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Interior of T. Moriwaki Fruit Store
Masano Moriwaki is seen behind the service counter inside the T. Moriwaki Store. Standing in front of the counter are her children, Masami and Noriyoshi.
T. Moriwaki Fruit Store, 716 Oxnard Blvd, Oxnard.

Moriwaki Family Portrait, 1925
Tokutaro and Masano Moriwaki pose for a portrait with their son, Norio, and their daughter, Masako. The children are holding bouquets in their hands. Interior full portrait.

T. Otani Store
Exterior street view of the T. Otani grocery store. The automobile on the street is being driven by Tokutaro Moriwaki. The neighboring front exterior reads: W. E. Kelley's I-X-L Livery, Boarding, and Sales Stable can also be seen. An advertising sign…

Tokutaro Moriwaki and Fred Aoki
This image shows Tokutaro Moriwaki, seated left of the frame, and Fred Aoki, standing beside an automobile. Moriwaki worked as a chauffeur for the Abram Lincoln Hobson family. They appear to be at a campground, as there are trees, rocks, and tents in…

Tokutaro Moriwaki
This image shows Tokutaro Moriwaki posing to the left of guests at an elegant lunch being held under a pergola in Ojai, California. Moriwaki was a chauffeur and handyman for the Abram Lincoln Hobson family during the 1920s. Guests are seated at a…

Point Mugu Fish Camp
This image shows Oxnard Buddhist Church members giving a tour to two dignitaries from Japan who were visiting the area. Mr. Kubota was the owner of the fish camp at this time.

Left to right: M. Takeda, Y. Yamashita, J. Kanamori, Mrs. Kubota, T.…

K. Inadomi Family Portrait
This image shows the K. Inadomi family posing for a portrait outside the front of a house.
Back row (l-r): George, Mr. and Mrs. K. Inadomi
Front row (l-r): Nora, Iris, and Jean Inadomi

First Temple Sunday School
This image shows the pupils of the First Temple Sunday School program posing in front of a private home at C and 6th Streets in Oxnard, California.

Kaniye Sensei and Masako Moriwaki
This image shows Mrs. Kaniye Sensei and Masako Moriwaki posing together in front of a festively decorated automobile. Automobile has US flag decorations and paper lanterns hanging from it. Masako appears to be in traditional Japanese clothing.

Buddhist Church Sunday School
Image shows a group photo of the Buddhist Church Sunday School students posing on the steps.
From left to right:
Back row: Hideko Inouye, Masami Moriwaki, Susie Nakai, Kazako Masunaga, Helen Sakata, Masako Moriwaki.
4th row: Hatsuye Yoshida,…

Sam Kodani With Fishing Pole
This image shows Sam Kodani standing on the exterior steps of Limoneira worker housing. He is holding a fishing pole.

Parade on Oxnard Boulevard
This is a birds' eye view of a parade on Oxnard Boulevard between 6th and 7th Streets in Oxnard, California. Visible storefronts from left to right: Otani Store, movie theater, Doi Store, Sam Wo Hand Laundry, and O.K. Cafe.

Ventura Pier Beach Scene
This image shows the beach from the point of view of the Ventura Pier looking inland. There are people on the beach and several cars parked in the background.

Portrait of a Seamstress
This image shows a Japanese seamstress posing for an interior full portrait. This is most likely S. Muramatsu, who operated a Cleaners and Dyers shop next to the Asahi Market in Oxnard, California.

Mrs. Baba and Mrs. Takeda
This image shows Mrs. Baba and Mrs. Takeda standing on East 7th Street in Oxnard, California in front of an automobile. The exterior storefront of the Takeda Family Store can be seen in the background to the right.

Hiroshi Takeda on Oxnard Boulevard
This image shows Hiroshi Takeda drinking a soda on Oxnard Blvd. in Oxnard, California. There are many cars parked along the street and there are people walking around. It appears to be during the day. There appears to be some rubble around Hiroshi's…

Paving Crew on Oxnard Boulevard
This image shows a seven-man paving crew working on Oxnard Boulevard during the widening project that took place circa 1925. The men are using shovels and there is a large paving machine visible to the right of the frame. There are three men and a…

Hiroshi and George Takeda
This image shows Hiroshi (left) and George Takeda standing on the beach in either Oxnard or Hueneme. Hiroshi holds a ball under one arm. They wear typical swimming suits for the period.

Mr. Kunihiro Portrait
This image shows Mr. Kunihiro standing for a full interior portrait. He wears a three piece suit and tie and stands next to chair, one hand resting on the chair. He is also wearing a hat and glasses. Library records do not have his first name.

Shisaku Shimizu in the Takeda Family Store
This image shows Shisaku Shimizu standing inside the Takeda Family Store. Shimizu was a family member who worked in the store. He is buried in the Japanese Cemetery in Oxnard.
Takeda Family Store, 107 1/2 East 7th Street, Oxnard, California.

Magoichi Takeda Portrait
This image shows Magoichi Takeda posing for an interior full portrait. He looks into the camera and is wearing a formal suit and tie. He has a medal on his suit.

Citrus Workers
This image is an exterior group portrait of Japanese citrus workers posing with their supervisor in a citrus orchard at the Teague-McKevett Ranch.

Susumo Kunihiro Funeral Service
This image shows families and friends gathered in attendance at a funeral service for Susumo Kunihiro, taken before 1929. The photo was taken inside the S. H. Diffenderffer & Son Mortuary. Mr. Moriwaki is standing at the far right. Hiroshi Takeda…

Picnic at Hueneme Beach
This image is an exterior group photo of several Japanese families gathered together for a picnic on the beach. The families are far off in the image and beach is in foreground.

Magoichi Takeda Portrait
This image shows Magoichi Takeda seated in a chair for a full studio portrait.
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