Browse Items (7121 total)

Joe Russell, Sr. on Horseback
Side view of Joe Russell, Sr. on horse, Jim, ready to work cattle. Taken in Conejo.

Joe Schwartz at the Fillmore Historical Museum
View of Joe Schwartz looking at railroad artifacts at the Fillmore Historical Museum. Schwartz is shown on the left side of the view, leaning on a glass display case that contains the artifacts. Schwartz wears a dark jacket, light pants, a tie, and…

Joe Villa, Santa Paula High School Graduation Photo, 1940
Joe Villa stands in a doorway, probably on the campus of Santa Paula High School, in graduation gap and gown. He smiles at the camera.

Joel McCrea
Portrait of Joel McCrea from the waist up. He is wearing a jacket, tie, and cowboy hat. He is smiling at the viewer.

Johanna Overby Picking Pumpkins
Johanna Overby in foreground of image, picks a large pumpkin from a pumpkin patch. In the background is the Benjamin Dudley home on Telegraph Road in Ventura.

John A. Barry
Three quarters portrait of John A. Barry, side view, leaning slightly against an upholstered chair. He is wearing a suit and bowtie, as well as a beard. J. A. Barry was a surveyor and Ventura County pioneer.

John A. Barry
Oval bust portrait of J. A. Barry, in a suit and bow tie. Photo taken later in his life. Museum records indicate he was Assessor from 1907-1910.

John and Dee Duarte De La Rosa
John and Dee Duarte De La Rosa pose for a photo standing on a sidewalk near parked cars. He is dressed in a suit and tie, and she is wearing a blouse and skirt outfit with a corsage. John has one arm around Dee's shoulders and another in his pocket.…

John Arneill Family
Portrait of the John Arneill Family. Three men, three women, and three children sit or stand, looking at the viewer. Records indicate "Mrs. John Arneill standing between two young men."

John Brown's son outside a cabin
Two of John Brown's sons outside a cabin on Brown's Trail

John Calvin Brewster self portrait
Formal photographic self-portrait of J.C. Brewster,
3/4, standing, right arm resting of chair back, left hand in pocket

John Calvin Brewster
Three-quarters self portrait of J. C. Brewster, in a suit with a long coat and top hat. He rests one hand in a pant pocket and rests an arm on an upholstered chair back, leaning slightly into the chair. He gazed to the right of the viewer.

John Dent on Horseback
John Dent sitting horseback at Dent Ranch. Dent and the horse are both facing to the viewer's left. Dent is wearing a white shirt and hat. The horse is dark with a white stripe down its nose.

Veteran John Hankins is interviewed about his military service career. Mr. Hankins is a Vietnam Veteran.

John Hughes and Jennie Rivera Wedding Portrait
Full portrait of Jennie Rivera, standing, and John Hughes for the occasion of their wedding. Jennie wears a dark dress with white gloves and is holding what appear to be white fabric ribbons in one hand. John is seated in a chair wearing a suit with…

John Inadomi Funeral Service
This image shows the Inadomi family gathered at the Bardsdale Cemetary for a funeral service for John Inadomi.
From left-right: John Inadomi, Chiyeko Inadomi (child), Manuel K. Inadomi, Yoshiharu Inadomi (child), Mrs. John Inadomi, Taduko Inadomi…

John Larronde Poses with Surfboards
John Larronde poses with his two surfboards next to a tree. One board has stripes the other is solid. Both are almost double the man's height. John is wearing a plaid shirt and pants and is looking to the viewer's right.

Museum notes indicate the…

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John Larronde with Surfboard
Shows John Larronde standing on a beach with his surfboard upright behind him. Larronde is wearing swimwear and is barefoot. Lettering on the surfboard reads "JEOL." The ocean is visible in the background.

John Locke in Front of Matilija Spillway
View of the Matilija Dam spillway. John Locke stands to the right, looking towards the viewer.

John Madison Company Hardware
Front view of John Madison Company Hardware in Saticoy, California.

John Madison Company Store

John Marshall Historical Figure
John Marshall was born on the Virginia frontier and served as an officer in the Continental army. A staunch Federalist, he was appointed Chief Justice by John Adams, and established the direction of the judiciary in the new democracy.This sculpture…


John Montgomery
Seated portrait of John Montgomery as on older man. He is seated on a wooden chair with one arm leaning on an armrest. His legs are crossed. He is looking to the right of the viewer.

John Newby
Bust portrait of John Newby, a young man, looking to the right of the viewer. He wears a coat and tie.


John Peabody Harrington
Portrait of John Peabody Harrington, seated outdoors with a large boulder behind him. He is in a suit and tie looking at the viewer.


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