Colorized bird's eye view of Santa Susana Pass in Simi Valley. Shows curved road going up a hill with rocky terrain. Train tracks appear to go under the road. To right, two small buildings next to trees and agricultural fields are visible. Right…
View of the "Little Grand Canyon" of South Mountain in Santa Paula. The strata of the of the mountain is clearly visible showing each layer of rock in the foreground. What looks like a guard railing is visible to the left of the image. Larger…
View of water flowing around rocks in Matilija Creek. Two women are sitting on the rocks and a man is standing on a rock in the middle of the stream. Two pipes are carried on supports along one side of the creek.
Closeup view of a waterfall at "Piedra Blanca in the Sespe Country". A man stands on the left side of the image, right of the waterfall, and two women sit on the right side of the image, left of the waterfall.
Six men pose on a large boulder with rifles and flags. The men hold their hats in hand. They are part of the Sisquoc Rangers, a hunting group. One flag reads "Sisquoc Rangers" and another flag is a US flag.
View of the Ventura County coastline taken from construction zone at Mugu Rock. Close view of Mugu Rock on right side of the image. It is a north/northwest view of the beach in Mugu Lagoon area.
View from the side of Roosevelt Highway (Pacific Coast Highway) of a car coming toward the camera and one driving away in the distance. There are large rock formations along both sides of the highway as well as safety barriers. Photograph is…
A group of women in long dresses or skirts and wide brimmed hats stand around a creek at Matilija Springs. A man lays on a rock looking into the creek. The caption on the top right states: Creek Scene, Matilija Hot Springs, Ventura Co.,…
Scene showing four men at Mother Eve Hot Springs in Matilija, Ventura. Three men are standing, one man is crouched down and holding a cane and a tea cup.
[MacGregor, J.J.; Albertype Co., The; Brooklyn, N.Y.]
A river or pond with a rocky beach made up of large white stones and boulders backing up to a forest. A man in a suit and yellow hat sits near the top of the beach. A woman in pink sits closer to the shore. In the water are two children on a yellow…
View of a spring with several people standing around it. The spring is in the foreground, with a small bridge over it. The people are standing next to or sitting on the rocks behind the spring. There are signs on the rocks. Caption at bottom reads:…
Bird's-eye view of Santa Susana Pass. It is a rocky area with two highway lanes cutting through it. Mountains are visible in the background. Caption at top reads: "Santa Susana Pass, Between San Fernando and Ventura, Calif." Caption at bottom reads:…
View of what appears to be a pond overhung by a large rock. There is brush on both the rock and the shoreline of the pond. Caption at top reads: "Overhanging Rock, Matilija, Ventura Co., Cal."
[Rieder, M., Los Angeles, Cal., made in Germany, 7834…
Mounted photo of rock formation that forms a hole in the rock, with a man standing on top of the formation on Anacapa Island. Beach between central and western parts of the island. Sand in foreground. Photo is mounted.