Beach scene crowded with cars, people walking and standing around, and motorcycles. Ocean is in the background. Meeting of the Santa Barbara Motorcycle Club in 1925.
Panoramic view of Pierpont Bay taken from end of fishing pier. Pier runs through the middle of photo headed toward the shore/beach. Ocean, beach, swimmers, and beachgoers visible on both sides of photo. Ventura buildings, residences and mountains are…
The inside of a bathhouse. The majority of the picture is a swimming pool, with dark blue-green water. Roughly a dozen people (gender unclear) are in the water, and a long yellow slide leads down from an upper level, packed with people behind a…
The Port Hueneme wharf is in the background of a crowded beach. A large wooden ship is docked at the end of the pier. Several dozen people are in the water and on the beach, men and women alike. Two men stand together, looking towards the camera. A…
Birds eye view of a Fourth of July parade in Ventura. Horse-drawn carriages are followed by a procession of men. There are spectators on street and sidewalk. Writing crossed out at top of photo. Mrs. C. H. Whitney associated with this photo.
View of advertisement for John Calvin Brewster's photography studio at the corner of Main and Oak Street in Ventura. There are many men gathered around the advertisement which contains sample photographs and is adorned with US flags. Above and to the…
Bird's eye view of a crowd gathered to greet Senator Bard at the Southern Pacific station in Ventura. There is a band ready to perform holding their instruments, mid image. Pioneer Society banner behind band. Several horse-drawn carriages are in the…
Mounted photograph showing the dedication ceremony for the Montalvo Bridge. Ceremony takes place on the bridge itself, a large crowd is in attendance. A man sits at a drum in the center of the image. Dr. David Mott is speaking (standing on the left…
Oxnard High School's Walter Bell weaves between Ventura High School's Nathan Hantgin and Cory Brown during a basketball game at Ventura High School. Another Oxnard High School player is watching the play happen. There is a crowd of spectators in the…
Joe Mendoza carrying an American flag at the front of a march to protest the "English only" ordinance in Fillmore. Crowd of other protestors visible behind Mendoza, some carrying signs. Legible signs read "Respect all cultures," "Retract the…
Panoramic shot of baseball field with players on it, and stadium seating on both ends of photograph. Stadium seats appear filled to capacity. Cars are parked in the background, behind the field. Game is New York Giants versus the Chicago White Sox,…
View of the beach and town of Avalon on Catalina Island. The caption of the image reads "Avalon, Catalina Island, California" The beach is crowded with people. Pier and boats are visible. Storefronts and houses are visible along the beach and in the…
Panoramic group photo of men standing at the Chamber of Oils and Mines Barbecue at Seaside Park, Ventura, California. Most of the men are wearing three piece suits and ties and are holding their hats in hand. A group of men on the right wear long…
Panoramic view of the attendees gathered and seated at banquet tables for the Nineteenth Annual Luncheon, First Century Families at the Hotel Statler - Los Angeles, Calif. Some people identified: Charles Temple, Arvella Temple, Gabriela Temple, Fred…
Exterior view of the Carnegie Library in Oxnard. It is possibly the dedication ceremony for the library, as there are several people gathered in front of the building and there are speakers at the top of the building's steps near the entrance. The…
Float for the Oxnard Rotary Club center of image. Sign on float reads "Service Above Self" in the middle of the emblem for the Rotary Club wheel. Hotel Oxnard in the background to the left of the image. Many people line both sides of the street…
Floats in the image include Santa Paula Chamber of Commerce, BPOE (Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, unknown branch), and St. John's Hospital. Many people line both sides of the street watching the parade. Image shows intersection of 5th…
Parade along C Street in Oxnard. Men walking down the street wearing similar clothes including a hat and a long belt. Many people line both sides of the street watching the parade. Image shows intersection of 5th Street with cars blocking the…
Parade along C Street in Oxnard. Men similarly dressed walking near elaborate float with various types of greenery and flowers and a few people sitting atop float. Residential homes in the background with people looking toward the parade. In the…
Float for Simi Valley Farm Bureau is a small float that looks to be on a 1920s style open car, people can be seen riding in the car. Float for Berylwood is a larger float that has an arch with "Foster Mother of the World" written across, also has a…
Seven men on motorcycles riding along C Street parade. Man on the far right has what looks like a banner or sign covering the front lights of the motorcycle but is unreadable. Image taken in front of residential homes, St. Joseph's Institute visible…
Float is covered in greenery and seems to have a man atop next to what is possibly a tepee. The float is followed by a group of men in similar dress with one man riding a horse that is pulling an unknown object. People line both sides of the street…
Large elaborate American flag float that looks to be made out of balloons, people possibly sitting on the other side of the float. Men that are similarly dressed walk in front of the float. Image shows intersection of 5th Street with cars blocking…