Browse Items (3 total)

Hauling Sugar Beets, Oxnard, Cal. postcard
Colorized outdoor scene showing a ten mule team pulling two carts of sugar beets on an unpaved dirt road. There is a man in the driver's seat of the carts with reins in hands. Another man stands to the right of the front cart and is wearing a dark…

Mabel and Harry Nelson with Their Burro
View of Mabel and Harry Nelson as children sitting in a wagon hitched to a donkey. Mabel, wearing a bonnet, is leaning forward to look at the viewer. Harry's face is partially obscured by a wagon wheel. Shadow of the photographer is visible on the…

Sisquoc Rangers
Library records state: "Sisquoc Rangers - The Hunting Club of the Nineties (1890's)." Photo is of a man on horseback in a field and a donkey near him.
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