Browse Items (101 total)

Ventura County Oil Fields
Bird's eye view of a road running through the middle of oil fields, with derricks, storage tanks, and buildings visible on either side of the road. Museum records describe this as "Ventura County Oil Fields", but do not specify exact name.

Ventura County Jail, Exterior View
Sepia toned bird's eye view of the Ventura County Jail. There are two men on the front steps and a car parked on the right of image. Jail is a two story building surrounded by hills, on Poli Street in Ventura, CA. A man in white stands in one of the…

Buildings of Russell Ranch Headquarters
Bird's eye view of the buildings of he Russell Ranch Headquarters, Conejo. Buildings are surrounded by land dotted with trees. Currently this is under Westlake Lake (2022).

Ventura View from Hills near San Buenaventura Mission
Bird's eye view of Ventura extending out to the ocean from hills behind the San Buenaventura Mission grounds. Ventura Wharf in view with a large shipped docked there at left of image. Bottom left of image shows a lumber yard. A large portion of Main…

San Buenaventura Mission, 1870
Bird's eye view of Mission San Buenaventura from southwest direction, showing the adjacent cemetery. There is a wooden fence between the walkway in front of the mission and Main Street, which is made of dirt. A rock wall with tiles along the top…

Ventura Avenue, Circa 1900
Bird's eye view of Ventura Avenue, running along the center of the image. The Avenue has one or two buildings visible. Mountains visible in the background. According to library records: "Above Gosnell house where oil
wells are. Old Notten house -…

Street Scene, Hueneme
Bird's eye view of intersecting dirt roads in Hueneme. Teams of horses and/or mules pull large wagons fill with sacks, possibly grain sacks. Several homes and buildings are in the background, including the residence of Dr. O. V. Sessions. Photo taken…

Limoneira Ranch, Bird's Eye View
A bird's eye view of Limoneira Ranch with vast fields and/or orchards and some buildings and houses in the scene. There appear to be taller lines of trees as well, possibly wind rows.

State Highway, Between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, California postcard
Bird's eye view of Conejo Grade, Coast Highway showing the windy highway constructed on the mountainside. One car on the highway.
[Albertype Co., Brooklyn, N.Y., Postcards of Quality; Osborneís, Santa Barbara, California]

Ventura Avenue, 1905
Bird's eye view of Ventura Avenue in Ventura, CA. View is looking north from Park Row according to library records. Several houses and small neighborhoods visible, as well as mountains in the background. Ventura Avenue runs along the middle of the…

Aerial View of San Buenaventura Mission
Bird's eye view of the San Buenaventura Mission and the town looking southeast from Poli Street. Various buildings and what appears to be a large garden plot area can be seen.

Hauling Grain to Hueneme
Hauling grain to Hueneme from Calleguas Ranch above dam. Bird's eye view shows numerous wagons filled with sacks of grain pulled by teams of horses or mules going one direction. Next to them are empty wagons pulled by horse or mule teams going in the…

Oil Field Scene
Bird's eye view of a large oil field with oil derricks, buildings, trucks, equipment, and workers on the scene. Library records indicate it is possibly "Shell Oil Company Taylor Lease, Ventura Field." Two images mounted on white cardboard.

Oil Well Rig Bird's Eye View
Bird's eye view of oil well rig with cars and equipment all around it on a hilltop. Location unclear, but library records indicate it may be "Shell Oil Company Taylor Lease, Ventura Field." Background show another hillside to the right of image with…

Distant View of Santa Paula, 1891
Distant view looking down on Santa Paula in 1891 from atop a hill. Grass and a house are in the foreground, and spread out houses and buildings dot the scene. Mountains are in the background of the image. This image is the left half of a panorama…

Oxnard Plaza Park
Bird's eye image of Oxnard Plaza Park. It appears to be composed of two images put together. The park with trees and various walking paths is in the foreground. Buildings and houses are in the background.

Appears to be a small section of…

View of Ventura, California
View of Ventura taken from a hillside looking inland. Two cows are in the foreground of photo.

Ojai Valley From Grade Road
Panoramic bird's eye view of Ojai Valley from Grade Road, looking west. Image is mounted. Card attached to photo reads "P212, collection of old photos, 75 to 100 in number."

View of Santa Clara River View Looking East From Todd Barranca
Sepia-toned photograph of a winding Santa Clara River from above. View is looking east from about Todd Barranca, Santa Paula.

Downtown Plaza in Oxnard
A panoramic view of the downtown plaza in Oxnard and surrounding streets. View shows Poggie's Drug Store, Oxnard Courier, Charles Rowe Livery & Feed Stable, Eagle Bathhouse, Oxnard Fire Station, L.B. Hdw & Impl. Co., Louis Brenneis Machine-Implement…

La Conchita, Rincon
Bird's eye view of coastline and houses in La Conchita.

Valley from South Mt. postcard
Bird's eye view of the Santa Clara Valley. There are oil rigs in the foreground. Caption at bottom reads: "Valley from South Mt. Santa Paula, Cal."
[No publisher stated, 8]

San Buenaventura Mission Sesquicentennial Tree Planting Ceremony
A large group of people gather in the Mission courtyard and on the sidewalk for the Mission's 150th Anniversary celebration and tree planting ceremony on April 3, 1932. Cars are parked along Main Street in the foreground. The photo seems to have been…

View of Ventura toward the sea, includes pier.

View of Ventura, 1890
View of mission from hill above circa 1890, Main Street Ventura. Figueroa Street west. Photograph includes the racetrack.
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