Browse Items (24 total)

Barge Transporting Airstrip Matting
View of Military personnel on a pontoon barge transporting trucks, airstrip matting, and other equipment to the U.S. Naval Missile Center Pt. Mugu. Barge is beached in the surf at Point Mugu.

Includes note: "U.S. Naval Missile Center Pt. Mugu,…

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Crowd Watching Missile Launch
Scene showing a crowd of men and women gathered to watch a missile launch at Naval Air Missile Test Center, Pt. Mugu. Most of the people in the crowd are looking towards the sky.

Commander Bob Williams Standing in Cockpit of Target Fighter Aircraft at Point Mugu
Outdoor scene showing Commander Bob Williams standing in cockpit of target fighter aircraft at Point Mugu. Cmdr. Williams is facing the viewer with his hands rested on the canopy bow of a QF-4 target drone. Taken by the Star-Free Press 1 February…

A.R. Pidduck Home After Navy Jet Crash
A.R. Pidduck home after Navy jet crash. Shows a house with a large burnt-out and collapsed portion. A smoldering crater, people, and a truck are visible in the foreground. A field and trees are visible in the background.

A.R. Pidduck Home After Navy Jet Crash
A.R. Pidduck home after Navy jet crash. Shows debris, rubble, and smoke.

A.R. Pidduck Home After Navy Jet Crash
A.R. Pidduck home after Navy jet crash. Shows debris, rubble, and smoke. Components of a house visible through smoke in the background.

Arthur R. Pidduck Home on Hueneme Road After Navy Jet Crash
Arthur R. Pidduck home on Hueneme Road after Navy jet crash. Shows a house with a large burnt-out and collapsed portion. A smoldering crater, people, and a truck are visible in the foreground. A field and trees are visible in the background.

AIM-54C Air Launch Missile from F-14A Tomcat Aircraft #211
AIM-54C air launch missile from F-14A Tomcat aircraft #211. Number three in a series of AIM-54C air launches.

Shows an AIM-54 missile in free flight under an F-14 launch aircraft. A motor burn and smoke trail are visible behind the missile.…

Tomahawk CMP-2 Missile Performance Demonstration, Launched from A-6 Intruder Aircraft
Tomahawk CMP-2 missile performance demonstration, launched from A-6 Intruder aircraft. Shows a Tomahawk missile with orange test paint in free flight under an A-6 launch aircraft.

Point Mugu Air Show
[User contributed description]
The Navy Blue Angels were the highlight of the Point Mugu Air Show in the 80s.

Boy Scouts and Navy Personnel at Monument
Outdoor group photo of Cub Scouts, teenaged Boy Scouts, Scout leaders, and Navy personnel standing on either side of a monument and United States flag. Text on monument reads, "In Memoriam (date unreadable) J.N. Proctor President
Emeritus 1962,…

Gene Stafford Oral History

Interview with Gene Stafford about his family and life in Port Hueneme. Stafford describes his Chumash heritage, work as a box-maker at a lemon ranch, the harbor at Port Hueneme, the Seabees and China Alley in Oxnard.

Content Warning: The…

Site Survey, Station Plan and Vicinity Map for Navy Administration Building, Port Hueneme
Site survey, station plan and vicinity map for an administration building at the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station, Port Hueneme, Calif. Topographic contour lines are shown on the site map.

Vicinity Map for Study of Drainage Facilities, Oxnard Drainage District No. 1
Vicinity map showing area of a drainage study for Oxnard Drainage District No. 1. Area boundaries are Gonzales Road, Ventura Road, Channel Islands Boulevard and McGrath Road. The Ventura Airport and Southern California Edison's cooling water…

Captain John Quinn and Guests on U.S.S. Norton Sound AV-11
Official photograph U. S. Navy.

Group photo of Captain John Quinn with guests during an open house on the U. S. S. Norton Sound AV-11.

Left to right: Captain W. B. Jackson, Captain E. W. Parish, Jr., Adolpho Camarillo, Milton Ramelli, Captain…

Real Estate Plan of Hess, et al. and Ventura County Game Preserve
Drawing number O. in C.C. / 32, Naval Air Missile Test Center, Point Mugu, Calif. Map of the Real Estate Plan for Hess, et al. and the Ventura County Game Preserve. Red line indicates a portion of Casper Road.

Image taken from afar, ocean in foreground, of the USS South Dakota, in Ventura for a celebration in 1914. Bottom right of photo reads "Compliments of Dingman Studio Ventura."
'Photographer - Dingnan Studio.

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Four Black Seabee Singers
A group of four black men perform as singers for the Seabees during a Bond Drive at Camp Rousseau, Pt. Hueneme. They are in their naval uniforms with a large flag behind them. They are standing in a semi-circle around a microphone. Copy from CBC…

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Black Seabee Singers
A group of ten Black men perform as singers for the Seabees during a Bond Drive at Camp Rousseau, Pt. Hueneme. They are in their naval uniforms with a large flag behind them. They are standing in a semi-circle around a microphone. Copy from CBC…

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U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory postcard
Exterior view of U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, a large two story building along the beach. Beach is seen to the right of image and in the background there is a pier and mountains.
[U.S. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme,…

United States Naval Air Missile Test Center, Point Mugu postcard
Guard booth at the entrance to United States Naval Air Missile Test Center, Point Magu. There is a guard/sentry station with two notices on the outside. One reads "Dim Lights for Sentry" an the other reads "REMEMBER What You SEE Here What You DO Here…

Group portrait of the crew of the S.S. St. Louis
Panoramic group portrait of the crew of the U.S.S. St. Louis, volunteer naval militia. The names of the crew are listed on the photograph. Printed paper on top of photo mistakenly reads "1914", should be 1917.

Nearly identical to photo number…

Navy Ships

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Ventura Volunteer Naval Militia
Ventura Volunteer Naval Militia, group photo of approximately 30 men, posed in front of Ventura Mill & Lumber Company. Verso of photo states "1st men to leave Ventura for World War I." The men are dressed in civilian clothing--suits and hats.…
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