahuilla Food Gathering
Polaroid showing an educational poster with illustrations of Cahuilla people gathering and processing food.

Museum records indicate that the poster was exhibited at the Bicentennial celebration of the founding of San Buenaventura Mission.

Poster of Cahuilla Dwellings
Polaroid showing an educational poster with illustrations of Cahuilla dwellings. Details of the illustrations are labeled.

Museum records indicate that the poster appeared at the Bicentennial celebration of the founding of San Buenaventura…

Children at San Buenaventura Mission Bicentennial
Polaroid of an outdoor scene at Plaza Park in downtown Ventura, showing a group of children standing on a lawn nearby a staff or post decorated with feathers. Two of the children wear Chumash regalia. A crowd is visible behind the children.


Vincent Tumamait at San Buenaventura Mission Bicentennial
Polaroid of an outdoor scene at Plaza Park in downtown Ventura, showing Chumash elder, Vincent Tumamait standing and looking towards camera. Vincent wears a brown vest over white shirt, gray trousers, and a "cowboy" hat. He also wears a bolo tie and…

Chumash Dolphin Dancer at Albinger Museum
Close view of a Chumash Dolphin Dancer performing outdoors at the Albinger Archaeology Museum in Ventura. The man is dressed in regalia, and appears to be blowing on a flute-like instrument. Crowd of onlookers are visible in background.

Chumash Dancers in Museum Courtyard
Outdoor scene at the Ventura County Museum of History and Art [called Museum of Ventura County at time of writing, 2024] courtyard. Shows a Chumash man dancing and dressed in regalia. A second dancer is partially visible on the left side of the…

Three Chumash Dancers in Museum Courtyard
Outdoor scene at the Ventura County Museum of History and Art [called Museum of Ventura County at time of writing, 2024] courtyard. Shows two Chumash men and a young girl dressed in regalia. The girl stands between the men, and all three look towards…

Chumash Dancers in Museum Courtyard
Outdoor scene at the Ventura County Museum of History and Art [called Museum of Ventura County at time of writing, 2024] courtyard. Shows a Chumash man dancing and dressed in regalia. A second dancer is partially visible on the right side of the…

Chumash Dancers in Museum Courtyard
Outdoor scene at the Ventura County Museum of History and Art [called Museum of Ventura County at time of writing, 2024] courtyard. Shows two Chumash men dancing and dressed in regalia. The dancers stand side-by-side, facing in opposite directions. A…

Chumash Dancers in Museum Courtyard
Outdoor scene at the Ventura County Museum of History and Art [called Museum of Ventura County at time of writing, 2024] courtyard. Shows a two Chumash men dressed in regalia and dancing. A third person in regalia.

Museum records indicate that…

Chumash Dancers in Museum Courtyard
Outdoor scene at the Ventura County Museum of History and Art [called Museum of Ventura County at time of writing, 2024] courtyard. Shows a young Chumash dancer dressed in regalia. A second person in regalia and kneeling photographer in…

General Vandever Home
Exterior view of Ventura County's first Congressman, General William Vandever's home at 144 S. California St. Shows frontal view of the home. Built in 1892. Building is of Queen Anne Victorian design, but many decorative elements including trims,…

General Vandever Home
Exterior view of Ventura County's first Congressman, General William Vandever's home at 144 S. California St. Shows frontal view of the home. Built in 1892. Building is of Queen Anne Victorian design, with ornamented eaves and stairs around the…

General Vandever Home
Exterior view of Ventura County's first Congressman, General William Vandever's home at 144 S. California St. Shows frontal view of the home. Built in 1892. Building is of Queen Anne Victorian design, with ornamented eaves and stairs around the…

General and Mrs. Vandever with Family and Friends
Group photo showing General William Vandever and his wife with a large group of friends and family. Group includes seven women, four men, and four children. Individuals are numbered in ink, but no identifications given.

Museum records includes…

Zaidee Soule on Horseback
Outdoor scene showing Zaidee Soule sitting horseback. The horse is standing in a small pool or river. Dirt road is intersected by water. Trees and foliage surround the edges of the image. Zaidee is wearing a white shirtwaist, dark skirt, and a…

Soule Family Portrait
A group portrait of four women and two men sitting on the steps of a build. Man on right is seated with a black dog. Woman in front, left has a tabby cat on her lap. The people are dressed nicely with the men wearing suits and the women in ornate or…

Portrait of Zaidee Soule, circa 1900
Bust portrait of Zaidee Soule as a young woman. She looks straight towards the viewer. Her hair is styled in a twisted updo with curled bangs. She wears a light-colored dress.

Zaidee Soule and Classmates
A class portrait of seven students, four sitting in chairs, three sitting on ground. Five students are girls, two are boys.

Back row L-R: Marcel G., Fred Hudeberg, Violet Pirie, Jennie Spencer.
Front row: Alice Baker, Frank Baker, Zaidee E.…
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