View of Santa Paula with Topa Topa Mountains in the background. Topa Topa Mountains appear to have snow cover. Hills surround the city of Santa Paula. View taken from a birds-eye view above a street with trees and buildings visible. Telephone poles…
Colorized postcard with view of Santa Paula and the South Mountains. Below South Mountains are grassy plains and Santa Clara River valley. Foreground shows grass fields and trees. Postmarked in Napa, Calif. 25 June 1908 at 10:00am. Handwritten text…
Aerial view of Ventura. Blue border on postcard surrounds photo. Bold, white font reads "Ventura, California" below photo. Ventura foothills and Topa Topa Mountains are visible in background. Snow is visible portions of the mountains. Neighborhoods…
Aerial view of structures on Cochran and Stowe Streets in Simi. Parking lot, bridge, freeway with exit, and additional structures visible around development.
View of the oil region of Upper Ojai, with oil wells visible throughout the view. Shows Morey Farm Grove and the home of Captain W. H. H. Hall in center background. Wooden structure visible in the foreground. This region is one of the first oil…
Aerial photograph showing west Oxnard in vicinity of Wooley Road and Victoria Avenue. Shows agriculture fields and scattered buildings. Photo 34 of a group of 36 photos.
Aerial photograph showing west Oxnard in the vicinity of 5th Street and Victoria Avenue. Shows scattered buildings and agriculture fields. Photo 33 of a group of 36 photos.
Aerial photograph showing west Oxnard in the vicinity of 5th Street and Victoria Avenue. Scattered buildings and agriculture fields visible. Photo 32 of a group of 36 photos.