Bird's eye view of the Wharf in Ventura, looking out toward the ocean. Caption: "The Wharf, Ventura, Calif."
[Brakey, J.R., Ventura, CAl. (Logo: Panama/California Exposition, San Diego, 1915), 3362 and 13237]
Many swimmers in a pool with onlookers sitting on a bench on the right side of postcard. Most swimmers are looking at the viewer, some appear to be practicing diving or learning to dive. Postcard is captioned "Hot Plunge at Wheeler's Springs,…
A car, people and horses are shown on left of postcard, and a storefront with Wheeler Hot Springs office sign in the front is on the left. Caption at bottom of postcard reads: "WHEELERS HOT SPRINGS. VENTURA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA."
[Albertype Co.,…
Scene with Wiley's Lake in foreground and mountains in background.
[Newman Post Card Co., Los Angeles, Cal., made in Germany for Richard Stephens, Fillmore, Cal.]
A man in a brown suit and hat with his hands on his hips stands amongst a collection of various grasses, yucca plants, and red flowers. Framing him from behind on either side are two thin, towering plants with white flowers. Mountains are visible in…