Ventura Junior High School class photo, showing girl students. Ruth Ventura Zapf is in front row, third from left. Adah Callahan is in front row, second from right.
A building at the Ventura County Fairgrounds was named for Callahan.
Class photo of 5th grade class at Mountain View School in Fillmore. Library records state this is "segregated Mexican class." Class is standing on the front steps of the school. Teacher is Glen R. Phillips.
Group photo of seven young men and women pose sitting and standing in formal dresses and suits. The women are carrying bouquets and wearing corsages, and all hold large diplomas. A garland of flowers lays in front of the group.
The pupils of the Sespe school gather outside of the school. Some of the children sit and some stand along with one female teacher. The school is in full view.
Teresa Ordoñez, seated, front row left. She appears to be in a classroom along with several other girls sitting on benches or standing, possibly a class photo. A teacher stands at a chalkboard on the right of the image, and the chalkboard reads…
Class photo of 5th grade class at Mountain View School in Fillmore. Library records state this is "segregated Mexican class." Class is standing on the front steps of the school. Teacher is Glen R. Phillips.
Class photo of 5th grade class at Mountain View School in Fillmore. Library records state this is "Grade 5B." Class is standing on the front steps of the school. This was a segregated class. Teacher is Glen R. Phillips.
Mounted individual photographs of students from Oxnard Union High School. There are 54 oval portraits in total. Students that have been identified include William Culbert (second row, fourth place), Ralph Killigan (second row, fifth place), 0live…
Graduation portrait, some seated and some standing. Nine young men in tuxedos and eleven young women in light colored long dresses are pictured. All are holding rolled diplomas. First row, second from left, is George Baker.
School class standing on front steps of school with some school administrators and/or teachers on top step. Back of photo reads:
"Harvey Rudolph"
"A. Rudolph-2nd from right, top row"
"Holton Webb principal"