Browse Items (114 total)

A man with a horse and cart on the beach in front of the ocean and wharf.

Anacapa Island
Mounted photo of rock formation that forms a hole in the rock, with a man standing on top of the formation on Anacapa Island. Beach between central and western parts of the island. Sand in foreground. Photo is mounted.

Anacapa Island, Frenchy's Cove
Distant view of Frenchy's Cove on Anacapa Island. View of a coastline and rocky cliffs. A man stands on rocks near the water and in the background on a rocky hill, there are some figures standing. A small cabin and tent are on the shore.

Bathing in the Surf 1904 postcard
This image shows the front of the beach as a crowd of people in their old fashioned bathing suits let the waves wash over them. The Ventura Pier can be seen to the right of the image as well as a boat in the background. On the bottom of the postcard…

Bathing Supreme along the Sunny Sands, Oxnard postcard
Beach scene showing colorful umbrellas and beachgoers along the shoreline.
[Tichnor Bros., Inc., Boston, Mass., 63885]

Beach Camp at Hueneme
The men took their turn cooking all dressed up in women's clothing. A group of women and children stand around under a large tent or canopy. Some of the group are looking into the camera. Caption reads: Hueneme Beach Camp, Sept. 23, 1907.

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Beach Dunes near Port Hueneme Harbor
Panoramic photo made of three images mounted showing beach dunes near Port Hueneme Harbor. Pictured is the Port Hueneme Pier, buildings and water tower, and automobile and telephone lines are apparent.

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Beach Scene, Ventura, Cal. 1908
Beach Scene, Ventura, Cal. 1908. Wharf is in the background, lots of men, women and children are on the beach, as well as horse and carriages.
[Woods, Inc., L.A. Made in Germany. Published for Ventura Drug Co., Ventura, Cal., 164]

Bird's-Eye View of Ventura, black and white postcard
Bird's eye view of Ventura, California. Many buildings and trees visible in the foreground. The Pacific Ocean and the coast are visible in the background. There are two postcards containing the same image. The first postcard is in black and white and…

Boat Beached at Entrance of Ventura Harbor
View of a small boat aground on a beach. One person shown standing at the prow of the boat, a second person on the beach is walking towards the boat. Rocks from a harbor breakwall visible in the background.

Castle Rock
View of the Castle Rock formation near Santa Barbara. Ocean visible to the right of the rock formation.

Channel Islands Aerial View
Aerial view of most of Channel Islands Harbor. Marina, channels clearly visible as well as entrance to Channel Islands Harbor.

Channel Islands Harbor Aerial View
Aerial view of most of Channel Islands Harbor. Marina, channels clearly visible as well as entrance to Channel Islands Harbor. Beach, coastline, ocean visible. Channel Islands bridge visible.

Channel Islands Marina postcard
Bird's-eye view of Channel Islands Marina. On the left are docks next to the shoreline, and there is a beach on the right. Between is a road next to the marina. Caption at top reads: "Channel Islands Marina, Oxnard, California."
[Kolor View Press,…

Charlie Sem
Outdoor portrait of Charlie Sem as a young man. He stands on a beach or shrubland. He wears a shirt with rolled sleeves, a sweater vest, pants, and leg wrappings. He stands casually and looks towards the viewer. Houses in background.

Chautauqua Building
Chatauqua Building in the Pierpont Bay District. There is a stage decorated with many American Flags of various sizes with a piano sitting in the corner. Rows of wooden seats are arranged on the floor.

Chautauqua Building Ventura Beach
Exterior view of Chautauqua building at Ventura Beach. A group of people and several automobiles can be seen in front of the building. This is the front west of Pierpont Bay.

Children and Dogs on Beach
Photo captioned "A Study in Black and White" shows two unidentified black children on a beach. Each child holds onto a dog by the leash. One child looks at the viewer and the other looks off to the right. The children wear regular clothing, not…

Coos Bay Shipwreck Washed Ashore
View of the Coos Bay washed ashore. A team of workers assess the situation.

Library records indicate: The Coos Bay sank off of the pier in 1915, and was thrown up onto the beach following a night of high waves 1947-11-25. Landed on top of an…

Cueva Valdez, Santa Cruz Island
View of a sailboat in the ocean as seen through a natural archway at Cueva Valdez on Santa Cruz Island. Image is framed by the arch.

Daisy and Charlie Sem as Young Adults
From left to right, Daisy and Charlie Sem standing outdoors, possibly on a beach. Daisy wears dark culottes tucked into tall boots or stockings, and a white shirt. Her hair is bobbed. Charlie wears pants tucked into leg wrappings, a shirt, and…

Dick Gould and Dorothy Durfee as Children on Beach
Cousins Richard (Dick) and Dorothy play in the sand as children on a beach in Ventura. Dick lays on the ground next to a rope, and Dorothy stands. Both look at the viewer. The shipwrecked Coos Bay is behind them as well as the Ventura Wharf.

Dragon Rock, on Santa Monica to Oxnard Blvd., Roosevelt Highway, Calif. 1938 ; (pm) Post Card
Caption text: "345: 'Dragon Rock,' on Santa Monica to Oxnard Blvd., Roosevelt Highway, Calif."
A curved highway wraps around the base of a hill, just above a beach and a rock formation. A vehicle drives along the road in the distance, the ocean in…

Dredging to Build Channel Islands Harbor, Aerial View
Aerial view of a dredging boat in the process of dredging prior to the construction of Channel Islands Harbor. Surrounding Hollywood-by-the-Sea buildings, houses, beach visible.

Favorite Quiet Place
[User contributed description]
The jetty at Ventura Beach is my favorite place to contemplate. When I feel stressed or need to reprioritize, this is where I find solace and peace.
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