Browse Items (219 total)

J. F. Roth and Juanita
Portrait of J. F. Roth seated, with his wife Juanita standing behind him on the right of the photo. Roth wears a dark pinstriped suit, a thick mustache, and curly hair parted on his left. Juanita wears a dark dress with a lace collar, several tiers…

Alvin and Uncle Jake Gatchell
Portrait of Alvin and Uncle Jake Gatchell, relatives of Mrs. Daisy Fulkerson. Alvin, a boy, stands next to Jake, a man, who is seated in a chair. They are both wearing suits and have somber expressions. A backdrop with a fireplace and bookcase is…

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Ventura Volunteer Naval Militia
Ventura Volunteer Naval Militia, group photo of approximately 30 men, posed in front of Ventura Mill & Lumber Company. Verso of photo states "1st men to leave Ventura for World War I." The men are dressed in civilian clothing--suits and hats.…

Ventura Liberty Boys group photo
Group photo of World War I draftees, No. 2 draft. The group is in front of the Ventura County Court House. "Ventura Liberty Boys 9/21-17" across bottom left. Photo is creased and torn in some spots.

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Chamber of Oils and Mines Barbecue
Panoramic group photo of men standing at the Chamber of Oils and Mines Barbecue at Seaside Park, Ventura, California. Most of the men are wearing three piece suits and ties and are holding their hats in hand. A group of men on the right wear long…

Adolfo Camarillo on Horseback
View of Adolfo Camarillo riding one of the Camarillo white horses. He is dressed in a dark suit and hat. The horse is outfitted with decorated harness, reins, and saddle. A parked car and hedge are behind them.

Thomas Ruiz, Bust Portrait
Bust portrait of Thomas Ruiz, looking to the left of the camera. He is wearing a three piece checkered suit and tie. Son of Gabriel and Maria Rafaela Ruiz. He was born Mar. 24, 1866 and died Dec. 25, 1945 at age 79.

T. M. McFarland Leaning against Car
T. M. McFarland leaning against car looking past the camera to the left. He is dressed in a three piece suit and tie. He is holding his hamburg style hat in his right hand that is leaning against the car door, his other hand is near his side.

T. M. McFarland Leaning Against Car
T. M. McFarland leaning against car with his right arm while looking away from the camera, his left hand is tucked into the pocket of his trousers. He is dressed in a three piece suit and tie with a hamburg style hat.

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Gabriel Ruiz Circa 1920s
Studio portrait bust of a smiling Gabriel Ruiz in a suit, polka-dotted tie and newsboy cap. Ruiz is sitting in profile and looking opposite, towards the left, with his eyes looking left.

Gabriel Ruiz 1920
Portrait bust of a smiling Gabriel Ruiz sitting in profile and looking straight ahead. He is wearing a dark colored suit and a polka-dotted tie. A signature on the photograph is transcribed as 'Murillo.'

Shaw's Beverages at Street Fair
Floyd Shaw, wearing suit and bow-tie, poses holding a cup, standing behind a table displayed with bottled beverages, sasparilla and cider among them. Caption at the bottom of the photograph indicates that "Floyd's whiskers are real."

Lazaro Ruiz
Staged nature portrait of Lazaro Ruiz standing in full view in a dark colored suit buttoned only at the top button revealing a pocket watch. He is holding a cane in his right hand and a Boater Straw Hat in his left hand. Lazaro Ruiz was the third…

Juan Camarillo and Julian Wolfson
Mounted, full portrait of Juan Camarillo and Julian Wolfson. Both men are wearing suits and have cigars in their mouths. They are standing in front of a painted backdrop.

Jose Muermenuto Ruiz
Portrait bust of Jose Muermenuto Ruiz sitting slightly slouched and looking diagonally to the left. Jose Meurmenuto Ruiz was the brother of Gabriel Ruiz and lived in Santa Barbara.

Henry Dubbers Portrait
Bust portrait of Henry Dubbers, wearing a suit looking directly at the viewer. Verso of photo reads "A very intelligent pioneer resident, who was here before 1865. This was among the effects that belong to Dr. Cephas Bard, which were turned over to…


Erle Stanley Gardner
Seated portrait of Erle Stanley Gardner, where he has legs crossed holding some paper in his lap. He is looking downward. He wears a suit, tie, and glasses. The image appears blurred.

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Antonio Maria Ruiz
Full portrait of Antonio Maria Ruiz standing and looking straight ahead. He is wearing a dark colored three-piece suit with a visible pocket watch chain, a western bow tie and a top hat in his right arm. A studio backdrop and shrubs are visible in…

Louis C. Drapeau
Upper torso portrait of Honorable Louis C. Drapeau. Judge Drapeau is in a suit, right hand against chin in front of shelf of law books.

He was appointed to the Superior Court Oct. 1, 1937; Aug. 30, 1935, May 16, 1944. In March of 1949, he was…

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J.C. Brewster
Oversized print of a bust portrait of John Calvin Brewster. The print is on a cardboard backing with Brewster's signature. He is seen here in a dark suit and tie with glasses sticking out of a pocket. He is bald but has a white or grey beard. The…

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Eugene Preston Foster
Bust portrait of Eugene Preston Foster, Chairman, Board of Directors, Ventura County Fair Association. Foster is an older gentleman in this image with white hair and mustache. He is wearing a suit and looking straight at the viewer. Museum records…

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Charles L. Hall Sr.
Full body snapshot of Charles Louis Hall Sr. standing on the sidewalk facing the photographer. He is wearing a suit and a hat.

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Charles Hall with Manager of the Boston Red Sox
Manager of the Boston Red Sox (on viewers left) and Charles Hall (on viewers right) standing side by side on a baseball field. The Red Sox manager is wearing his uniform, Charles Hall is wearing a three piece suit, a hat and holding a cane.

Charles Collins Teague
Head shot of Charles Collins Teague. He is facing the diagonal on viewer's right. He is wearing a suit and tie as well as glasses.

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Oxnard Bicyclists
Group photograph of four bicyclists in Oxnard, CA. (Left to Right) A. Clinschmidt, Adolph Sieland, A. Sieland & H. Helmod. All four men are wearing hats, suits, vests and bowties. They are of varying age and are posed in a line, leaning on one…
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