The following description was submitted by an outside party. The views expressed are the individual’s own and are not representative of the Museum of Ventura County.
[User contributed description]
A city utility box painted by artist Michelle…
Shows needlepoint artists, Mrs. Jerome Berenson (left) and Mrs. Robert M. Duntley. Between them is a needlepoint quilt or rug depicting California wildflowers. Each woman holds additional needlework squares in her lap. Both women were associated with…
[User contributed description]
This postcard is from a special exhibit for the Museum of Ventura County from 2002. The pastel drawing was created by artist Jannene Behl and is called "Spring Passion."
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It is special as it was the opening day of the new Channel Islands Maritime Museum. So many people helped to make this day possible including Harry Nelson and Martin "Bud" Smith. Both Harry and Bud have passed but the…
Painting shows five black swans floating in a pond with vegetation all around them. In the foreground a type tall pond grass. In the background magnolia flowers blossom, somewhat shrouding one of the swans behind its branches.