Browse Items (7121 total)

Erosion in Alfalfa Field
Snapshot of a man kneeling next to a plant examining it with one hand and possibly a measuring device in his other hand. His hat lays on the floor. Library records state: "Showing 18" erosion in alfalfa field."

Chamber of Oils and Mines Barbecue
Panoramic group photo of men standing at the Chamber of Oils and Mines Barbecue at Seaside Park, Ventura, California. Most of the men are wearing three piece suits and ties and are holding their hats in hand. A group of men on the right wear long…

Mill School Class Photo
Mill School class of Marie McVicar. A group of students stand in front of the school in an orderly line with their teacher on the far right.

Main Street at Seaward Avenue, Ventura
Shot from the middle of left turning lane (to turn at Seaward Ave.) on Main Street. There is oncoming traffic and cars to the right. A gas station is on the left corner and a store (Applegate's) on the right corner.

Superior Court Interior, Ventura
Interior view of the Superior Court in the Ventura County courthouse. View of the judge's bench and plaintiff and defendant desks.

Babe Ruth Field at Seaside Park
Bird's eye view of Babe Ruth Field at Seaside Park showing the entire baseball diamond and outfield. There are nine visible players on the field in various positions mid game. Residences and other buildings are in the background and advertisements…

Pipeline Construction Along Pierpont Boulevard
Pipeline construction along Pierpont Blvd. in the rain. A Caterpillar diesel tractor holds one end of the pipeline up, while four men try to place it. A man sits in the tractor with an umbrella open above his head.

Charles Petit, Ventura Councilman and Mayor
Photo of Charles W. Petit, dressed in a suit, tie, and hat standing next to Hill Cross. Grant Park in the background.

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Road Trip Group Photo, Stereopticon Print
Stereopticon print of a group of men and women on a road next to a Camino Real bell and an open car. Library records: "Group photo, Summit Casitas Pass Rd. Trip to Sta. Barbara. 3 auto loads. 21 May 1912. M/M Pelegrini; M/M Austin Pelegrini; M/M S.…

Group Photo, Ocean View Trail
Snapshot, group photo of 2 adults and 2 children on horseback on a rocky trail. "L-R: Alfonzo Vanegas, Kay Haley, Margaret Hunt, Walter Hoffman. Chismahoo Ranch, 28 June 1932, Ocean View Trail." Photo is in a decorative border, handwritten along the…

Pitting Apricots, Briggs Ranch
View of an apricot pitting shed, Briggs Ranch. A group of four women stand at one table, pitting apricots, and a a group of two women pit apricots at another table. One man works a machine, while two other men look at the camera, one holding a broom.…

George Loomis Oil Steamer
Ventura beach scene shows a group of mainly women and girls sitting near the beach shoreline at the foot of the photo, a horse and buggy with a man sitting in it next to them. The left side of the photo shows the Ventura Wharf with a docked oil…

Farm Implements
Farm equipment in a dirt yard next to what appears to be a red barn or shed. A man stands next to a car with an open door in the background. Library records state: "Farm implements donated by Martin "Bud" Smith from a ranch on Central Ave. Camarillo.…

Richard Barrett Haydock
Bust portrait of Richard Barrett Haydock (20 Mar 1867- 3 Jan 1960). He was the first mayor of Oxnard, 1903-1907, member of the Library Board 1906-59 (except years 1907-12). Mr. Haydock was responsible for securing the Carnegie Library for Oxnard.

Fritz Huntsinger
A portrait of Fritz Huntsinger. He appears to be standing, turned slightly towards the right of the camera, smiling with open mouth. He was born 8 June 1899 in Eimeldingen, Germany; died 1 May 1986, Ventura, California.

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Fritz Huntsinger Sparring with Jack Dempsey
Two men, Fritz Huntsinger and Jack Dempsey spar at Matilija Springs, near Ojai, California. A third, unidentified man watches them spar.


Christmas Tree in the Lobby of Ventura County Museum of History and Art
A Christmas tree stands in the lobby of the Ventura County Museum of History and Art, 1991.

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20-30 Club Meeting
A group photo of 22 men meeting for a 20-30 Club in 1942. Library resources identify 14 of the men as Alan Bryson, Gordon Lindsay, Ralph Viehrnan, Richard Nideffer, Harold Kelly, Clifford Yound, Nick (no last name recorded), Gordon Gill, Fred Baker,…

Highway Patrolmen with Three Women
Group photo of 7 highway patrol men standing with 3 young women seated in front. Library sources provide identities for some of the individuals pictured.
From right to left: Jack Miller, (unknown), Bernie Isensee, Bob Parr.

May Henning Grammar School Class Picture
Group photo of a grammar school class at the May Henning Grammar School with teacher, May Henning.

Interior of Hobson Brothers Meat Packing Company
Interior picture of Hobson Bros. Meatpacking Company. Butchered meat is visible on the left hand side. An unidentified woman stands against the right wall, looking at the camera. Two other unidentified people sit behind a counter at the back of the…

Police Officer Seated on Motorcycle, sepia
A police officer seated on a motorcycle. Writing in corner reads, "To my pal Bernie with best wishes for the New Year and a Merry Christmas. Rex."
Two copies available, one sepia and one black and white.

Easter Sunrise Service at Cross on the Hill
Exterior group photo facing southwest. A group of people attending the Easter sunrise church service at the Cross on the Hill. A small group of clergy members can be seen standing closest to the cross, while the rest of the congregation is circled…

Panorama of Port Hueneme Harbor
A panoramic view of Port Hueneme Harbor showing a portion of the beach and boats on the water.

Ventura Avenue Oil Field
A panoramic view of the Ventura Avenue oil field from a hill at Gosnell Bend.
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