Browse Items (47 total)

Ready to Surf
Shows an unidentified man standing by open door of an automobile. A cart is hitched to the back of the car, and is holding a striped surfboard. Houses and trees visible in background.

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Richard Sedlachek with Surfboard
Shows Richard "Dick" Sedlachek standing on a beach with his surfboard standing upright behind him. He is wearing swimwear and he appears to be looking to the viewer's left. The ocean is visible in the background.

San Onofre Storm Surf, 1940
Shows surfers in the ocean during stormy weather at San Onofre Beach. View taken from a great distance with surfers appearing as small specks.

Six Men in front of Helemano Pineapple Stand
Six young men eat pineapple in front of Helemano Pineapple Stand. Two kneel and four stand or lean against a station wagon with surfboards in the back. The men are in shorts and short-sleeved shirts. One is wearing a hat and one is wearing…

Surfer at Malibu
Shows surfer standing on surfboard and riding a wave towards the viewer's left. Two other surfers in background.

Surfer Riding Waves
Shows a surfer riding a wave at an unspecified beach. Surfer's name may be "Kunkel."

Surfers at Malibu
Shows surfers riding waves at a distance.

Surfers in Malibu
Shows four surfers riding a wave near Malibu.

Surfers Riding a Wave
Shows four surfers in silhouette standing on their surfboards as they ride a wave.

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Surfers Riding a Wave
Shows three surfers riding a wave. Two are standing on their boards. One appears to be crouching.

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Surfers Wading into the Ocean
Shows four surfers carrying their surfboards and wading into the ocean. Surfers are facing away from viewer. A young boy playing in the sand is visible in the lower left corner of the view.

Surfing at Bel Air, 1939
Shows a surfer standing on a surfboard and riding a wave. Likely at the Bel-Air Bay Club located in Pacific Palisades.

Surfing Malibu
Shows four surfers surfing at a Malibu beach. One surfer is standing on his surfboard. Coastline in background.

Surfing on the Sand
Group photo of four men and a boy on a beach. The men are standing on surfboards and pose to look like they are riding the surfboards. The boy watches from the right side of the image. A building and telephone wire are visible in the background. The…

Surfing Topanga Canyon
Shows Jim Larronde, George "Wimpy" Weston, and John Larronde surfing at a Topanga Canyon beach. The men appear mostly in silhouette, standing on their boards as they ride a wave.

Surfriders Stage Group Photo
Group photo taken at the "Surfriders Stage" at 3 J's Inn, Topanga Canyon. Shows group of men sitting and standing in front of five upright surfboards. Wooden building and hillside visible in background.

Back row L-R: Chuck Spurgin, Jim McGrew,…

Two Surfers
Shows two surfers riding a wave at an unspecified beach. Surfer on left is crouching forward on their surfboard. Surfer on right is standing.

Two Surfers in Malibu
Two surfers ride a wave. They are centered in the frame and riding boards close to one another. Museum notes indicate the following information: "Larronde, Trent, Malibu surf" which is presumably the names of the two surfers and the location.

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Ventura Marina postcard
View of the Ventura Marina shows a beach filled with surfers. In the water and on the sand are a multitude of surfers. In the distance the Channel Islands can be seen in the skyline.

Verso: Describes the importance of this surfing spot in Ventura…

View of Great Wave
A closeup view of a wave mid-curl. Shoreline visible in background. The Pipeline, Oahu, Hawaii.Used as the cover of "In the Curl, Evolution of Surfing in Ventura County" Ventura County Historical Society Quarterly, Vol. 44, No. 3.

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Wimpy and Herb Loading Surfboards on Cart
Shows George "Wimpy" Weston and Herb Case preparing their surfboards to haul at Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. The surfboards are positioned on a small wheeled cart. Wimpy is securing the surfboards with a length of rope. Herb is watching from nearby.…

Wimpy, Blake, and Herb at Puerto Vallarta
Shows George "Wimpy" Weston, Blake, and Herb Case standing on a beach in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Wimpy is holding a surfboard. Blake and Herb are holding a surfboard between them. All three men are fully dressed. Sand dunes are visible behind them.
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