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DeLee and Frosty the Dog, Two Photos
Two photos depicting DeLee Staunton and her dog Frosty.
Photo A: DeLee stands on the garden path of 828 Poli Street. Her dog Frosty stands near her. Frosty is a white dog that appears to be a Jack Russell terrier or similar breed. DeLee wears a…
Photo A: DeLee stands on the garden path of 828 Poli Street. Her dog Frosty stands near her. Frosty is a white dog that appears to be a Jack Russell terrier or similar breed. DeLee wears a…
DeLee with Frosty the Dog, Two Photos
Two outdoor photos of DeLee and her dog Frosty.
Photo A: DeLee and her father C. C. Staunton stand on the Ventura Beach. DeLee holds Frosty, a white terrier-type dog in her arms. Pier in background.
Photo B: DeLee and Frosty stand in a garden…
Photo A: DeLee and her father C. C. Staunton stand on the Ventura Beach. DeLee holds Frosty, a white terrier-type dog in her arms. Pier in background.
Photo B: DeLee and Frosty stand in a garden…
Tags: Family Photographs, Pets, Piers, Swimsuits
Delphine Ruiz Zapf and Two Dogs
Shows Delphine Ruiz Zapf standing in the street outside of 57 N. Laurel Street with two small dogs. Delphine is holding a shovel and is looking at the dogs. She is wearing a short-sleeved dress and gardening gloves. Dogs appear to be dachshunds. Dog…
Tags: Dogs, Pets, Shovels, Sidewalks, Tree Lined
E. W. Daily Family Portrait
E. W. Daily family portrait on the steps of the family home. There are five women and two men. The family dog is pictured on the left of the image. Two of the people in the picture are standing on the walkway to the household rather than the steps.…
Tags: Animals, Dogs, Family Portraits, Groups of People, Houses, Pets
E. W. Daily Family Sitting on Porch
E. W. Daily family sitting on the steps of the E. W. Daily home. There are seven people in the image, six women and one man, as well as a dog. Tear in image fully obscures the face of the woman on the far left. Porch columns frame the group. Porch,…
Tags: Animals, Architecture, Columns, Dogs, Family Portraits, Houses, Pets, Victorian Architecture
Mr. and Mrs. Daily at Home with their German Shepard
Photo of E. W. Daily and his wife Etta Crowley Daily and their German Shepard dog on porch of their home in Camarillo.
Tags: Animals, Family, German Shepards, Pets, Porches
Staunton Family at Ventura Beach, Two Photos
Two views of the Staunton family enjoying a day at Ventura Beach.
Photo A: DeLee Staunton, Annie Hanrahan (aunt), and Peggy Staunton (mother) stand in the surf line at the Ventura Beach. Ventura Pier in background.
Photo B: Peggy and DeLee…
Photo A: DeLee Staunton, Annie Hanrahan (aunt), and Peggy Staunton (mother) stand in the surf line at the Ventura Beach. Ventura Pier in background.
Photo B: Peggy and DeLee…
Tags: Ocean Waves, Pets, Piers, Swimsuits