A scene of the coast in Ventura, California (as listed). A green field has a path cut through it, leading to a large brown house (?) is slightly to the right of center, surrounded by small white tents. Smaller brown buildings are at either edge of…
Landscape image of the California State School for Girls from a distance. Several buildings are visible along the base of rolling hillsides. A Model T vehicle drives along a winding road in the foreground, cutting through a field of…
Distant view of six large white buildings nestled on a hillside making up the California School for Girls in Ventura. A car is visible driving away from the school. "California School for Girls, Ventura, California" printed along the bottom of the…
A shot of an oak tree standing by itself in a field on the right. In the background are many more trees, possibly all oaks. A blue metal building is partially visible through the shrubbery in the bottom left of the shot.
[Columbia Publishing, 11401…
Postcard titled "Greetings from Ventura, Cal." featuring three images of Ventura: "Street Scene in Ventura," "San Buenaventura Misssion (Founded 1783)," and "Birds-eye view of Ventura." The background shows holly berries and leaves, clouds, and angel…
Image depicts a building with a white picket fence at Rancho Camulos. To the right of the building is a fence. Behind the fence is a line of trees. In the background are mountains and a cloud covering a mountain valley.
A black-and-white photo of a squat house with a stone wall in front being dwarfed by two palm trees that stretch high into a cloudy sky.
[MacGregor, J.J., Ventura, Cal.]
Scenic view of the Oxnard Plain looking south from Camarillo Heights. Mainly agricultural fields in view along with a few scattered houses. Mountain rain spans across the middle of the image, with clouds making up the top half of image.
Two photos stacked one above the other. The top image is taken from the water, facing towards a marina. A sailboat is on its way in, and a small boat and a ship full of passengers are on their way out.
The second image is a crowded beach. People are…
Hill Cross, Grant Park Cross, being raised on November 24, 1913. A crowd of people stand around the cross and the ocean and sky are visible in the background.
Seascape showing waves lapping the shore of a beach. A shoreline wraps around the water in the distance. Mountains in the far distance. Sky is very cloudy, with some sunlight making it through.