Browse Items (61 total)

Alice Cooney and Pupils at Del Norte School
Distant shot of Alice Cooney, teacher, and here pupils at Del Norte Grammar School. Students are gathered around Ms. Cooney and some are sitting on a railing. Some students are partially visible at the top of the photo standing in the bell tower…

American Sugar Beet Company Panorama
Sepia toned panorama of "American Sugar Beet Company,
Oxnard, California" "Photo # 685 SU Bunnell, 45 Stevenson Ave., Pasadena, California." Panorama includes buildings, landscaping, railroad tracks. Photograph taken from beet dump platform looking…

Anacapa Hotel, Ventura, Cal. Post Card
Caption: Anacapa Hotel. VENTURA, Cal.
Street view of the Anacapa Hotel. The three-story Victorian building has ornate ironwork along the roof spires, and covered walkways along its adjacent sidewalks. A figure stands in front of the entrance,…

Arnaz School Group Photo
Exterior view of Arnaz School, Ventura, a one room schoolhouse. A group of children poses in front of the school. There are mainly boys under a line of windows and mainly girls sitting on the front door step. The grounds around the school are…

At Ramona's Home at Camulos postcard
Colorized image of a person looking outside a window from "Ramona's Home" at Rancho Camulos. Person is wearing a red shirt with white cufflinks. White curtain is visible inside house. Green shutters and white bars on window. The wall of the house is…


Bank of A. Levy under Construction, Oxnard
Exterior view of Bank of A. Levy under construction on 5th and A streets. Image shows the front entrance and the left side of the building. Near the sidewalk on the left side of the bank are piles of debris with two men standing. There is a ladder on…

California Oil Museum postcard
A view of the front and side facades of the California Oil Museum in Santa Paula. The museum is in the same building where the Union Oil Company was organized in 1890. Building is made of brick or stone facing, with large glass windows on its ground…

Church in El Rio
Mounted group photo of the first church in "old El Rio." Exterior of church visible with many congregants in front of the building. There are horse and carriages in view. According to library records, was located at 101 freeway and Rose Avenue, "To…

Church in El Rio Interior
Mounted photo of the interior of the first church, appears to be a Catholic church, in "old El Rio." View is of the altar with a priest in front of it. Two men sit on the steps to the altar on either side of the priest, and two women sit in the…

Collins-Taylor Building, Ventura
Exterior front and side views of the Collins-Taylor building at the southwest corner of California and Main Streets in downtown Ventura, CA. Bank appears to be three stories and has a rounded corner where the entrance door is. There are some bicycles…

Construction of Casa Conejo
A man, possibly Jesse Wilbur and a young boy, son Carroll (Jack) Craig work on the construction of Conejo House (Wilbur Adobe).

Corner Sunparlor, Pierpont Inn, Ventura, Calif. postcard
Interior view of the "Corner Sunparlor, Pierpont Inn, Ventura, Calif.", which is written in the bottom left of postcard. Image shows a seating area next to a large window.
[No publisher stated; DOPS in stamp area]

County Hospital-Ventura postcard
Exterior view of the Ventura County Hospital building showing the front entrance, circular drive in front of it, and landscaping around building. The building is two stories, Spanish style, with many windows (some arched), and a tile roof.

Court House, Ventura postcard
Exterior view of the front entrance of the Ventura County Court House building. The building is made of stone. Steps lead up to the entrance. A lamppost sits on either side of the steps. There are two large columns on either side of the door. Three…

Daisy Sem Jue as a Woman
Full portrait of Daisy Sem Jue as an adult. She is turned toward the viewer's left. She leans against a building, between a door and a window.

E.W. Daily in an Automobile
Image portrays E. W. Daily behind the wheel of an early Ford coupe automobile. Behind him is A .J. Dingeman's Ford dealership in Oxnard. The outside walls of the dealership are made of brick. The interior of the dealership is partially visible…

Elizabeth Bard Memorial Hospital Street View postcard
Street view of Elizabeth Bard Memorial Hospital, captioned "Elizabeth Bard Memorial Hospital. Ventura, Cal." The street is on a steep incline, and there are palm trees and a stone wall along the sidewalk. Hedges, trees, and a lawn are…

Exterior of Cook Mansion
Exterior view of Cook Mansion taken from the back yard, looking upward. Image shows a long room attached to the back of the home with many windows on the left of the image, main home of the right. Also known as the Piru or Newhall Mansion.

Exterior of Home and Front Lawn
Photo of front view of home. Home unidentified, likely Crowley home.

Exterior of the Oxnard Ocean View School
The exterior of the Oxnard Ocean View School. Appears to be the back and side of the school. Image taken from the ground looking upward.

Exterior View of Oxnard Sugar Beet Factory
Image shows an exterior view of the main building of the Oxnard Sugar Beet Factory with a courtyard in front and buildings to the left and right of the image. In the courtyard there are several miniature palm trees. Shrubbery lines a fence with its…

First National Bank of Ventura, 1911
Mounted photograph of First National Bank, a three-story building at the corner of Main and California Streets in Ventura. The entrance is rounded and directly at the corner. A sculpted sign above the door says 'BANK', and on that corner of the third…

First National Bank Postcard
A three-story yellow building on a street corner. The entrance is rounded and directly at the corner. A sculpted sign above the door says 'BANK', and on that corner of the third floor is a plaque declaring '1899'. On the left side of the building,…

Foster Memorial Hospital postcard
View of Foster Memorial Hospital, a large building with bushes and trees around it. Several cars are parked next to the building. Caption at bottom reads: "Foster Memorial Hospital, Ventura."
[EKC in stamp area]


Front View of the Glen Tavern in Santa Paula
A front view of the Glen Tavern taken from across the street.
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