Oxnard High School's Walter Bell weaves between Ventura High School's Nathan Hantgin and Cory Brown during a basketball game at Ventura High School. Another Oxnard High School player is watching the play happen. There is a crowd of spectators in the…
Collapsed bridge following the Sespe Creek flood in 1938. People stand on each side of the bridge, looking down at the creekbed. Other group of people look at the damage from the ground by the creek.
A three-story hotel on a street corner (a note on the card says "NW corner Main & Palm Sts."). An awning supported by thin, rounded columns covers the street in front of the first floor. At least a dozen motorcars are lined up neatly alongside one…
View of the beach and town of Avalon on Catalina Island. The caption of the image reads "Avalon, Catalina Island, California" The beach is crowded with people. Pier and boats are visible. Storefronts and houses are visible along the beach and in the…
The Port Hueneme wharf is in the background of a crowded beach. A large wooden ship is docked at the end of the pier. Several dozen people are in the water and on the beach, men and women alike. Two men stand together, looking towards the camera. A…
Image of busy stretch of shoreline, being enjoyed by many people. An oil silo sits on a hill in the background, just behind a series of small buildings. Umbrellas with reclining figures dot the sand, facing a scene of bustling activity closer to the…
Bird's eye view of the Ventura Street Fair. Crowds of people fill the street. A Maypole with children dancing around it is visible in the foreground. Also visible is a stage with carpet leading to the Fair's Queen and her court. Storefronts are…
A crowd of men, women and children gather in a new telephone building to celebration its completion. Building on the corner of Fir and Santa Clara Streets in Ventura. One man sits at a desk with a telephone in hand as if speaking on the phone.
Panoramic group photo of men standing at the Chamber of Oils and Mines Barbecue at Seaside Park, Ventura, California. Most of the men are wearing three piece suits and ties and are holding their hats in hand. A group of men on the right wear long…
View of advertisement for John Calvin Brewster's photography studio at the corner of Main and Oak Street in Ventura. There are many men gathered around the advertisement which contains sample photographs and is adorned with US flags. Above and to the…
A large crowd gathers in front of the cross on the hill in present day (2022) Grant Park in Ventura. Men, women, and children are present, all wearing hats. Many people hold parasols. Museum notes refer to this being "Admission Day", the day the…
Group photo of a large crowd gathered to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Southern Pacific Railroad coming to Santa Paula. The crowds cheers and watches a diesel engine pull a ceremonial 100th anniversary train into the station. Train in the…
View of a crowd looking over damage from the Saint Francis Dam Failure. Some of the crowd looking at pile of debris in center of view. In background, other individuals are visible walking through the debris.
A large crowd waits for the winning tickets at an appliance drawing at Veever's Service Station on East Main Street, Ventura. This drawing was typically held on Thursday nights. Ronald Veever is second from the left, holding a microphone. A group of…
A large crowd waits for the winning tickets at an appliance drawing at Veever's Service Station on East Main Street. This drawing was typically held on Thursday nights. Ronald Veever is second from the left, holding a microphone. A group of men…
A large crowd waits for the winning tickets at an appliance drawing at Veever's Service Station on East Main Street. This drawing was typically held on Thursday nights. Ronald Veever is second from the left, holding a microphone. A group of men…
Dedication ceremonies for Ventura City Hall on Poli Street in Ventura. A large crowd stands on the front steps and on Poli Street, some sitting in folding chairs.
Ceremony for the dedication of the Montalvo Bridge across the Santa Clara River. Crowds of people and what appear to be horses and carriages are gathered around.