Browse Items (105 total)

Trays of Pitted Apricots
A large group of children and adults pose around trays of pitted apricots at Faulkner Ranch in Santa Paula

Men engaged in a ceremony in a large tent.

Men engaged in a ceremony in a large tent.

Port Hueneme Beach Scene
Bird's eye view of a very crowded wharf, beach, and boardwalk at Hueneme. Shore in foreground and houses in the background, bottom left of photo reads: "Beach at Hueneme, Calif."

Nearly identical to 26963.

Mule team pulls a wagon on a racetrack, possibly in Ventura. There are crowds of people watching from bleachers on the left of photo and on the inside of the racetrack. Several cars are parked on the inside of racetrack. Writing in white on left of…

Gathering at Southern Pacific Railroad Depot
Gathering at Southern Pacific Railroad Depot in Ventura to greet Senator Bard.

Anacapa Hotel Postcard
A three-story hotel on a street corner (a note on the card says "NW corner Main & Palm Sts."). An awning supported by thin, rounded columns covers the street in front of the first floor. At least a dozen motorcars are lined up neatly alongside one…

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Ventura Street Fair Postcard
Aerial view of a busy street fair in Ventura, California. There is a line of vendor canopies along the center of the street; one has the sign "Information" and another sign says "Temple Beth Torah."
[McGrew Color Graphics, Kansas City, MO 64108,…

Crowd Waiting at an Appliance Drawing at Veever's Service Station on East Main Street
A large crowd waits for the winning tickets at an appliance drawing at Veever's Service Station on East Main Street, Ventura. This drawing was typically held on Thursday nights. Ronald Veever is second from the left, holding a microphone. A group of…

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Crowd Waiting at an Appliance Drawing at Veever's Service Station on East Main Street
A large crowd waits for the winning tickets at an appliance drawing at Veever's Service Station on East Main Street. This drawing was typically held on Thursday nights. Ronald Veever is second from the left, holding a microphone. A group of men…

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Crowd Waiting at an Appliance Drawing at Veever's Service Station on East Main Street
A large crowd waits for the winning tickets at an appliance drawing at Veever's Service Station on East Main Street. This drawing was typically held on Thursday nights. Ronald Veever is second from the left, holding a microphone. A group of men…

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Priest Speaks to a Crowd
An unidentified priest speaks to a large crowd from a podium draped with a U.S. flag in front of Lehmann & Waterman Office building in Oxnard. There are people sitting in the windowsills and leaning out of windows of the building's second floor.

Group at Chautauqua on the Beach
Group of people sitting on the beach, for Chautauqua at Pierpont Bay. Distant figures visible in the water.

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New York Giants Visit Oxnard
Bird's eye view looking south on A Street in Oxnard at a parade scene when the New York Giants came to town, circa 1911. The players appear to be walking in front of and alongside a decorated horse-drawn carriage. The carriage is followed by two more…

Filming of "The Sheik"
Bird's eye view of the set of "The Sheik", a 1921 silent romantic drama starring Rudolph Valentino and Agnes Ayres. Filming was on an Oxnard beach. It is a crowded beach scene with many palm trees and large striped tents. A large group of people on…

Funeral Procession, Dr. Bard
Bird's eye view of the funeral procession for Dr. Cephas Bard showing several people walking down Main Street followed by horse drawn carriages. Intersection of Main and California Streets in Ventura are shown, as well as many businesses on Main…

Polo Grounds, New York, 1912 World Series
Sepia photograph of the "Polo Grounds-NY." 1912 World Series game between the New York Giants and the Boston Red Sox. Baseball game in progress, stands full of spectators. Some of the surrounding area visible. Buildings visible. Signage visible in…

Lions Club Members Before National Lions Meet, 1929
Lions Club members gather in front of the Ventura County Courthouse before departing to the National Lions Meet in Kentucky in 1929. A large group of men gather on top and next to a truck with a big Lemon on it. The truck has a sign that reads "Coast…

This reel primarily includes black-and-white footage, along with one color scene. Most of this footage shows a men's football game between Oxnard and Santa Paula High Schools, perhaps at Santa Paula High School, and local preparations and…

Black-and-white footage of people on deck of a large boat and some smaller boats in the water, zoo animals, parades, views of glaciers and snow, and a post office dedication.

People gather on deck of a large boat; Smaller boats in the water;…

Masonic Gathering
A large group of men, women, children gather in the outdoors and listen to a speaker on a platform in the center of the photos. Some automobiles are visible at top of photo. It is possibly Fourth of July because there are many US flags decorating the…

Tank House at Perkins Place
Exterior view of the tank house at Perkins place, which is currently (2020) the main office at Heritage Square in Oxnard. There are two open cars filled with people and a number of people standing around the cars. Library records state: "Rowe's old…

Santa Paula Railroad Centennial Celebration
A large crowd gathers around the outside of the Santa Paula Railroad Station to commemorate the centennial anniversary of the first trains coming through Santa Paula. The railroad tracks are in the foreground. Some children and adults are seen…

Santa Paula Railroad Centennial Celebration
A large crowd gathers around the outside of the Santa Paula Railroad Station and on the opposite side of the station across train tracks to commemorate the centennial anniversary of the first trains coming through Santa Paula. Railroad tracks run…

Crowd at Santa Paula Depot, 100th Anniversary of Railroad's Arrival
Group photo of a large crowd gathered to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Southern Pacific Railroad coming to Santa Paula. The crowds cheers and watches a diesel engine pull a ceremonial 100th anniversary train into the station. Train in the…
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