Browse Items (7275 total)

Street Scene on Main Street, Santa Paula
View looking down Main Street in Santa Paula, photographed is a building called "Bootery". A man is standing under a lamp post. Automobiles are parked along the sidewalk and also driving down the street.

Foster Park Bridge Wreckage
Foster Park Bridge after it was wrecked in storm of 1914. Broken wooden beams tilt down towards the river on the left sides of the image. Two triangular supports can be seen with wire (?) stretching down to the ground. Hills and trees are on the…

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San Buenaventura Mission Church
Street view of the San Buenaventura Mission Church. A man is standing in front of the building. Old Hill School tower is pictured in the upper left.

Leading Venturans Wearing Flu Masks
Group photo of 15 prominent men and 1 boy standing in front of a building wearing flu masks over their faces during the flu epidemic of 1918. One man has his mask down and has a pipe in his mouth.

Persons are not specifically identified, but some…

Ventura County Court House, 1915
Street view of the Ventura County Court House. A man is sitting on a railing in front of the court house. An automobile is parked in front of the court house, in the lower right hand corner of the image. Museum records indicate that the Pioneer…

Ventura Avenue, 1880
Bird's eye view of Ventura Avenue, looking north from Main Street. Tico Adobe is pictured on viewer's left foreground. A horse drawn cart are on a dirt road. Fields, trees and houses line the road.

The Mission Church, 1866
Oval photograph of San Buenaventura Mission Church with 6 people in front. Hills can be seen in the background.

Tico Adobe, 1910
Tico Adobe on Main Street and Ventura Avenue. There are street signs in the front of the adobe.

Eugene Preston Foster
Bust portrait of Eugene Preston Foster. He is wearing a suit and tie and looking straight at the camera. He has a neutral expression.


San Buenaventura Reservoir
Birds eye view of San Buenaventura Reservoir and surrounding area. The image is looking east from Hill School. Palm Street runs down the center of the image and on the left is Oak Street. The pier can be seen in the distance. San Buenaventura, 1875…

Hueneme in 1890
Image shows people standing in front of buildings in Hueneme from across a dirt road identified as Market Street. A horse and carriage can be seen in the distance. Business names are hard to decipher, but businesses with names in front of them are…

Exterior View of Court House on Santa Clara Street, Ventura
Street view of the court house with an American flag flying. A group of people are standing to the side of the building and horses and buggies are in front. A caption written below the images states: "The court house was remodeled in 1900 and used…

Mrs. Sofie Maulhardt
Portrait of a woman named Mrs. Sofie Maulhardt. She is wearing a black dress with white ruffles around the collar as well as earrings and a chain, possibly a necklace.

Group Photo of the Masons
Group photo of Masons. Men in suits are standing and seated in front of a backdrop featuring painted curtains and a bird of some sort.

Tromping Lima Beans
Horses and workers tromping onto lima beans into the dirt floor on M.D.L. Todd Ranch.

The Ship Bonita
Black and white photograph of the ship Bonita run aground. It is floating on the ocean, very close to shore.

Families in Front of a Grocery Store
A group of people, including the Fulkerson, Barnes, and Randall families, stand in front of vehicles and A.E. Freeman Groceries. Museum records indicate this as The "Triangle" Trip.

Chautauqua Building Ventura Beach
Exterior view of Chautauqua building at Ventura Beach. A group of people and several automobiles can be seen in front of the building. This is the front west of Pierpont Bay.

Stage at Armory Hall
State setup for Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Convention. A large American flag hangs as a backdrop and empty chairs fill the stage. A banner that reads "Cushing Post" Ventura is hanging center stage. Floral arrangements also decorate the stage.

Model of proposed Ventura County Forum of the Arts
Black and white photograph of a model of the proposed Ventura County Forum of the Arts building high above downtown Ventura on 14- acre site (Serra Cross - Grant Park)

F.E. Morrill & Sons Groceries and Hotel Montalvo
Exterior street view of five people standing on the porch in front of F.E. Morrill & Son General Merchandise store in Montalvo.

Model of Proposed Ventura County Forum of the Arts
Black and white photograph of a model of the proposed Ventura County Forum of the Arts building high above downtown Ventura on 14- acre site (Serra Cross - Grant Park)

Model of Proposed Ventura County Forum of the Arts
Black and white photograph of a model of the proposed Ventura County Forum of the Arts building high above downtown Ventura on 14- acre site (Serra Cross - Grant Park)

F.E. Morrill & Son Groceries, Montalvo
Exterior street view of Morrill & Sons Groceries. Nine men are standing either on the porch or in front of the store. A baking powder advertisement can be seen on the side of the building.

Model of Proposed Ventura County Forum of the Arts
Black and white photograph of a model of the proposed Ventura County Forum of the Arts building high above downtown Ventura on 14- acre site (Serra Cross - Grant Park)
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