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Leather Top Hat Box
(Hatbox) Leather top hat box; stamped with “A. Levy”; lined with blue and white striped fabric.
Achille Levy came to Ventura County from France in the 1870s. Here he grew his business from agricultural broker at the Port of Hueneme to the largest…

2013 Thrill the World-Ventura Dancers
[User contributed description]
From approximately 2009 to 2016, Ventura County residents participated in a global charity dance event called "Thrill the World." At the same time all around the world, people would dance to Michael Jackson's…

Ralston Street Scheme "A"
Map showing Victoria Avenue, Ralston Street, and Telephone Road. Five lots lettered A-E are shown along Ralston and an unnamed street. Two adjacent lots are labeled as a residence and a proposed commercial area.

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Mortar and Pestle with Cooking Bowl
A gray, coarse-grained steatite bowl; globular shape with rounded bottom; exterior is blackened from fire.

Stone mortar and pestle; rounded on one end; found and taken from Somis. Donated to the Museum.

Metate; round shape with surface…

Projectile Points and Arrow Shaft Straightener
Straightener; single grooved, elliptical in shape with rounded upper surface, flat bottom.

Projectile points; found and taken from San Miguel Island. Donated to the Museum.

Bone Whistles
Whistle made from deer tibia with distal end broken off; proximal end has asphaltum over a hole, which shows the imprint of a shell that was once adhered there; found and taken from a cave in Northwest Ventura County. Donated to the Museum.


Shell Beads and Adornments
Triangular and trapezoidal abalone shell ornaments; one biconically drilled hole at each corner; some cross-hatching.

Fishhooks and Net Weight
Barb section of a composite fishhook made of bone.

Mussel-shell fishhook; circular with parallel grooved shank; notch runs parallel to the length; rounded and deep on one face; found and taken from Rincon Point in the 1960s. Donated to the…

Steatite Pipes
Tubular, gray steatite pipe; one end tapers narrower than the other.

Some pipes found and taken from the Thurmond Ranch in Saticoy; one from Rincon area. Donated to the Museum.

Digging Stick Weights
Black porous stone, circular with a hole in center.

Digging stick weight; made from natural unmodified cobble by pecking; biconically bored hole.

Chumash Basket
Coiled pedestal-base basket; foundation three-rod juncus, split juncus stitches, 12 stitches to one inch; reinforced rim, stitches completely cover foundation; tapered coil finish.

Map of Preliminary Grading Plan for Tract Number 1548-3
Map of preliminary grading plan for Tract number 1548-3. Shows Kimber Drive at intersection with Daniel Street. Indicates school site to north-northwest of Kimber Drive. Profile drawings of curb and gutter included.

Map of Preliminary Grading Plan of Tract Number 1548-3 on Kimber Drive East of Intersection with Reino Road
Map of preliminary grading plan of Tract Number 1548-3 on Kimber Drive east of intersection with Reino Road. Land parcels on Kimber Drive numbered 313 to 323 indicated. Walter Avenue shown projecting northward from Kimber Drive between parcels 315…

Plan and Profile of Sewers for Tract Number 1548-3
Plan and profile of sewers for Tract number 1548-3. Map divided into two sections. Top shows slope of land and location of underground sewer segments. Bottom shows Kimber Road at intersections with Reino Road and Walter Avenue. Shows land parcels on…

Revised Map of Preliminary Grading Plan for Tract Number 1548-3 on Kimber Drive East of Intersection with Reino Road
Revised map of preliminary grading plan for Tract number 1548-3 on Kimber Drive east of intersection with Reino Road. Land parcels on Kimber Drive numbered 313 to 323 indicated. Walter Avenue shown extending northward from Kimber Drive between…

Plan and Profile of Kimber Drive at Tract Number 1548-3, Ventura County
Plan and profile of Kimber Drive at Tract number 1548-3. Map divided into two sections. Top shows grade of curb in relation to preexisting slope line. Bottom shows Kimber Drive at intersection with Daniel Street. Curbs and gutters indicated.

Plan and Profile of Tract Number 1548-3, Ventura County
Plan and profile of Kimber Drive at Tract number 1548-3, Ventura County. Map divided into two sections. Top shows grade of curb. Bottom shows Kimber Drive. Curbs and gutters indicated. Shows intersections with Reino Road and Walter Avenue.

Plan and profile of sewers of Kimber Drive, Tract No. 1548-3. Top half of sheet shows grid elevation profile and finished ground over sewers. Bottom half of sheet shows map of Kimber Drive and Daniel Street with sewers indicated in bold line.

Oxnard Western Motorlodge postcard
Color photograph postcard of the Oxnard Western Motelodge. Includes an aerial view of the motel, parking lot and swimming pool. An illustrated drawing of a young Native American is printed in the bottom right corner.
[E.F. Clements, 1120 Mission ,…

Coastal Survey Map from 1855 survey.

J. F. Roth and Juanita
Portrait of J. F. Roth seated, with his wife Juanita standing behind him on the right of the photo. Roth wears a dark pinstriped suit, a thick mustache, and curly hair parted on his left. Juanita wears a dark dress with a lace collar, several tiers…

Arthur R. Pidduck Home on Hueneme Road After Navy Jet Crash
Arthur R. Pidduck home on Hueneme Road after Navy jet crash. Shows a house with a large burnt-out and collapsed portion. A smoldering crater, people, and a truck are visible in the foreground. A field and trees are visible in the background.

A.R. Pidduck Home After Navy Jet Crash
A.R. Pidduck home after Navy jet crash. Shows debris, rubble, and smoke. Components of a house visible through smoke in the background.

A.R. Pidduck Home After Navy Jet Crash
A.R. Pidduck home after Navy jet crash. Shows debris, rubble, and smoke.
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