Browse Items (38 total)

Fir Street postcard
View of Fir Street intersection. There is a large house on both corners. The street is lined with trees, and there is a car driving on the street. Caption at bottom reads: "Fir Street, Ventura, Cal.'
[Brakey, J.R., Ventura, Cal. (C.T. American Art),…

Camarillo Rancho
"A. Camarillo residence, Camarillo. When first built 1895 (sic)". It was built in 1892. "Camarillo Rancho" written on one of the buildings in the lower right corner. Shows mansion on the right and grounds and fields to the left and in foreground.

Center of Ventura postcard
Bird's-eye view of Ventura. There is a street on the left side of the image, and there are buildings on the right side. Mountains are visible in the background. Caption at bottom reads: "The Center of Ventura, Calif."
[Detroit Publishing Co.…

The Camarillo Ranch Home Post Card
Front view of Don Adolfo's home, a multi story Victorian style clapboard house. The largest part of the house is two stories, but there is attic turret in the middle of the roof, and a large turret on the right that is three stories. The home is…

House on Perkins Road in Oxnard
View from the front pathway of a Victorian style home. Main doorway to the home is visible as well as the roof of the image. Trees can be seen on both right and left sides of the image, shrouding parts of the home behind the trees. Bushes and flowers…

Bird's-eye View of Ventura postcard
Bird's-eye view of Downtown Ventura. The roofs of buildings are in the foreground, and California Street is on the left of the image. The Ventura County Courthouse in in the background. Caption at top reads: "1321:- Bird's-eye View of Ventura,…

Main Street Looking West postcard
View looking down Main Street. There are buildings on either side of the street, and cars are parked along the street. Postcard looks illustrated. Hotel Baldwin and Hotel DeLeon visible. Caption at top reads: "1202:- Main Street Looking West,…

Don Adolfo Camarillo Home Post Card
Front view of Don Adolfo's home, a multi story Victorian style clapboard house. The largest part of the house is two stories, but there is attic turret in the middle of the roof, and a large turret on the right that is three stories. The house is…

Anacapa Hotel, Ventura, Cal. Post Card
Caption: Anacapa Hotel. VENTURA, Cal.
Street view of the Anacapa Hotel. The three-story Victorian building has ornate ironwork along the roof spires, and covered walkways along its adjacent sidewalks. A figure stands in front of the entrance,…

Camarillo House, Camarillo, Cal. Post Card
Front view of Don Adolfo's home, a multi story Victorian style clapboard house. The largest part of the house is two stories, but there is attic turret in the middle of the roof, and a large turret on the right that is three stories. The house is…

Santa Paula Union High School postcard
View of the front of the Santa Paula Union High School building. There are some trees near the building. Caption at top reads: "Santa Paula Union High School, Santa Paula, Cal."
[Newman Post Card Co., Los Angeles (Made in Germany; published for J.R.…

Hotel Anacapa Postcard
Exterior view of Hotel Anacapa; Victorian style architecture with scalloped shingles along the middle. A wide porch runs along the first floor. Power lines near the front of the entrance. Horse drawn carriage in the street as well as two automobiles…

Residence in Ventura in Winter postcard
View of a Victorian residence in Ventura. There are trees and a garden surrounding the residence with a fence in the foreground. Caption at bottom reads: "Residence in Ventura, Cal. in Winter."
[Rieder, M., Los Angeles, Cal., made in Germany,…

Portion of Oxnard postcard
Bird's eye view of a section of Oxnard. Caption on top of postcard: "A Portion of Oxnard, Cal., showing Catholic Church and St. Joseph's Institute."
[Rieder, M., Los Angeles, Cal.; Made in Germany, Schools-Oxnard-St. Joseph's Institute]

Matilija Hot Springs, Cal. 1905 postcard
Image of swimmers at Matijila Hot Springs. A large group of figures in early 20th century bathing suits pose on the porch and staircase of a Victorian style building. The building has ornate decorative features and it set in front of a rocky hillside…

R.P. Strathearn Home Ranch postcard
View of R.P Strathearn Home Ranch. There are five people in the image in front of the house. Two are near the porch, and three are in the foreground. A barn is visible in the background. Caption at top reads: "R.P. Strathearn Home Ranch."

Residence in Piru
Faded photo in a border with words reading ""Residence", Piru, Cal" along the bottom. Another photo attached to backside. Trees and bushes in foreground.

Acme Bottling Works
Side-view from the street of Acme Bottling Works, northwest corner of Hemlock and Poli Streets in Ventura

Group Photo in Front of Camarillo Residence
An unidentified group of men and women, sitting in & standing alongside horse drawn stagecoach marked "Wells Fargo Express." Another sign reads "Harold's Club or Bust! Reno, Nevada." They are in front of Adolfo Camarillo residence.

A View On Oak Street, Ventura, Cal. Post Card
A view of Oak Street. Several Victorian style homes lined with pine and palm trees sit on the left side of the asphalt road, facing businesses with simpler architecture and telephone poles. A figure in a dress stands outside the telegram office on…

Peirano Family Home
Exterior view of the Peirano house located at the Southwest corner of Figueroa and Santa Clara Streets. Sidewalk in front of home is in the foreground. A woman stands on the porch and a man stands on the front steps. Four other people stand in the…

Baker House, Poli and Catalina Streets, Ventura
Exterior distant view of the Baker House, northeast corner of Poli and Catalina Streets in 1919. Dirt road visible on the left is now Catalina Street. Farmland visible in foreground. Writing on photo points out Catalina Street and Main Street in…

Four Men in St. Louis Automobile
Four "Bee-men" in St. Louis automobile. The car is situated downhill from a house up on the hill behind it. The house looks Victorian in style and has two main floors and perhaps a basement or attic. Seated in the vehicle are: front row Mendelsohn…

Peirano House with People on Porch and Sidewalk
Exterior view of side and front of the Peirano house at Figueroa and Santa Clara Streets in Ventura, CA. Clara Raffetta Peirano is standing on porch, while Nick Peirano and Henry Huning are in foreground on the sidewalk.

Nordhoff Grammar School Postcard
Exterior front view of the Nordhoff Grammar School. Victorian style architecture with partial scalloped siding, a section of arched windows, and a cupola. The fencing in the foreground appears to be concrete or stone posts with iron cross bars. The…
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