Browse Items (46 total)

Mission palm trees and garden
Mission palm trees and the Mission garden with Santa Clara House behind garden. The Hill School can be seen on the hill. A wooden fence is pictured on bottom right of photo. Photo is mounted and back of photo reads in pen: "Native Daughters".

Adobe building in Mission garden
Adobe building in the Mission garden with a man standing to the left of the building. Flowers are growing in front of the adobe, shown in photo foreground. There is a sign attached to the front of the adobe building. Writing in pen along the top of…

House with man standing in front yard.

Ventura County Courthouse and Elizabeth Bard Memorial Hospital.

William Rinebanger Home and Family
William Rinebanger and family in front yard of their home. One man (Wm. Rinebanger probably) and two women stand and two little girls sit in the grass in the front yard of the single level home. He is in a suit and the women and girls are wearing…

Looking South on First Street postcard
A view looking down Fir Street, although caption at top reads: "Looking South on First Street, Ventura, Cal." There are buildings on both sides of the street, and palm trees are visible in the foreground.
[Benham Co., Los Angeles, Cal., 2379 and…

Mayor's Residence postcard
View of the Ventura Mayor's residence. It is a large Victorian house with a short fence around it. A man holding a horse stands on a boardwalk in the foreground. Caption at top reads: "Mayor's Residence, Ventura, Cal."
[Brakey, J.R., Ventura, Cal.…

Ford no. 2 postcard
Landscape view of a ford on Nordhoff Road. A house is visible in the background behind trees. The ford is in the foreground. There is writing along the top and right side of the image. Caption at bottom reads: "Ford no. 2 on Nordhoff Road,…

Bottles at the Bottle Village postcard
View of bottles decorating the Bottle Village. They are lined up on pedestals and on the ground and are a variety of colors.
[Columbia Wholesale Supply, 11401 Chandler, North Hollywood, Calif., H3081 and58239]

Hotel Ventura postcard
Bird's-eye view of the Hotel Ventura. Cars are parked on the street in front of the building. The building appears to have five stories, and it is on the street corner. Caption at top reads: "Hotel Ventura, Ventura, Cal." Caption at bottom reads:…

County Hospital postcard
View of the County Hospital, a large building with a balcony over the porch. People are standing on the balcony. There is a garden next to the building. Caption at bottom: "County Hospital, Ventura, Cal."
[Mitchell, Edward H., San Francisco, Cal.,…

The Footills Hotel, Nordhoff Postcard
A three-story brown hotel sits against a hill with mountains behind it. The first story is covered with a plant with pink flowers that climbs up to the roof at the edges of the building. A sloping lawn extends from the front. It's dotted with trees,…

El Roblar Hotel Postcard
A side view of a white, two-story Spanish-style hotel. The front and side have covered patios suspended by rounded columns. A rounded stone archway is above the main entrance and attached to the stone walls that surround the entire hotel property.…

Oxnard Beet Sugar Factory postcard
Exterior view of Oxnard Beet Sugar Factory with its gardens in the foreground. "Photo by Lemon" in the bottom left corner of postcard.
[Cardinell-Vincent Co., San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, made in Germany for I.M. Poggi, S1206]

Senator Bard's Residence, Hueneme postcard
View of the exterior of Senator Bard's Residence, called Berylwood or the Bard Estate, from a side driveway. Most of the right side of the postcard is a garden of palm trees. There is a car parked in front of the home. It is illustrated…

Children Outside, Palm Street Kindergarten
Mounted snapshot of four children playing in an outdoor garden area at Palm Street Kindergarten. Three children are sitting amongst a plant. One girl is standing and holding a large plant leaf in front of her face.

Ventura, CA. Court House and Park, 1906 Post Card
Landscape view of the original Ventura County court house. A small courtyard garden with fountain sits to the left, with the large two story stone building in the middle and attached clock tower to the right.
Caption: "Ventura, Cal. Court House and…

Bonita McFarland Standing in Dahlia Garden
Bonita McFarland at the McFarland Ranch, stands in a dahlia garden smiling at the camera wearing a calf length dress. Dahlias reach as high as her shoulder.


Mr. & Mrs. Knox Takasugi with Tono and Frank Takasugi
Knox Takasugi (left) with his Italian wife (seated) and his parents, Tono and Frank Takasugi. This is a full-view group photo that is taken outside in a garden. The exterior front porch of a house is seen in the background.

Roses and Morning Glories
Closeup image of roses and morning glories in a garden. Flowers appear to be growing on a fence or trellis. Photo is mounted.

Outdoor full portrait of Susana Sanchez, wife of Arnulfo Sanchez, standing in a garden. She wears a light colored dress and smiles at the viewer.


Ventura County Hospital, 1900
Exterior side view of the Ventura County Hospital taken from the street in front of it. Garden at side of the hospital in the foreground. Two boys or men are sitting on the fence along the front of the hospital, while three figures stand on the…

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Three Dimensional Valentine's Day Card - Loving Greetings
Valentine's Day card that opens to reveal cupid in a flowery garden, a bouquet of purple flowers in between a boy and a girl. Reads "Loving Greetings" at fold.Greeting card cataloged and stored in library at: Collection of valentines, Christmas…

Three Palm Trees
Image shows three date palm trees standing in the San Buenaventura Mission orchard in early Ventura, CA. Originally there were four Arabian date palm trees in the orchard, which is in present day (2022) Mission Park. A man stands next to one of the…

Montalvo Home
An exterior view of a single-story wood home in Montalvo, possibly belonging to the Eaton family. An unidentified woman wearing an apron stands on the front lawn. Flowering bushes, shrubs and a small cypress tree decorate the front lawn.

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