Browse Items (30 total)

View of Theodosia Burr Shepherd Home
Bird's-eye view of the Theodosia Burr Shepherd home with Bard Hospital visible on hill in background. Shepherd home is a multistory wood-sided house with balcony above front door. Bay window on side of home. Large trees and palms grow nearby the…

Dr. Newell Brown and Jeanne Zapf in Automobile
Shows Dr. Newell Brown holding baby Jeanne Zapf. Dr. Brown is sitting on the door of an early automobile that is parked on Meta Street. He is wearing a dark suit and a fedora-style hat. Jeanne is wearing light-colored baby clothes. County Hospital is…

Hospital, Santa Paula, Calif. postcard
Side view of the Santa Paula Hospital from the street. Shows the trees planted alongside the hospital as well as a slight view of the entrance of the hospital.

[No publisher stated]

St. John's Hospital, Oxnard, Calif. postcard
View of St. John's Hospital in Oxnard from the street. The foreground shows the street as well as the bushes and trees in front of the hospital. Behind the vegetation lies the hospital with a Christian cross on top of it.

[No publisher stated, 3]

Topographic Mapping of Portion of Community Memorial Hospital, Ventura
Topographic map of a portion of the Community Memorial Hospital site north of Cabrillo Drive in Ventura. Indicates elevation data at various points as well as the location of buildings, utilities, walls, fences, sidewalks, trees and parking lots. …

Parcel Map No. 2898, Lot 8, Rancho Ex-Mission Sanbuenaventura, Tract No. 2 (1 of 2)
Blue line parcel map No. 2898, Lot 8, Rancho Ex-Mission San Buenaventura, Tract No. 2, located near the intersection of Cawelti and Lewis Roads in Camarillo. Laguna, Hueneme and West Potrero Roads are west of the site. Sheet shows location map and…

State Hospital Site, Rancho Guadalasca
Map showing the Survey of State Hospital site, Rancho Guadalasca. Shows grant lines of Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la Colonia, Rancho Ex-Mission Tract No.2, and Rancho Calleguas. American Beet Sugar Company shown on Tract 7, Broome Estate Ranch.

General View of Ventura, California postcard
Bird's eye view of Ventura taken from a hill, next to cacti. Buildings, trees, the coastline and the Channel Islands visible in the background. A street separates the buildings from the hill with the exception of one house located on the hillside. In…

Bird's Eye View of Ventura, California postcard
Bird's eye view of Ventura with Elizabeth Bard Memorial Hospital located on Fir Street in foreground on right side. The Bard Memorial hospital has three stories and a bell tower. It is built in the Spanish Mission style. Houses and trees are visible…

Elizabeth Bard Memorial Hospital, Ventura postcard
A view of the Elizabeth Bard Memorial Hospital building looking northwest from the corner of North Fir and Poli Streets. Very young palm trees line the edges of both streets.

Caption: Elizabeth Bard Memorial Hospital, Ventura, Cal.


A View of Ventura, Cal., Looking East From California and Main Streets postcard
This birds-eye view looking northeast from California and Main Streets shows numerous wood frame houses and commercial structures, including the Ventura Free Press building. The Elizabeth Bard Memorial Hospital, located on Poli Street, is visible in…

St. John's Hospital, Oxnard
Image of St. John's Hospital from a distance. Street in the foreground while trees partially shroud the two story building. Man walking along the grassy area on the right side of the image.

St. John's Hospital, Oxnard
Exterior view of St. John's Hospital taken from across the street. Two story building visible with paved road in the foreground. Grassy area and trees surround the hospital.

St. John's Hospital, Oxnard
Exterior side view of St. John's Hospital taken from across the street. Image of a two story building with three 1930s style cars parked on the street in front of the building. Building's windows are open.

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Exterior View of St. John's Hospital
Exterior view of St. John's Hospital. Grassy field and trees visible in the foreground with the two-story building visible in the background.

St. John's Hospital, Exterior View
Exterior view of St. John's Hospital. Image of the two story building taken from the road leading to the entrance. Shrubbery visible lining the road on both sides and in front of the building. Building has two rows of fourteen windows across and has…

Ventura County Hospital Exterior
Exterior view of the Ventura County Hospital, showing front landscaping and parking lot. Street in foreground.

Ventura County Hospital Exterior
Ventura County Hospital front view of exterior, showing a large stretch of lawn with trees in front of the building. Cars are parked directly in front of the hospital and a car is parked on the street in foreground. A view of the "Five Trees" on the…

Buena High School Female Students at Community Memorial Hospital
An auditorium half full of Buena High School female students listen to a woman, whose at a lectern back facing the camera. This is an outreach program to teach students the importance of self breast examinations. Star-Free Press taken 22 Feb 1988,…

Ventura County Hospital
Exterior side view of Ventura County Hospital. There is a driveway in front of the building and a car parked there, but the land in front of hospital and in building foreground appears to be brush. Some buildings behind the hospital are visible on…


Ventura County Hospital
Ventura County Hospital exterior view including the driveway leading up to the hospital. Separate building visible behind the hospital on the left of the image. Significant image of "Five Trees" on the hill in the background.

Bard Hospital, Ventura, California Postcard
Exterior view of the entrance to Elizabeth Bard Memorial Hospital from across Fir Street in Ventura. Front steps and landscaping around the front of the building visible, as is a flagpole flying a U.S. flag.
[Edward H. Mitchell, Pub., San Francisco,…

Elizabeth Bard Memorial Hospital Postcard
Exterior view of "Elizabeth Bard Memorial Hospital, Ventura, Cal." as written on the top left of postcard. Image looks upward from Poli and Fir Streets.
[M. Rieder, Pub., Los Angeles, California, Made in Germany, 8121 & A32696]

Loma Hall Demolition
Exterior view of Loma Hall at Ventura County Hospital. Construction equipment is being used to demolish the building to make way for a new 4-story building.

Loma Hall
Exterior view of Loma Hall at Ventura County Hospital. The image is taken from between trees, which frame the white building. There appears to be bulldozer working in front of the building. Image taken during a demolition in 1981 to make way for a…
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