Browse Items (68 total)
- Tags: Businesses
Wright's Harness Shop and Duval's Drygoods, Saticoy
Tags: Buildings, Businesses, Dirt Roads, Flags, Horse Drawn Carts
E.W. Daily at Ford Coupe
Note: Museum Records indicate that Dingeman's Dealership was located on Saviers Road & 3rd Street, in Oxnard.
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Men, Storefronts
Main Street Scene, Ventura
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Downtown Ventura, Signs, Stores
Ventura Pastry Shop Storefront
Tags: Bakeries, Businesses, Restaurants, Stores
Bob Stuarts Ventura Toys Storefront
Tags: Businesses, Downtown Ventura, Signs, Stores
Cal Worthington Dodge Agency
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Downtown Ventura, Storefronts, Stores, The Avenue
Watson's Furniture Storefront
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Signage, Signs, Stores
John Taft Electric Storefront
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Signage, Signs, Stores
Northside of Main Street, Between California and Oak Streets
Tags: Buildings, Businesses, Cars, Downtown Ventura, Storefronts
Weatherly Motor Company Used Car Lot
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Parking Lots
Weatherly Motor Company
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Downtown Ventura, Storefronts
Weatherly Motor Company
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Downtown Ventura, Storefronts
Santa Clara Street Laundry
Tags: Businesses, Laundry, Machines
Ventura Avenue Flooded
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Telephone Poles, The Avenue
Shaw's Soda Works
Tags: Bottles, Businesses, Warehouses, Workers
Avenue Drug Store
Note with photograph: "This was my father's Drug store from about 1910-1960. His name was John H. McClaran. I…
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Signs, Storefronts
Harrison Avenue Drug Store During Flood
Tags: Businesses, Floods, Storefronts
Bart's Books
View of the outside shelves at Bart's Books. I love going to Barts because they always have so many interesting books!
Tags: Books, Bookstores, Businesses, Local Businesses, Outdoors, Places
Fulkerson Hardware, Somis
Tags: Buildings, Businesses, Storefronts
Fulkerson Hardware, Somis
Tags: Buildings, Businesses, Storefronts
Downtown Oxnard, Calif.
[Roberts, Mike Natural Color, Berkeley 2, Calif. (published for Schulze News Co., Ventura,…
Tags: Businesses, Downtown Oxnard, Storefronts
Santa Paula Hardware Co., Santa Paula, Calif.
Tags: Businesses, Santa Paula, Street Views
Street View, Oxnard, California
[DOPS in stamp area]
Tags: Businesses, Cars, Street Views
Ventura, California (Shows Hotel & Cafe Poinsettia)
[No publisher stated]
Tags: Businesses, Hotels, Restaurant, Street Views
C. J. Daily and Sons Nursery, Camarillo
Tags: Buildings, Businesses, Cars, Plants, Trucks