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Irrigation pipe - Zone Mutual Water Co.'s Well #5
Irrigation pipe - Zone Mutual Water Co.'s Well #5. Drilled by S. F. Catey. Group photo of four men sitting on the pipe while water comes pouring out. Richard Bard is the man on the left.

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Jose Muermenuto Ruiz
Portrait bust of Jose Muermenuto Ruiz sitting slightly slouched and looking diagonally to the left. Jose Meurmenuto Ruiz was the brother of Gabriel Ruiz and lived in Santa Barbara.

Point Mugu Near Oxnard postcard
Three people stand on rocks next to the ocean. Caption reads: "Point Magu [Mugu] Near Oxnard, Cal."
[Rieder, M., Los Angeles, Cal., 2907]

Old adobe house with men on the front porch.

Matilija Springs, Ventura Co., Cal. postcard
View of water flowing around rocks in Matilija Creek. Two women are sitting on the rocks and a man is standing on a rock in the middle of the stream. Two pipes are carried on supports along one side of the creek.

Caption: Matilija Springs, Ventura…

Showing Off a Sapling at Daily & Sons Nursery
Two unidentified men holding a white sheet behind a young citrus tree. The tree is in a temporary pot. Other plants are visible behind the men. Taken at the C. J. Daily and Sons Nursery in Camarillo.

Tico Residence, Ventura postcard
View of the Tico Residence with two men and two women standing on the front porch. The main structure is adobe with a tile roof. The front porch is wood with shingle roofing. Visible on the right side of the image is an addition to the house with…

Genoveva Spring At Wheeler's postcard
This view depicts four women and a man seated on rocks near a creek. Another man is standing next to them. An advertising message for "Genoveva Cold Mineral Water" appears to have been painted on a flat rock located between the women. Other rocks to…

Tico Residence, Ventura postcard
View of the Tico Residence with two men and two women standing on the front porch. The main structure is adobe with a tile roof. The front porch is wood with shingle roofing. Visible on the right side of the image is an addition to the house with…

Grape Arbor Over Two Lovers
Outdoor scene at Rancho Camulos taken from under the grape arbor. In the foreground of the image the sides and top of the arbor are visible. Grape leaves hang down from the arbor. Outside the arbor is a picket fence with a gate. A man and woman…

Man and Woman on Porch
Image depicts an unidentified man and woman standing on the porch of the main building at Rancho Camulos. The man is in motion seemingly bowing at the woman while the woman looks towards the man. The man is wearing a suit and the woman is wearing a…

Injured Man in Helicopter, 1948 Wheeler Springs Fire
View of an injured man through glass body of helicopter. The helicopter pilot is leaning forward and his face is obscured by the controls. Injured man and pilot appear to be speaking to two men outside of the helicopter.

Note: Museum records…

Chamber of Oils and Mines Barbecue
Panoramic group photo of men standing at the Chamber of Oils and Mines Barbecue at Seaside Park, Ventura, California. Most of the men are wearing three piece suits and ties and are holding their hats in hand. A group of men on the right wear long…

Shingoro Takasuki Inside the Asahi Market
This image shows Singoro Takasuki, proprietor of the Asahi Market, standing inside the store. Advertising signage from the period can be seen on the walls in the background. In the foreground grocery carts, a scale, and sales counter are visible.…

Main Street, 4th of July, Ventura
Main Street, Ventura, 4th of July-three cars with flags, a group of men and a dog are pictured in the street in front of some buildings.

Ventura Volunteer Naval Militia
Ventura Volunteer Naval Militia, group photo of approximately 30 men, posed in front of Ventura Mill & Lumber Company. Verso of photo states "1st men to leave Ventura for World War I." The men are dressed in civilian clothing--suits and hats.…

Leading Venturans Wearing Flu Masks
Group photo of 15 prominent men and 1 boy standing in front of a building wearing flu masks over their faces during the flu epidemic of 1918. One man has his mask down and has a pipe in his mouth.

Persons are not specifically identified, but some…

Joe Mendoza Leading March Protesting "English Only" Ordinance
Joe Mendoza carrying an American flag at the front of a march to protest the "English only" ordinance in Fillmore. Crowd of other protestors visible behind Mendoza, some carrying signs. Legible signs read "Respect all cultures," "Retract the…

Portrait of a Weary Firefighter, 1948 Wheeler Springs Fire
Portrait of a firefighter sitting on the ground, massaging his right foot. His boot is on the ground next to him. He is holding his sock in his right hand. His face appears to be smudged with dirt or ash.

Note: Museum records indicate that the…

Carlos Maria Ruiz
Oval portrait bust of Carlos Maria Ruiz in a dark colored suit looking straight ahead with a straightened posture. Carlos Maria Ruiz is the oldest brother of Gabriel Ruiz and was born on November 4, 1799 in Santa Barbara.

Ventura Beach After a Storm, 1907
View of an unidentified man standing on the Ventura Beach after a storm, with the pier in background. Taken at the foot of California Street. The man is facing the ocean. Rocks and pools of water cover the beach.

J. F. Roth and Juanita
Portrait of J. F. Roth seated, with his wife Juanita standing behind him on the right of the photo. Roth wears a dark pinstriped suit, a thick mustache, and curly hair parted on his left. Juanita wears a dark dress with a lace collar, several tiers…

Ventura Free Press Office
Interior view of the Ventura Free Press office. Three unidentified men are visible in the far end of the office, standing next to a printing press. A fourth man is seated to the right of the printing press. In the foreground is a work station with…

Shaw's Soda Works
A man dressed in a suit, tie and hat is sitting in the driver's seat of the Shaw's Soda Works delivery wagon. Two horses pull the wagon. "Acme Soda Works" is painted on the side of the driver's seat and "Mineral Waters" is painted on the side of the…

Casper Borchard Family Portrait
This photograph depicts Mr. and Mrs. Casper Borchard, a baby and five other children of varying ages. Mr. Borchard and sons are shown in suits, Mrs. Borchard and daughters wear dark dresses. The daughters wear lace collars and necklaces. The baby is…
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