The Casper Borchard family is depicted standing in a row in front of their two-story wood frame house. There is smaller building to the left of the house. Some trees, a windmill and farm implements are visible.
Survey of a portion of Lot 3 of the Broome Estate Ranch in Rancho Guadalasca. Made for the American Sugar Beet Company and Thornhill Broome. Shows a portion of the California State Highway and the grant line of Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la…
Birds-eye view overlooking a ranch. There are several pens housing sheep. In one of the pens there are ranch hands shearing sheep. Pens are surrounded by fields and trees where three horses are grazing. Hills and mountains visible in background.
Panoramic view of a river or estuary on Thornhill Broom Ranch. A directional sign is shown in the bottom center of image. Shows a water way and embankment.
Map showing survey of a portion of Lot 37, Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy. Made at the request of Hardison Ranch Co. and Todd Estate. Shows a portion of Telegraph Road and proposed location of Todd Road.
Map of part of Sections 17 and 18 T2N, R18W, Rancho Simi, showing survey for Sinaloa Ranch. Shows a portion of Kujawsky Road, Sinaloa Ranch, and McCoy Ranch.
Map of Survey of portion of Lot 2 of Rancho Ex-Mission San Buenaventura, made for Teague Lemon Ranch. Shows a portion of Middle Road and the grant line of Rancho Santa Paula y Saticoy.
Map of portion of Lot 5 on Rancho Calleguas, showing the Adolfo Camarillo Ranch House. Map portion is divided into Parcels A and B. Parcel A is on left side of lot and includes some flora while Parcel A is to the right and contains flora as well as…
Map of part of Section 19, T2N, R20W of Pope Ranch. Area of interest in bold lines and is shown to have 44.25 acres. Visible streets are Las Posas Road located at the top of the map and Somis Road along the right side. Neighboring properties are…
Grey pencil survey map of Pope Ranch, part of Section 19, T2N, R20W for Mrs. Haley Pope. Rancho Las Posas is seen above area of interest and Rancho Calleguas to the right. Seperating Pope Ranch and Rancho Calleguas is the S.P.R.R. (Southern Pacific…
Grey pencil map of proposed irrigation line prepared for Joseph Levy showing leveled area drainage ditch and pipe lines from Well No. 3 on Hitch Ranch in Moorpark. Map diagrams include illustrations of elevation of ditch drop, plan of ditch drop,…
White line on blue map of Hill Ranch in Ojai for Culbertson Investment Co. Rice Road runs vertically along left side of map and a private road runs horizontally through the middle. The land shown on the map is divided into two rows of even land…
Interview with Grace Brigham Maxwell about her childhood and visiting her grandparents' ranch in Simi Valley. Maxwell describes life on the ranch and her family and friends in Simi.
Content Warning: The following oral history may contain outdated…
Overall master plan and property boundary data showing a portion of Tract 24, Bard Subdivision of Rancho Ojai. Map shows location of main house, bunk house, farm worker house, barn, paddocks and grape field. Indicates location of water lines, water…
Image shows a portion of the irrigation channel at Daily Ranch. In the foreground are the irrigation structure and flowing water. In the background farmland expands into the distance. To the left of the image a fence can be seen. In the far…