Exterior view of Santa Clara House, a two story hotel, with people standing and sitting on its front covered porch and on the second floor balcony. Two signs reading "Santa Clara House" are visible and two windows on the first floor read "Bakery."
Exterior view of Santa Paula Hardware Company Building. The two story building is located on a corner and the post office is visible on the right side of the image. There are several men standing around the building as well as horse drawn buggies.…
View of the Pacific Ocean. It depicts surf at the edge of the beach with waves rolling. "Brewster Ventura, Cal." is embossed on the brown cardstock to which the photo is mounted. There is a handwritten caption in white ink below the photo: "Old…
School class standing on front steps of school with some school administrators and/or teachers on top step. Back of photo reads:
"Harvey Rudolph"
"A. Rudolph-2nd from right, top row"
"Holton Webb principal"
Seated portrait of Jose de La Rosa, posing with a cane and guitar. He was the first printer in California and died in Ventura at the age of nearly 102.
A man dressed in a suit, tie and hat is sitting in the driver's seat of the Shaw's Soda Works delivery wagon. Two horses pull the wagon. "Acme Soda Works" is painted on the side of the driver's seat and "Mineral Waters" is painted on the side of the…
Image shows a boy sitting on of two huge squash. Squash are on Oak Street during the Ventura Street Fair of 1900. In the background are tall bleachers and a two story building.
Snapshot of Main Street before it was paved. Photograph was taken from the direction of Ventura Avenue. The mission bell tower can be seen in the distance.
Full portrait of Sol Sheridan, standing with a walking stick in one hand and leaning/resting an arm on an upholstered, fringed chair. Sol is wearing a suit and looking to the left of the viewer. The image has the number "2200" written on it, as well…
Image shows the steamboat from the side angle. There smoke stack in the middle of the boat emitting black smoke. The boat also has two masts, for supplemental sails, one to the front and one to the rear of the boat. Passengers on the vessel are…
Full, seated portrait of Mr. T. H. Warring. He wears a suit and tie and sits facing the camera but gazing to the right of the viewer. He sits on an upholstered chair with his hat in hand.
Rectangular portrait bust of Thomas G. Ruiz sitting and staring straight ahead with a light smile. He is wearing a three piece suit with a pocket watch chain and lapel pin in view. Thomas G. Ruiz was the fifth child of Gabriel and Rafaela Cota Ruiz.…
Bust portrait of Thomas Ruiz looking to the right of the camera. He was born Mar. 24, 1866 and died Dec. 25, 1945 at age 79. Library records state: "hijo de Rafaela Cota y Gabriel Ruiz."
Image shows three date palm trees standing in the San Buenaventura Mission orchard in early Ventura, CA. Originally there were four Arabian date palm trees in the orchard, which is in present day (2022) Mission Park. A man stands next to one of the…