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Rincon Causeway
Photograph of the first automobile on the Rincon Causeway, which belonged to Fritz Huntsinger. An automobile can be seen driving down the highway with the ocean on the right and mountains on the left.

Rincon Road
Landscape view of Rincon Road, which appears to be a dirt road at this point in time. The ocean can be seen on the left and mountains to the right.

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Tunnel, Wheelers Hot Springs postcard
A car drives through a tunnel at Wheelers Hot Springs. A tree is in the foreground to the left of photo. A man stands in the background on the other side of the tunnel. Caption at bottom of postcard reads: "The Tunnel, Wheelers Hot Springs, Ventura…

Conejo Grade Postcard
A winding paved road going down a mountain, part of which has been cut away to accomodate it. Below it is a sprawling green valley with one large hill near the bottom of the road that stretches all the way towards a range of purple mountains in the…

Highway 101 and Causeway Postcard
Photograph of Highway 101 and the parallel causeway titled "S.B. 101 Causeway, Coast Highway, Between Ventura and Santa Barbara, California" with the handwritten note: "Part of this Blvd. washed out last week - with high tides." A few cars are…

Wheelers Hot Springs postcard
A car, people and horses are shown on left of postcard, and a storefront with Wheeler Hot Springs office sign in the front is on the left. Caption at bottom of postcard reads: "WHEELERS HOT SPRINGS. VENTURA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA."
[Albertype Co.,…

Maricopa Highway, Ojai, California postcard
Bird's eye view of Maricopa Highway, highway 33, in Ojai.
[Albertype Co., Brooklyn, N.Y., The Finest American Made View Post Cards; Boardman's Rexall Drug Store, Ojai, California]

Looking Towards Piru Canyon, "Ridge Route", Los Angeles to Bakersfield postcard
Bird's eye view of the Ridge Route at Piru Canyon with two cars visible on the road.
[Western Publishing & Novelty Co., Los Angeles, Cal.; Sohmer, Theo., Los Angeles, A-84436]

Overlooking Castaic Creek, "Ridge Route", Los Angeles to Bakersfield postcard
View of the Ridge Route at Castaic Creek with the back of a car going around a curve on the road.
[Western Publishing & Novelty Co., Los Angeles, Cal., R-5; 84431]

View from the side of Roosevelt Highway (Pacific Coast Highway) of a car coming toward the camera and one driving away in the distance. There are large rock formations along both sides of the highway as well as safety barriers. Photograph is…

Dragon Rock, on Santa Monica to Oxnard Blvd., Roosevelt Highway, Calif. 1938 ; (pm) Post Card
Caption text: "345: 'Dragon Rock,' on Santa Monica to Oxnard Blvd., Roosevelt Highway, Calif."
A curved highway wraps around the base of a hill, just above a beach and a rock formation. A vehicle drives along the road in the distance, the ocean in…

"The Rincon" California Coast Highway Between Ventura and Santa Barbara Post Card
Street view image of the Rincon Highway between Ventura and Santa Barbara. A Model T vehicle drives toward the foreground, along a paved bridge cutting through lush hillsides framed by large trees.

Glossy aerial photograph of La Conchita area (partial view). Looking north east. Hills in back of La Conchita prominent in photograph. Roads clearly visible. Traffic on 101 clearly visible. On Fuji color crystal archive paper.

La Conchita Area, View Looking North
Glossy aerial photograph of La Conchita area. View looking North. La Conchita "Strip" clearly visible. Rail line, Hwy. 101, Beach and Surf visible. Clear images of houses and roads. On Fuji color crystal archive paper.

Glossy aerial photograph of La Conchita looking North and slightly East and from a short distance from La Conchita. On Fuji color crystal archive paper.

Scene of a section of Pacific Coast Highway during its construction, circa 1915. A smoothed out surface ready for paving is shown. Rocky mountainside is on the right of photo, ocean on the left of photo.

Constructing Sea Wall Along Highway 1
Image of the construction of the sea wall along Highway 1 near Pt. Mugu. Men and building tools are spread out over the scaffolding attached to the cliff face. The ocean can be seen in the right hand side of the frame.

State Highway, Between Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, California postcard
Bird's eye view of Conejo Grade, Coast Highway showing the windy highway constructed on the mountainside. One car on the highway.
[Albertype Co., Brooklyn, N.Y., Postcards of Quality; Osborneís, Santa Barbara, California]

Highway 101--Camarillo Eucalyptus Tunnel
View of Highway 101 running through the middle of the photo flanked by eucalyptus trees on both sides, passing through Camarillo. Eucalyptus trees create a sort of tunnel around the highway. There is a lone car on the highway.

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Highway 101 at Lewis Road in Camarillo
Bird's eye view of the intersection of Lewis Road and Highway 101 in Camarillo, CA. Photo possibly taken from St. Mary Magdalene Chapel tower. Image shows many buildings, cars parked and mid drive, and a railroad track and crossing. In the background…

Pacific Coast Highway Construction
Image shows unpaved Pacific Coast Highway cutting through large rock formations. A picnic bench sits at the side of the unpaved highway on the left of the image.

Caution Signs on Wet Highway 101, 1926
Two caution signs on a wet Highway 101 after a storm. Highway adjacent to tall hill on one side, beach on the other. Two people visible on the beach. Photo has a white border around entire photo. Written on photo verso: "Dirt being replaced here on…

Old Horseshoe Curve on Conejo Grade
Bird's eye view of a section of road on the Conejo Grade that is in a horseshoe shape. Mountain that the road is cut into visible in image, as are mountains in the background of image. Mountainsides are covered with brush. Some safety guard rails…

Palm Trees on Rincon Highway
Image shows a view of Rincon Highway as it winds arounds the coastline. The sides of the highway are dotted with palm trees and utility poles. According to library records the palms were "planted by Gird Percy 1916 for Ventura County." Mountain…

Survey of a Portion of Lot 3, Broome Estate Ranch, Rancho Guadalasca
Survey of a portion of Lot 3 of the Broome Estate Ranch in Rancho Guadalasca. Made for the American Sugar Beet Company and Thornhill Broome. Shows a portion of the California State Highway and the grant line of Rancho El Rio de Santa Clara o la…
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