Browse Items (10 total)

Wagon Loaded with Vegetables
Outdoor photo of two horse-pulled wagon fully loaded with vegetables. Men pickers visible standing behind fully loaded wagon. Oxnard fields.

Ventura County Fair Display, 1930
A woman stands holding a bowl of fruits or vegetables in a room set up as a fair display. Display includes a picnic table set up with two mannequins sitting at the table. Display also includes fruits and vegetables displayed on the table and on the…

Sugar Beets on Display
Shows five sugar beets on display at the 1921 Ventura County Fair. A measuring stick is between the second and third beets, from the left. Measurements of the beets are not legible.

Small Boy Sitting on Squash at Street Fair
Image shows a boy sitting on of two huge squash. Squash are on Oak Street during the Ventura Street Fair of 1900. In the background are tall bleachers and a two story building.

Produce Displays
Shows various kinds of produce on display at the 1921 Ventura County Fair. Gourds, apricots, fruit preserves, and more are shown. Light display with prop oil towers in background.

Oxnard Produce Exhibit, Ventura County Fair
Closeup view of an Oxnard produce exhibit at the Ventura County Fair. A picket fence surrounds the display which consists of fruit displayed around a three tiered display stand that is holding plates of various vegetables and fruit. The top tier also…

Loading Vegetables on Wagon
Outdoor photo of men loading crated vegetables on horse-pulled wagon. Oxnard fields.

Harvesting Vegetables
Outdoor photo of men harvesting vegetables. Horse-pulled wagon visible in field. Oxnard fields.

Harvesting Vegetables
Outdoor photo of men harvesting and packing vegetable crops. Oxnard fields.

Harvesting Vegetables
Outdoor photo of men harvesting vegetables in Oxnard field.
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