Browse Items (208 total)

Military Photographers Group Portrait
Outdoor group portrait of six male military photographers seated and kneeling on steps. Four men holding up their cameras. Man in center wearing a different uniform than the others. One man appears to be smoking a cigar.

Note: Museum records…

Group Photo at Asano Store
Group photo of Japanese American men standing outside the Asano Store in El Rio. Four of the men are holding children of various ages. Kamezo Asano is seated in the front, third from the right. Storefront and sign visible behind the group. A sign in…

Attilio Vanoni
Full body portrait of Attilio Vanoni, shown walking toward viewer. Vanoni is wearing a dark coat, light pants, and glasses. He is holding what appears to be a hat in his left hand. Foliage visible in background.

Alice B. Chick Portrait
A half body portrait of Alice B. Chick. Alice wears a light-colored, long sleeve dress and a large decorated hat. She is turned slight towards the viewer's right.

Chick Family Portrait
Group portrait of Alice Chick, Amelia L. Bristol, Leroy B. Chick, and baby Gwendolyn M. Chick. Amelia is seated in the center and is holding Gwendolyn. Door and wooden building shown behind the family.

Four Generations of Chick Women, Moorpark
Group portrait of Antoinette Chick, Amelia L. Bristol, Alice B. Chick, and Gwendolyn M. Chick. Amelia is seated and holding Gwen. Door and wooden building visible behind the women.

Note: Museum records indicate that Antoinette Chick was…

Chick and Bristol Family Portrait
Outdoor group photo of Alice B. Chick, Amelia L. Bristol, Leroy B. Chick, and Allan. Allan is shown as a young child standing in front of Amelia Bristol.

Note: "Allan was Leroy B's son by his first marriage."

Sherlock Bristol Seated with Grandson Leroy Bristol Chick
Outdoor, full portrait of Sherlock Bristol seated with his grandson, Leroy Bristol Chick standing to the right. What appears to be a hat sits on the ground to the right of Bristol and Chick. A garden and a house with windows are visible in the…

Ventura Elks Baseball Team, 1922
A group photo of the Ventura Elks baseball team and their manager, Milton Ramelli. The team wears their baseball uniforms, while Ramelli wears a suit.

Names listed on back, order not clear: "M. Smith, M. Ramelli, J. Barnett, S. D. Butts, Gio…

Dean Hobbs Blanchard at Goleta 1949 Festival
Portrait of Dean Hobbs Blanchard wearing a straw cowboy hat and posed behind a cutout standee of a person holding a bottle of wine. Circular sign on cutout reads, "Goleta 1949 Festival"

Susana Hill More
A portrait bust of Susana Hill More, wife of Thomas Wallace More.

Portrait of Joseph M. Miller
Bust portrait sketch of Joseph M. Miller who served as sheriff in Ventura 1877-1879. Miller wears a dark suit. He has dark hair and a thick beard.

Portrait of John R. Stone
Bust portrait of John R. Stone, the first elected sheriff of Ventura, serving 1873-1877. Portrait shows Stone angled slightly to his right. He wears a dark suit, styled and curled hair, and a prominent mustache and goatee.

Portrait of John F. More
Oval portrait of John F. More. He is shown looking to the viewer's right. He is shown as a middle aged man, with a graying beard and hair styled in a coif. He is wearing a dark suit and a satin tie.

Library records indicate that More, along with…

Frank Sheridan
This is a cabinet card photo of Frank Sheridan at age 12. He is standing, resting his right arm on the back of a chair. There is a hat in his left hand. He is wearing a suit and tie.

Handwritten caption at bottom of photo: "Frank Sheridan, Aged…

Myrtle Shepherd
A bust photographic portrait of Myrtle Shepherd looking to her right. Library records indicate that Myrtle Shepherd was the daughter of Judge Shepherd and Theodosia B. Shepherd. She is wearing a high-collar dress. A locket or watch suspended on a…

Portrait of Emanuel Franz
Oval bust portrait of Emanual Franz. Franz is gazing to the viewer's right. He has a thick beard and mustache, and slicked back hair. He wears a suit and bow tie.

Library records indicate "Nat. in San Francisco"

Portrait of H. F. Moore
Portrait of H. F. Moore wearing a sweater and overalls and a cap. According to library records he was the Ventura harness maker.

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Portrait of Godfrey Maulhardt
Portrait of Godfrey Maulhardt, wearing a suit and tie, appears to be looking directly at the camera, wearing a thick mustache. One corner of the picture is cropped.

Mr. Kunihiro Portrait
This image shows Mr. Kunihiro standing for a full interior portrait. He wears a three piece suit and tie and stands next to chair, one hand resting on the chair. He is also wearing a hat and glasses. Library records do not have his first name.

Japanese American Men
This image shows a full view group portrait of four gentlemen which was taken before leaving on a trip to Japan. Standing: Katsuki Hashimoto (left), Chotaro Fujita (right). Seated Tamisuke Tokuyama (left), Kamezo Asano (right).

Yasuye Takasugi Portrait
This image shows Yasuye Takasugi posing seated for an interior full portrait.

Yamada Family Portrait
This image shows the Yamada family posing for an interior studio portrait. Mr. Yamada is seated. Full view group photo.

Portrait of Adelaide Comstock
A posed portrait of Adelaide Comstock. Comstock is in a 3/4 view, facing towards the left of the camera. Image is faded.
Text along the bottom of the image reads, "Grandmother Comstalk."

Portrait of Adelaide Comstock
A posed portrait of Adelaide Comstock. Comstock is in a 3/4 view, facing towards the left of the camera.
Text along the top of the image reads, "Grandmother Comstalk."
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