Browse Items (162 total)

U.S. Post Office, Santa Paula postcard
Postcard of the Santa Paula post office. Shows the front of the building with entrance in view. View from the street shows an unidentified brick building to the left of the post office and trees to the right of the post office.

[No Publisher…

T. Otani Store
Exterior street view of the T. Otani grocery store. The automobile on the street is being driven by Tokutaro Moriwaki. The neighboring front exterior reads: W. E. Kelley's I-X-L Livery, Boarding, and Sales Stable can also be seen. An advertising sign…

Street View, Oxnard, California postcard
Views of a busy street in Oxnard. Shows multiple cars driving and parked throughout the street. Shows businesses and storefronts on both sides of the street.

[DOPS in stamp area]

Street view of Ventura
First City Hall and the library built by the city of Ventura. Located on Main Street and California Street looking West on Main Street. Buildings can be seen on either side of the dirt road.

Painting or drawing of street view of Mission San Buenaventura

Street Scene, Ventura, Cal. postcard
A view looking west on Main Street from the intersection with California Street. City Hall is on the northwest corner and a bank building is on the southwest corner. Pedestrians and horse buggies are visible in the street. The streets are unpaved.…

Street Scene, Hueneme, 1895
Glossy photocopy of "Street Scene Hueneme 1895. M. E. Church and School in background". Busy scene showing men on horseback and horses pulling large wagons of cargo through Hueneme. Smaller wagons and horses also visible in dirt street, parked in…

Street Scene, Hueneme
Bird's eye view of intersecting dirt roads in Hueneme. Teams of horses and/or mules pull large wagons fill with sacks, possibly grain sacks. Several homes and buildings are in the background, including the residence of Dr. O. V. Sessions. Photo taken…

Street scene with Grant Lull & Co., image of downtown Cambria prior to a fire that burned most of the downtown.

Street Scene on Main Street, Santa Paula
View looking down Main Street in Santa Paula, photographed is a building called "Bootery". A man is standing under a lamp post. Automobiles are parked along the sidewalk and also driving down the street.

Street Scene at Hollywood by the Sea
Bird's eye view showing the street at Hollywood by the Sea full of cars, both parked and mid drive. There are several buildings in the scene, including a recreation center and a bath house. Recreation center sign on right of image reads "sensibly…

Street scene with people, bicycles, and automobiles.

Street Leading to Oxnard Sugar Beet Factory
View of the street leading to the American Beet Sugar Company, showing houses on the right hand side. The sugar factory is in the background.

St. John's Hospital, Oxnard, Calif. postcard
View of St. John's Hospital in Oxnard from the street. The foreground shows the street as well as the bushes and trees in front of the hospital. Behind the vegetation lies the hospital with a Christian cross on top of it.

[No publisher stated, 3]

Southeast Corner of 5th and A Streets, Oxnard
Image of a vacant building on the southeast corner of 5th and A Streets. Man standing in the shade under building awning. Street is empty except for a parked car on the far right of the image.

Sign Protesting Santa Paula City Council
Santa Paula street scene showing white truck parked next to sidewalk. Sign standing in truck bed reads "We love [heart symbol] Santa Paula except for the double standards you have for Mexicans. King in City Hall! [rest of sign illegible]." Buildings…

Saticoy, 1895
Saticoy street scene showing men, women, and children standing on the porch of a long wooden building. They are dressed formally, as if for an event. Off to the right there are two horse drawn carriages, but only one is completely visible. In the…

Santa Paula, Calif. postcard
A street view of the two-story Citizens State Bank building, located on Main Street in Santa Paula. The building has an arched entry and ornate ironwork over two windows facing Main Street. American flags mounted on poles line the sidewalks on Main…

Santa Paula Hardware Company
Exterior view of Santa Paula Hardware Company Building. The two story building is located on a corner and the post office is visible on the right side of the image. There are several men standing around the building as well as horse drawn buggies.…

Santa Paula Hardware Co., Santa Paula, Calif. postcard
View of the corner of the Santa Paula Hardware Co. a two story building. Victorian-style architecture is seen on the second story portion of the building. The street pictured with the building is somewhat busy with men waiting outside of the…

Sanchez Brothers Mexican Mercantile Storefront
Exterior view of Sanchez Brothers Mexican Mercantile, the Sanchez Family store, storefront taken from across the street. The store sits on the corner of Main and Mountain View Streets with entry doors facing the corner. The building has a painted…

San Buenaventura Mission and Old Chinatown
View of the San Buenaventura Mission and Chinatown buildings along Figueroa Street. Photograph is taken from Santa Clara Street. A long dirt road leads up to the Mission with a row of buildings along one side and a fence with trees on the other side.…

San Buenaventura Mission and Museum
Front facing view of the exterior of Mission San Buenaventura from across Main Street running in front of it. The building next to the mission church clearly reads "Mission Museum" and a Camino Real bell is visible to the left of the mission steps.…

Richard Stephens' Grocery Store, Fillmore negative
Richard Stephens' Grocery Store at the Southeast corner of Central and Main, showing Alfred Stone, Dr. Hinckley and Dick Stephens, Fillmore, 1894. Building front reads "James Duncan."

Residential street.
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