Browse Items (214 total)

Portrait of a Priest
A full body portrait of an unidentified priest. He is standing and holding a hat and cane in his hands.

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Portrait of a Weary Firefighter, 1948 Wheeler Springs Fire
Portrait of a firefighter sitting on the ground, massaging his right foot. His boot is on the ground next to him. He is holding his sock in his right hand. His face appears to be smudged with dirt or ash.

Note: Museum records indicate that the…

Portrait of Charles F. Zapf
Portrait of Charles Frederich Zapf. Charles is turned three-quarters to the viewer's right. He is wearing a dark-colored suit, waistcoat, and bow tie. He wears a drooping mustache. He is posed with his hands in his pockets.

Portrait of Emanuel Franz
Oval bust portrait of Emanual Franz. Franz is gazing to the viewer's right. He has a thick beard and mustache, and slicked back hair. He wears a suit and bow tie.

Library records indicate "Nat. in San Francisco"

Portrait of H. F. Moore
Portrait of H. F. Moore wearing a sweater and overalls and a cap. According to library records he was the Ventura harness maker.

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Portrait of John F. More
Oval portrait of John F. More. He is shown looking to the viewer's right. He is shown as a middle aged man, with a graying beard and hair styled in a coif. He is wearing a dark suit and a satin tie.

Library records indicate that More, along with…

Portrait of John R. Stone
Bust portrait of John R. Stone, the first elected sheriff of Ventura, serving 1873-1877. Portrait shows Stone angled slightly to his right. He wears a dark suit, styled and curled hair, and a prominent mustache and goatee.

Portrait of Joseph M. Miller
Bust portrait sketch of Joseph M. Miller who served as sheriff in Ventura 1877-1879. Miller wears a dark suit. He has dark hair and a thick beard.

Portrait of Reverend Baba Kusaburo and His Wife
Portrait of Reverend Baba Kusaburo and his wife. Kusaburo stands on the left side of the image, holding a cane in one hand, a book in the other. He is wearing a dark coat and has a long, white beard and mustache. Kusaburo's wife sits on the right…

Portrait of Royce Surdam
Portrait of Royce Surdam, a promoter for Bardsdale, Calif. He looks to the viewer's left. He wears a thick beard on his chin, with no mustache or sideburns.

Museum records indicate that Surdam's name occasionally appears under alternate…

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Portrait of Thomas Wallace More
Portrait of Thomas Wallace More, owner of the Sespe land grant from Ventura to Fillmore. He was killed at Bardsdale.

Preparing for a Pack Train Ride
Four men and two donkeys preparing for a pack train ride. One man sits on top of the donkey on the right. It also carries saddlebags. The donkey on the left carries other supplies. The man to the far right is wearing glasses and looking at the…

Preparing for Santa Barbara Motorcycle Club Hill Climb
Scene at meeting of the Santa Barbara Motorcycle Club at La Conchita del Mar showing men standing and sitting around vehicles and motorcycles at the base of a hill, preparing for a hill climb on their motorcycles.

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President Reagan With Musicians in Century City Office
President Ronald Reagan at his office in Century City with a group of musicians. L-R: Marvin Johnson, violin, Frank Umbro, accordion, President Reagan, Hershey Bell, trumpet, Buck Page, guitar.

Queen Bertha and Her Court, Ventura Street Fair
Group photo of people dressed in Baroque-style costumes at the Ventura Street Fair. Two people are seated in thrones in the center of the image, the one seated in the left throne is a woman wearing a crown and identified as "Queen Bertha." Two girls…

R. G. Percy and Ed Wenig
R. G. Percy and Ed Wenig, dressed in suit and tie, are seated at a table together at the Ventura County Historical Society dinner meeting. Other attendees are visible, seated in the background.

R. G. Percy at Ventura County Pioneer Museum
Shows Richard Gird Percy standing by the sign for the Ventura County Pioneer Museum on California Street. Percy is wearing a dark suit, a striped tie, and a light-colored, brimmed hat. Foliage visible behind sign.

VC Pioneer Museum later moved to…

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Reginaldo Ruiz Portrait
Bust portrait of Reginaldo Ruiz later in his life. He is wearing a light colored button-up collared long-sleeve shirt and hat. He is looking at the camera.

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Residents of Gila River Relocation Center, 1944
This image shows a group portrait of the residents of Block 16 at the Gila River Relocation Center in Arizona.

Reverend Serisei's Birthday Celebration
This snapshot shows Reverend Baba Serisei and his wife seated together at a birthday banquet in honor of the Reverend's birthday. Reverend Baba was a minister at the Japanese Methodist Church.

Group photo of (l-r): Richard Maulhardt, Robert Pfeiler, Emil Pfeiler (all of Oxnard, CA), members of the Farm Implement Committee at Ventura County Historical Museum (known in 2022 as Museum of Ventura County. Richard sits and works a tool grinder,…

Robbing the Bees
View of beekeeper, J. F. MacIntyre harvesting honey from beehives on Sespe Canyon Ranch. A bee smoker is next a hive. Plants and rows of beehives are visible in the background.

San Buena Ventura Mission, Ventura postcard
A view looking northwest toward the mission from the opposite side of Main Street. The street is not paved. Four men wearing hats are sitting on the building's steps. Part of the Parish House is visible as well as one of the Norfolk Pine…

Shaw's Soda Works
A man dressed in a suit, tie and hat is sitting in the driver's seat of the Shaw's Soda Works delivery wagon. Two horses pull the wagon. "Acme Soda Works" is painted on the side of the driver's seat and "Mineral Waters" is painted on the side of the…

Sherlock Bristol Seated with Grandson Leroy Bristol Chick
Outdoor, full portrait of Sherlock Bristol seated with his grandson, Leroy Bristol Chick standing to the right. What appears to be a hat sits on the ground to the right of Bristol and Chick. A garden and a house with windows are visible in the…
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