Browse Items (14 total)

Ventura Junior College
Exterior view of Ventura Junior College. Shows two-story brick building with walkway leading to entrance. Garden bed splits the walkway. Palm trees line the building and ivy grows on the walls.

Ventura Junior College
Front facing post card of Ventura Junior College. A car is parked near the front entrance to the left of it, and two sidewalks leading up to the entrance in foreground. "Ventura Junior College" written in bottom right corner in white lettering.

Thille Home on Telegraph Road
View of a large Italianate style home from the front. Trees surround the building. There is tree brush hanging down in front of the camera somewhat obscuring the roof of the home. Another tree a portion of the right side of the house. In the widow's…

Thille Home on Telegraph Road
View of an Italianate style home from the front. The entirety of the front of the house is visible. One tree is can be seen to the right of the image which covers up a room on the second story of the home from this angle. The widow's walk is topped…

Thille Home on Telegraph Road.
View of an Italianate style home from the front. The entirety of the front of the house is visible. One tree is can be seen to the right of the image which covers up a room on the second story of the home from this angle. The widow's walk is topped…

Thille Home on Telegraph Road
View of a large Italianate style home from the front. Trees surround the building. There is tree brush hanging down in front of the camera somewhat obscuring the roof of the home. Another tree a portion of the right side of the house. In the widow's…

Schiappapietra Home
Exterior front view of the Schiappapietra family home. Home was on the north side of Santa Clara St. just east of Figueroa St. Sidewalk, fence and yards around the house visible.

[Library records indicate this photo is a copy.]

Schiappa Pietra Home and Mission Buildings
Bird's eye view of the Schiappa Pietra, or Schiappapietra, home and San Buenaventura Mission buildings taken from hills behind the mission just northeast of the mission. The back of the Schiappa Pietra home on Santa Clara Street visible on left of…

Schiappa Pietra Home
Exterior view of the Schiappapietra, or Schiappa Pietra, house on Santa Clara Street near Palm Street. Dirt road and sidewalk in front of the home visible. The home's fence and side yards visible as well. It was situated behind the American Legion…

Hotel Rose post card
Exterior view of Rose Hotel, street in foreground, houses in background. Caption on bottom of post card: "Hotel Rose, Ventura, Cal."

Hotel Oxnard postcard
View of Hotel Oxnard exterior with sidewalk and street in foreground. Grounds around the hotel are visible as is a church (?) to the right of photo behind the hotel. Caption at top reads: "Hotel Oxnard," Oxnard, Cal.
[Newman Company, Los Angeles,…

Hill School post card
Exterior view of Hill School, dirt road in foreground. School has a Unites States flag atop. Caption: "Hill School, Ventura, Cal."
[Newman Post Card Company; Brakey, J.R., Ventura, Cal.; Made in Germany]
Exterior of the Ferro Residence, built by J. Ma--ney in early 1880s for Antonio Schiappa Pietra at Stanta Clara Street near Palm.

Antonio Schiappa Pietra Home
Exterior front view of the Schiappa Pietra family home on Santa Clara Street, between Figueroa and Palm Streets. The house was an Italianate mansion, razed in 1958, although the photograph reads "razed in 1956." Dirt road and sidewalk in front of the…
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