Browse Items (114 total)

Wimpy and Herb Loading Surfboards on Cart
Shows George "Wimpy" Weston and Herb Case preparing their surfboards to haul at Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The surfboards are positioned on a small wheeled cart. Wimpy is securing the surfboards with a length of rope. Herb is watching from nearby.…

Friends Hiding Among Sand Dunes
Group of eight people, laying on sand dunes at the beach. Only their heads and shoulders are visible above dunes. Each person is wearing a hat.

Boat Beached at Entrance of Ventura Harbor
View of a small boat aground on a beach. One person shown standing at the prow of the boat, a second person on the beach is walking towards the boat. Rocks from a harbor breakwall visible in the background.

Map of a Portion of Block 1, Port Hueneme
Map of a portion of Block 1, Port Hueneme. Area of interest outlined in bold and divided into parcels leveled A-D. Shows area bordered by Surfside Drive, Seaview (Main) Street, Ventura County Railway (V.C.R.W.), Surfside drive, and the Pacific Ocean.…

Webster Bay, Anacapa Island, Calif. postcard
Bird's-eye view of Webster Bay on Anacapa Island. Small manmade structures and beached boats visible on beach.

[Detroit Publishing Co. ("Phostint" card), 70877]

Parcel Map of Lots 167 & 168, Silver Strand Tract, Oxnard
Parcel map of a division of all of Lots 167 and 168 of Silver Strand Tract, Oxnard. Shows Lots 167 and 168 outlined in bold and divided into 3 numbered subdivisions. Area is northeast of Pacific Ocean and beach, and southwest of Ocean Drive. Also…

Survey of Lots 167 & 168, Silver Strand Tract, Oxnard
Map showing survey of Lots 167 and 168, Silver Strand Tract, Oxnard. Shows area of interest outlined in bold and with lot numbers circled. Area is northeast of Pacific Ocean and southwest of Ocean Drive. Also shows Hollywood-by-the-Sea Beach, and…

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Coos Bay Shipwreck Washed Ashore
View of the Coos Bay washed ashore. A team of workers assess the situation.

Library records indicate: The Coos Bay sank off of the pier in 1915, and was thrown up onto the beach following a night of high waves 1947-11-25. Landed on top of an…

Castle Rock
View of the Castle Rock formation near Santa Barbara. Ocean visible to the right of the rock formation.

Ventura County Coastal Area Aerial Photo
Aerial photograph showing Hollywood by the Sea and the Port Hueneme area. The Pacific Ocean is on the left side of the photograph. Photo 19 of a group of 36 photos.

Scale approximately [1:16800].

[APM-044 in map index, Photo ID # 38, index #…

Ventura County Coastal Area Aerial Photo
Aerial photograph showing Hollywood by the Sea and site of future marinas The Pacific Ocean is on the left side of the photograph. Photo 18 of a group of 36 photos.

Scale approximately [1:16800].

[APM-043 in map index, Photo ID # 37, index #…

Ventura County Coastal Area Aerial Photo
Aerial photograph showing Channel Islands Road access to Hollywood by the Sea. The Pacific Ocean is on the left side of the photograph. Photo 17 of a group of 36 photos.

Scale approximately [1:16800].

[APM-042 in map index, Photo ID # 36, index…

Survey of Big Sycamore Canyon and State Highway 101
Map showing Survey of the proposed location of a pier to be constructed at Big Sycamore Canyon and State Highway 101, said pier being located on Lot 2 Section 19 T1S R20W. Survey authorized by Stanley S. and Mary S. Anderson. Shows a portion of…

Survey of Oxnard Outfall Sewer Right of Way
Map showing survey of Oxnard Outfall Sewer Right of Way in Ventura County, Calif. Shows Fourth Street, Main Street, and Broad Street. Shows Ormand Beach and Hueneme Lagoon. Shows Subdivisions 84, 85, and 87 in Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la…

Scene of Pacific Ocean
View of the Pacific Ocean. It depicts surf at the edge of the beach with waves rolling. "Brewster Ventura, Cal." is embossed on the brown cardstock to which the photo is mounted. There is a handwritten caption in white ink below the photo: "Old…

Ventura Beach
View of Ventura Beach with a rocky slope in the distance. Writing on the photo indicates that the image was taken prior to the coast freeway's construction. Upper left and lower right corners torn off.

Cueva Valdez, Santa Cruz Island
View of a sailboat in the ocean as seen through a natural archway at Cueva Valdez on Santa Cruz Island. Image is framed by the arch.

Mussel Rock, Near Ventura postcard, view A
View of ocean surf breaking over rocks. Foam from the surf is visible in the foreground. A mass of rocks sits to the right of the viewer. The largest rock is visible in the background to the right of the viewer. There are two postcards showing the…

Bird's-Eye View of Ventura, black and white postcard
Bird's eye view of Ventura, California. Many buildings and trees visible in the foreground. The Pacific Ocean and the coast are visible in the background. There are two postcards containing the same image. The first postcard is in black and white and…

The Pier, Ventura postcard
A scene of the Ventura Pier with a boat moored to it. There is a larger ship offshore near the end of the pier. The Channel Islands are in the distance with the beach and rolling surf in the foreground. Two images are depicted: A sepia version of…

Ventura Beach Scene postcard
A beach scene in Ventura with numerous fully dressed people sitting on the sand. Other people in silhouette are standing in the water. Children are playing in the shallow water at the edge of the surf. On the left side of the image is a horse and…

Greetings From Ventura, Cal. postcard
The card is titled "Greetings From Ventura, Cal." There is a montage of small overlapping images of Ventura with captions: "Bean Industry," "San Buena Ventura Mission Founded A.D. 1782," "Town of Ventura," "Beach Scene Ventura" and "Date Palms…

Ventura Bath House postcard
View from the beach at the foot of California Street showing the bath house entrance. The building's western and southern facades are visible. The building is blocky and rectangular in design.

[MacGregor Bros., Ventura, Cal. (Postcards of…

Dredging to Build Channel Islands Harbor, Aerial View
Aerial view of a dredging boat in the process of dredging prior to the construction of Channel Islands Harbor. Surrounding Hollywood-by-the-Sea buildings, houses, beach visible.

Group of People among Tide Pools
A group of three people are seen exploring tidepools that are at the base of a cliff. Seaside cliff looms large in the background.
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