Group photo of three men each holding on to one of three handles of a shovel that is ready to go into the ground. The men wear suits and ties and are at the Hueneme Harbor. Next to them is a drawing reading "artist's conception future expansion Port…
Children's parade down Main Street, Ventura. The children stand in a "V" formation holding with one hand what appear to be sheets that have been knotted together to form the "V." In their other hand, they hold US flags high up in the air. More…
A large crowd of men, women, and children gather along either side of the Pioneer Monument in Foster Park on the occasion of its dedication on June 9, 1934. The monument is comprised on a bronze plaque on a Sespe brownstone boulder that lists the…
Buena High graduates stand outdoors celebrating their graduation by holding up their diplomas and throwing mortarboards into the air. Young women appear to be wearing lighter colored graduation gowns than those of the young men. Ventura County…
Bird's eye view of a crowd gathered to greet Senator Bard at the Southern Pacific station in Ventura. There is a band ready to perform holding their instruments, mid image. Pioneer Society banner behind band. Several horse-drawn carriages are in the…
Panoramic group portrait for the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Masakatsu Iwamoto. Married in the first wedding conducted at Oxnard Buddhist Church in Oxnard, Calif. in 1931. Bride, groom, wedding party and guests are gathered outside the church for the…
Side view of the dedication ceremony taking place for the Ventura County Courthouse in 1913. Several people stand on the front entrance and side of the building. Chairs are set up in the grass in front of the building with several groups of people…
Groups of men wait for the arrival of President Theodore Roosevelt at the Southern Pacific Railroad Depot in Ventura. The depot looks adorned for the occasion with US flags, stars, and flowers. Sign on the depot reads "San Buenaventura." Tracks are…
Group photo of a large crowd gathered to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Southern Pacific Railroad coming to Santa Paula. The crowds cheers and watches a diesel engine pull a ceremonial 100th anniversary train into the station. Train in the…
A large crowd gathers around the outside of the Santa Paula Railroad Station and on the opposite side of the station across train tracks to commemorate the centennial anniversary of the first trains coming through Santa Paula. Railroad tracks run…
A large crowd gathers around the outside of the Santa Paula Railroad Station to commemorate the centennial anniversary of the first trains coming through Santa Paula. The railroad tracks are in the foreground. Some children and adults are seen…
Float decorated for Mexican Independence Day parade on September 16, 1935 in Filllmore, CA. Member of Círculo Nardo de Los Leñadores stand in front of the float wearing white ruffled dresses. A banner stands between them.
Five women pose for a group photo after a Mexican Independence Day. The women are members of Los Leñadores. They stand outdoors on a lawn and are all wearing long white dresses with corsages. Second from the right is Maria Sanchez.
Parade float carrying three children for the annual Fillmore May Festival/Cinco de Mayo parade in 1928. The float has a large ball and one girl sits on the ball while two older children, a girl and a boy, stand on either side of the ball. There are…
This image shows Anna Inadomi holding her infant son, George. They are posing for their picture in front of a parade float that has been created by the Inadomi Store for the Fillmore parade.
This image shows Iris and Kiyo Inadomi posing for a picture with a doll in a decorated stroller. They are dressed up in celebration of Oxnard's May Day Parade.
This image shows Iris and Kiyo Inadomi posing for a picture with a doll in a decorated stroller. They are dressed up in celebration of Oxnard's May Day Parade.
This image shows the participants of the first confirmation service at the Buddhist Church of Oxnard posing for a group photo in front of the Church building. This confirmation service was conducted by His Eminence the Renshi Shojo Ohtani of Hompa…
This is an image of Buddhist Church of Oxnard members posing in front of a decorative parade float. The children wear Japanese clothing.
(l-r): Miyoko Takeda, Hideko Mikuriya, Ayako Tagami, Kimi Hashimoto, Mitzie Kanamori, Chiyeko Mikuriya, Masako…
This image is a group portrait of the 1934 Obon Festival Committee and festival dancers posing inside the First Buddhist Church.
Back row (l-r): M. Takeda, Mrs. Suzuki, Mrs. M. Moriwaki, Fujie Hashimoto, George Yamashita, M. Kanda, J. Kanamori, M.…
This photo shows young dancers performing a dojo-sukui folk dance at the Buddhist Church of Oxnard. Miyoko Takeda is at left and Hiroshi Takeda is second from the left.
This image is a group portrait of the attendees at the wedding of Wataru and Shizue Tagami. The portrait is taken inside the Buddhist Church of Oxnard. Attendees and wedding party sit or stand around the bride and groom who are in the center. Girl on…
This snapshot shows Reverend Baba Serisei and his wife seated together at a birthday banquet in honor of the Reverend's birthday. Reverend Baba was a minister at the Japanese Methodist Church.