Browse Items (56 total)

Boy Milking Cow
Shows a young boy sitting on a box and milking a black cow. The boy is wearing overalls and a wide-brimmed straw hat. He is looking over his shoulder to the right side of the view. Cow is facing the right side. A chain is looped around its horns.

Group Portrait, Filipino Farm Workers at Arneill Ranch
Group portrait of Filipino workers at Arniell Ranch.

Note: Museum records indicate that Arniell Ranch worker housing was located along Arneill Road in Camarillo, on what is now Ponderosa Road, between the Santa Barbara Bank and Trust and Vons…

Eddie Gonzales at Rivcom Protest
Eddie Gonzales holding sign for Rivcom [Rancho Sespe] protest at the Ventura County Government Center. Gonzales is two years old in photo. Other protesters visible in background. Gonzales' sign reads "I need water to grow." Ventura County Star-Free…

Picking Lemons March First at Limoneira Ranch
Agricultural workers harvesting lemons from trees on Limoneira Ranch. Men in foreground are standing on ladders. Other workers are standing on the ground, some facing viewers, some harvesting. Stacks of citrus boxes on a cart visible in center view.

Alejandro Ruiz Oral History
Interview with Alejandro Ruiz about his life in Piru, work on Rancho Camulos, and his Yaqui heritage and family roots in Sonora, Mexico. Ruiz began working on Rancho Camulos in the 1930s and worked there for 50 years.

Content Warning: The…

Apricot Harvest at Elliot Hendry Ranch
View of two boys scraping dried apricots from a wood frame into fruit crates. Boy on left has face obscured by a shadow. A stack of empty frames is behind the boys. More frames containing drying apricots are visible on the ground around the boys.

Baling Hay on Maulhardt Ranch
View of a group of men posing on and in front of a steam-powered hay-baling machine. Machine resembles a small locomotive engine. Wagons, haybales, and other farm equipment are visible in the background.

Library records include two notes:…

Tractor and Thresher
View of a tractor towing a threshing machine on Rancho Guadalasca. An unidentified man is driving the tractor. A second unidentified man is standing on top of the thresher.

Mahan's Thresher
Scene shows several workers out in the field with threshing equipment. Some workers stand on the machinery, while others stand nearby with other equipment and horses.

W. M. Zeller Threshing Outfit
Agricultural laborers that are part of W. M. Zeller threshing crew, with their wagons, machinery, and horses. Smoke is billowing out of machinery in the middle of the photograph. American flag flying. Hills in the background. Library records also…

Beet Sheds at American Beet Sugar Company
Beets being loaded into beet sheds at the American Beet Sugar Factory in Oxnard. A child looks on at the group of men working There are several sheds and pulleys on overhead rafters over the sheds.

Untitled, (Mule or Horse Team with 2 Men and Farm Implements) postcard
A team of mules or horses appears to be pulling a farm implement upon which a man is sitting. Another man is visible within the group of animals. Hills, buildings, utility poles and wires are visible in the distance.

[AZO in stamp area]

Harvesting Grapes from Vineyards on Santa Cruz Island
Numerous workers harvest grapes into crates from vast vineyards that stretch out very far in the image. Hills and mountains barely visible in background.

Weather Station Reading with Mr. Blanchard
Mr. Blanchard (possibly Ralph Blanchard) examines temperatures in a Valencia orange orchard. Caption reads "Showing how temperatures are watched - Valencia Orange trees on north side of entrance road. Mr. Blanchard pointing to reading 72 degrees in…

Hondo Ranch Valencia Grove with Ralph Blanchard
Ralph Blanchard examines an orange tree. Caption reads "Four year old Valencia Orange grove B. I. Co [Berylwood Investment Company] Hondo Ranch showing Ralph W. Blanchard - foreman."

Worker on Sugar Beet Machine
Snapshot, close view of a worker on sugar beet machine in a field. Many beets in view on the machine.

Team of Horses Hauling Beans at J. F. Lewis Ranch
An eight horse team is hitched to a wagon loaded with sacks of beans at the J. F. Lewis Ranch in Camarillo, CA. Two men are in the image, one rides a horse at the end of the team and the other man stands next to them. The team is stopped in a path…

Hauling Beans at J. F. Lewis Ranch
Scene showing an eight horse team pulling a wagon loaded with sacks of beans at the J. F. Lewis Ranch in Camarillo, CA. Another team follows behind in the background. The teams are on a path amongst crops. Crop in foreground right appears to be…

Apricot Crew and Trays of Drying Apricots
Several rows of drying apricots lay on the ground in the image foreground. In the background is a large group posing for the camera. Among them are men, women, and children. Some of the group sit on sacks (presumably filled with…

Orange Picking at Limoneira
Several men climb ladders to harvest oranges in an orchard at Limoneira. Oranges are slid down tubes into crates on the ground. Crates are stacked up in neat rows ready to be carried off. Charles Collins Teague sits in a horse drawn carriage at the…

Canet Apricot Drying Camp
Group photo of eight men at work drying apricots on Canet Ranch on "The Avenue" in Ventura. The Avenue refers to Ventura Ave. Five men sit in front of a shed, while stand near apricot drying trays. Some trays are stacked and others are laid out for…

Mule and Horse Teams Hauling Grain Sacks
Mule and horse teams haul wagons loaded with grain sacks. Teams are lined up along a street in front of a warehouse with huge stacks of grain sacks piled up in front of it. A group of men in the photo look at the viewer. Museum records suggest image…

J. E. Reynolds and J. C. P. Moore
Image of two men in a fields of wheat. One man examines stalks of wheat and the other looks off to the left of the viewer. They are identified as J. E. Reynolds and J. C. P. Moore.

Apricot Pitting Shed
Group photo of agricultural workers, mainly women, and one child and baby in the Moorpark-Simi area. They stand in an apricot pitting shed all facing the camera. There are trays of apricots in stacks on the ground on tables all around the shed. Shade…

Barley Machine at Broome Ranche
A barley machine is pulled by two large horses. Two men stand in the machine and two other men are in the background. Library records state "J. F. Lewis", but it is unclear if he is one of the men.
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