Outdoor scene showing an unidentified priest ringing bells at Rancho Camulos. There are three bells on a white support. The biggest bell is cracked. The priest wears a black coat and black hat. A white fence runs behind the priest and bells. In…
View of a priest blessing women of the Del Valle family. There are numbers over each person in the image to help identify who they are. In ascending order: 1. Nina del Valle Cram, 2. Susanita del Valle, 3. Ysolbel del Valle Cram, 4. Natalia "Nachita"…
Portrait view of statue of Father Junipero Serra located in front of Ventura County courthouse. Statue visible on left side of postcard on a concrete base with plaque. Courthouse entrance is partially visible on right side of postcard and partial…
Boy at left back, Edward V. (Ted) Vanegas. Man in fur parka, Father O'Reilly (Mission SBV) on return from missionary trip to Alaska. Boy, left front, Ramon (Monte) Vanegas. Boy, right back, Alfonso…
Father Grogan stand near in front of the front door of the church at Mission San Buenaventura. There is a wooden chair in front of Father Grogan and he rests one hand on the back of the chair. There is a wooden bell on the ground next to him.
Outdoor group portrait of members of a young women's church group at St. Francis of Assisi Church. They young women pose with a priest in the middle of the group, and church in the background. All the women are dressed up in hats and dresses.
Drawn image portrait of Father Junipero Serra sitting in a wooden chair. His hair is styled in a tonsure (shaved at the crown) and he wears the simple hooded robe of the Franciscan Order, with a rosary on his corded belt. Text below the portrait…