Browse Items (82 total)

Soper's Ranch House and Service Station Postcard
A car is pulled up to a service station pump. Above it is a sign reading "Fredricksburg Beer" on the left half and "Soper's Ranch Cafe & Cottages" on the right. A shack sits to the right of the pumping station with a sign on top that says "Cottages…

Main and Oak Streets, Ventura, 1896
View of Main Street in Ventura from the corner of Main and Oak Streets facing west. Bank of Ventura on left side of photo and horses and carriages are parked on the street. Bottom of photo captioned "Main Street Ventura."

Main Street Near Figueroa Street, Ventura, 1877
Men lined up along the sidewalk in front of businesses on Main Street near Figueroa Street in Ventura, south side. The Signal Newspaper office and Justice of the Peace Court were in these buildings. Typed writing near bottom left corner of photo…

Shaw's Soda Works
A man dressed in a suit, tie and hat is sitting in the driver's seat of the Shaw's Soda Works delivery wagon. Two horses pull the wagon. "Acme Soda Works" is painted on the side of the driver's seat and "Mineral Waters" is painted on the side of the…

Main Street Scene, Ventura
Street scene showing the 500 block of Main Street in Ventura. Cars parked along sidewalk in foreground, partially obscuring street. Opposite storefronts visible including McCauley's Cafe and Montgomery Ward (at 529 and 535 E. Main Street…

Panoramic group photo at Ventura gas plant
Group photograph of the Pacific Gasoline Company's Ventura plant. Their main office was in Los Angeles (700 Calif. Bank Bldg. Los Angeles, Cal.). Men are in front of some pipes out in a field near some buildings and equipment behind a sign.

Oxnard Postcard
A view down a busy commercial street, possibly "A" Street, lined with mid-century cars. On the left side is a J.C. Penney's (visibly named) in yellow. The next buildings are brown with illegible signs, though at the further end there is a blue sign…

United States Naval Air Missile Test Center, Point Mugu postcard
Guard booth at the entrance to United States Naval Air Missile Test Center, Point Magu. There is a guard/sentry station with two notices on the outside. One reads "Dim Lights for Sentry" an the other reads "REMEMBER What You SEE Here What You DO Here…

Julia Sandoval Protesting "English Only" Ordinance
Julia Sandoval carrying a sign and child at protest of the "English only" ordinance in Fillmore. Child is holding small American flag and is drinking from bottle. Sandoval's sign reads "Down with Insensitivity." Other protesters visible on sides and…

Joe Mendoza Leading March Protesting "English Only" Ordinance
Joe Mendoza carrying an American flag at the front of a march to protest the "English only" ordinance in Fillmore. Crowd of other protestors visible behind Mendoza, some carrying signs. Legible signs read "Respect all cultures," "Retract the…

Plans and Profiles of Miscellaneous Structures at Oak Creek Senior Housing, Thousand Oaks
Plans and profiles of miscellaneous structures at Oak Creek Senior Housing, Thousand Oaks. Shows figures numbered 1-7. Figure 1 shows profile of perimeter wall. Figure 2 shows cross-section of retaining wall. Figure 3 shows profile of trash…

Bank of A. Levy
Exterior view of Bank of A. Levy from across the street. People and cars are visible.

Hill's Photo Service
Shows exterior storefront of Hill's Photo Service. The shop was located at 610 N. Ventura Avenue, and was operated by David W. Hill. Several signs visible in window.

Main Street Looking West postcard
View looking down Main Street. There are buildings on either side of the street, and cars are parked along the street. Postcard looks illustrated. Hotel Baldwin and Hotel DeLeon visible. Caption at top reads: "1202:- Main Street Looking West,…

Hamilton Diamond Company Store
Closeup exterior view of the Hamilton Diamond Company Store. The store seems to take up at least the bottom floor of a several stories tall building. The second floor seems to advertise Dr. Joseph Bloom, Optometrist. Store is on a corner, double…

Genoveva Spring At Wheeler's postcard
This view depicts four women and a man seated on rocks near a creek. Another man is standing next to them. An advertising message for "Genoveva Cold Mineral Water" appears to have been painted on a flat rock located between the women. Other rocks to…

New Ventura Freeway, 1965
View looking west over the top of "El Caballo" (the Mission San Buenaventura settling tank) with the new Ventura Freeway in the background. Many business and buildings in view mid image.

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Colonia Hotel
Exterior view of Colonia Hotel taken from across the street. It is a two story structure with a long porch and balcony on top of the porch running along the entire front of the building. There are many signs visible advertising various businesses,…

Men Painting Hollywood by the Sea Sign
Two men on scaffolding hand paint a road sign for Hollywood by the Sea. Sign reads "Hollywood by the Sea Best of the Beaches Straight through Oxnard on 5th Street." Road sign features a woman in a swimsuit sitting on the beach. There is a car…

Sign for Lying-In Hospital and Sanatorium
Image of the sign for the "Lying-In Hospital and Sanatorium." Building visible in the background. Possibly located on 5th and H streets in Oxnard, CA.


Freight Train Stopped on Tracks
Image of freight train cars stopped in front of buildings. Container on the right has "Chicago and North Western" and "Route of the 400 and the Streamliners" written on the side. Building in the background has logo for Sunkist. A set of tracks in…

5th Street, Oxnard
Image taken from the B Street intersection looking northeast at 5th Street. Bank of A. Levy, Lehmann Bros., and Post Office visible on the left of the image. 1920's style parked cars lining the front of the buildings. Woman walking in front of the…

L. N. Diedrich Machine Shop
Front exterior view of L. N. Diedrich Machine Shop, located at 358 Oxnard Blvd. taken around 1938.

Rancho Guadalasca Sign
View of a sign on a wooden post in a field. Sign reads "Rancho Guadalasca

Group Photo, Buena High School Honors Awards Ceremony
Group photo of Jimmy Lefkowitz, center, with two unidentified female students in front of a Buena High School Bulldogs marquee
at an Honors Awards Ceremony. The group share big smiles with the viewer. Marquee reads "Academic Awards Night" at the…
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